Early Motor Signs in Pathologically Verified Alzheimer's Disease and Lewy Body Disease. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2025 Jan 23.
Oh DM, Jiao JM, Wang X, Ahuja A, Caceres NA, Clark KA, Chui H, Ringman JM. PMID: 39846482.
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X-chromosome-wide association study for Alzheimer's disease. Mol Psychiatry. 2024 Dec 04.
Le Borgne J, Gomez L, Heikkinen S, Amin N, Ahmad S, Choi SH, Bis J, Grenier-Boley B, Rodriguez OG, Kleineidam L, Young J, Tripathi KP, Wang L, Varma A, Campos-Martin R, van der Lee S, Damotte V, de Rojas I, Palmal S, EADB, GR@ACE, DEGESCO, EADI, GERAD, DemGene, FinnGen, ADGC, CHARGE, Lipton R, Reiman E, McKee A, De Jager P, Bush W, Small S, Levey A, Saykin A, Foroud T, Albert M, Hyman B, Petersen R, Younkin S, Sano M, Wisniewski T, Vassar R, Schneider J, Henderson V, Roberson E, DeCarli C, LaFerla F, Brewer J, Swerdlow R, Van Eldik L, Hamilton-Nelson K, Paulson H, Naj A, Lopez O, Chui H, Crane P, Grabowski T, Kukull W, Asthana S, Craft S, Strittmatter S, Cruchaga C, Leverenz J, Goate A, Kamboh MI, George-Hyslop PS, Valladares O, Kuzma A, Cantwell L, Riemenschneider M, Morris J, Slifer S, Dalmasso C, Castillo A, Küçükali F, Peters O, Schneider A, Dichgans M, Rujescu D, Scherbaum N, Deckert J, Riedel-Heller S, Hausner L, Molina-Porcel L, Düzel E, Grimmer T, Wiltfang J, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Moebus S, Tegos T, Scarmeas N, Dols-Icardo O, Moreno F, Pérez-Tur J, Bullido MJ, Pastor P, Sánchez-Valle R, Álvarez V, Boada M, García-González P, Puerta R, Mir P, Real LM, Piñol-Ripoll G, García-Alberca JM, Royo JL, Rodriguez-Rodriguez E, Soininen H, de Mendonça A, Mehrabian S, Traykov L, Hort J, Vyhnalek M, Thomassen JQ, Pijnenburg YAL, Holstege H, van Swieten J, Ramakers I, Verhey F, Scheltens P, Graff C, Papenberg G, Giedraitis V, Boland A, Deleuze JF, Nicolas G, Dufouil C, Pasquier F, Hanon O, Debette S, Grünblatt E, Popp J, Ghidoni R, Galimberti D, Arosio B, Mecocci P, Solfrizzi V, Parnetti L, Squassina A, Tremolizzo L, Borroni B, Nacmias B, Spallazzi M, Seripa D, Rainero I, Daniele A, Bossù P, Masullo C, Rossi G, Jessen F, Fernandez V, Kehoe PG, Frikke-Schmidt R, Tsolaki M, Sánchez-Juan P, Sleegers K, Ingelsson M, Haines J, Farrer L, Mayeux R, Wang LS, Sims R, DeStefano A, Schellenberg GD, Seshadri S, Amouyel P, Williams J, van der Flier W, Ramirez A, Pericak-Vance M, Andreassen OA, Van Duijn C, Hiltunen M, Ruiz A, Dupuis J, Martin E, Lambert JC, Kunkle B, Bellenguez C. PMID: 39633006.
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Decreased functional connectivity is associated with increased levels of Cerebral Spinal Fluid soluble-PDGFRβ, a marker of blood brain barrier breakdown, in older adults. Brain Imaging Behav. 2024 Sep 10.
Contreras JA, Fujisaki K, Ortega NE, Barisano G, Sagare A, Pappas I, Chui H, Ringman JM, Joe EB, Zlokovic BV, Toga AW, Pa J. PMID: 39254921.
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Cellular senescence induced by cholesterol accumulation is mediated by lysosomal ABCA1 in APOE4 and AD. Res Sq. 2024 May 14.
Wang S, Li B, Cai Z, Hugo C, Li J, Sun Y, Qian L, Remaley AT, Tcw J, Chui HC, Bennett DA, Arvanitakis Z, Kerman B, Yassine H. PMID: 38798644; PMCID: PMC11118681.
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20-year depressive symptoms, dementia, and structural neuropathology in older women. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 05; 20(5):3472-3484.
Petkus AJ, Wang X, Younan D, Salminen LE, Resnick SM, Rapp SR, Espeland MA, Gatz M, Widaman KF, Casanova R, Chui H, Barnard RT, Gaussoin SA, Goveas JS, Hayden KM, Henderson VW, Sachs BC, Saldana S, Shadyab AH, Shumaker SA, Chen JC. PMID: 38591250; PMCID: PMC11095467.
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Assessment of arterial pulsatility of cerebral perforating arteries using 7T high-resolution dual-VENC phase-contrast MRI. Magn Reson Med. 2024 Aug; 92(2):605-617.
Tang J, Heidari Pahlavian S, Joe E, Gamez MT, Zhao T, Ma SJ, Jin J, Cen SY, Chui HC, Yan L. PMID: 38440807; PMCID: PMC11186522.
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Asian Cohort for Alzheimer's Disease (ACAD) pilot study on genetic and non-genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease among Asian Americans and Canadians. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 03; 20(3):2058-2071.
Ho PC, Yu WH, Tee BL, Lee WP, Li C, Gu Y, Yokoyama JS, Reyes-Dumeyer D, Choi YB, Yang HS, Vardarajan BN, Tzuang M, Lieu K, Lu A, Faber KM, Potter ZD, Revta C, Kirsch M, McCallum J, Mei D, Booth B, Cantwell LB, Chen F, Chou S, Clark D, Deng M, Hong TH, Hwang LJ, Jiang L, Joo Y, Kang Y, Kim ES, Kim H, Kim K, Kuzma AB, Lam E, Lanata SC, Lee K, Li D, Li M, Li X, Liu CL, Liu C, Liu L, Lupo JL, Nguyen K, Pfleuger SE, Qian J, Qian W, Ramirez V, Russ KA, Seo EH, Song YE, Tartaglia MC, Tian L, Torres M, Vo N, Wong EC, Xie Y, Yau EB, Yi I, Yu V, Zeng X, St George-Hyslop P, Au R, Schellenberg GD, Dage JL, Varma R, Hsiung GR, Rosen H, Henderson VW, Foroud T, Kukull WA, Peavy GM, Lee H, Feldman HH, Mayeux R, Chui H, Jun GR, Ta Park VM, Chow TW, Wang LS. PMID: 38215053; PMCID: PMC10984480.
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Use of the Spanish English Neuropsychological Assessment Scale in older adult Latines and those at risk for autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2023 08; 45(6):553-569.
Tureson KN, Beam CR, Medina LD, Segal-Gidan F, D'Orazio LM, Chui H, Torres M, Varma R, Ringman JM. PMID: 37990912; PMCID: PMC10926998.
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Etiology of White Matter Hyperintensities in Autosomal Dominant and Sporadic Alzheimer Disease. JAMA Neurol. 2023 12 01; 80(12):1353-1363.
Shirzadi Z, Schultz SA, Yau WW, Joseph-Mathurin N, Fitzpatrick CD, Levin R, Kantarci K, Preboske GM, Jack CR, Farlow MR, Hassenstab J, Jucker M, Morris JC, Xiong C, Karch CM, Levey AI, Gordon BA, Schofield PR, Salloway SP, Perrin RJ, McDade E, Levin J, Cruchaga C, Allegri RF, Fox NC, Goate A, Day GS, Koeppe R, Chui HC, Berman S, Mori H, Sanchez-Valle R, Lee JH, Rosa-Neto P, Ruthirakuhan M, Wu CY, Swardfager W, Benzinger TLS, Sohrabi HR, Martins RN, Bateman RJ, Johnson KA, Sperling RA, Greenberg SM, Schultz AP, Chhatwal JP, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network and the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 37843849; PMCID: PMC10580156.
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Alzheimer's Related Neurodegeneration Mediates Air Pollution Effects on Medial Temporal Lobe Atrophy. medRxiv. 2023 Nov 29.
Petkus AJ, Salminen LE, Wang X, Driscoll I, Millstein J, Beavers DP, Espeland MA, Braskie MN, Thompson PM, Casanova R, Gatz M, Chui HC, Resnick SM, Kaufman JD, Rapp SR, Shumaker S, Younan D, Chen JC. PMID: 38076972; PMCID: PMC10705654.
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Association between late-life air pollution exposure and medial temporal lobe atrophy in older women. medRxiv. 2023 Nov 29.
Wang X, Salminen LE, Petkus AJ, Driscoll I, Millstein J, Beavers DP, Espeland MA, Erus G, Braskie MN, Thompson PM, Gatz M, Chui HC, Resnick SM, Kaufman JD, Rapp SR, Shumaker S, Brown M, Younan D, Chen JC. PMID: 38077091; PMCID: PMC10705610.
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Association Between Self- and Proxy-Reported Depression and Quality of Life in Mild-Moderate Alzheimer's Disease. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2024 01; 32(1):58-67.
Joe E, Segal-Gidan F, Cummings JL, Galasko D, Tomaszewski Farias S, Johnson DK, Ross L, Yaffe K, Wang X, Schneider LS, Chui H, Ringman JM, California Alzheimer's Disease Center Investigators. PMID: 37827916; PMCID: PMC10843510.
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White matter hyperintensity volume modifies the association between CSF vascular inflammatory biomarkers and regional FDG-PET along the Alzheimer's disease continuum. Neurobiol Aging. 2023 12; 132:1-12.
Tubi MA, Wheeler K, Matsiyevskiy E, Hapenney M, Mack WJ, Chui HC, King K, Thompson PM, Braskie MN, for Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 37708739; PMCID: PMC10843575.
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Multi-ancestry genome-wide meta-analysis of 56,241 individuals identifies LRRC4C, LHX5-AS1 and nominates ancestry-specific loci PTPRK , GRB14 , and KIAA0825 as novel risk loci for Alzheimer's disease: the Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium. medRxiv. 2023 Jul 08.
Rajabli F, Benchek P, Tosto G, Kushch N, Sha J, Bazemore K, Zhu C, Lee WP, Haut J, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Wheeler NR, Zhao Y, Farrell JJ, Grunin MA, Leung YY, Kuksa PP, Li D, Lucio da Fonseca E, Mez JB, Palmer EL, Pillai J, Sherva RM, Song YE, Zhang X, Iqbal T, Pathak O, Valladares O, Kuzma AB, Abner E, Adams PM, Aguirre A, Albert MS, Albin RL, Allen M, Alvarez L, Apostolova LG, Arnold SE, Asthana S, Atwood CS, Ayres G, Baldwin CT, Barber RC, Barnes LL, Barral S, Beach TG, Becker JT, Beecham GW, Beekly D, Benitez BA, Bennett D, Bertelson J, Bird TD, Blacker D, Boeve BF, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Brewer J, Burke JR, Burns JM, Buxbaum JD, Cairns NJ, Cantwell LB, Cao C, Carlson CS, Carlsson CM, Carney RM, Carrasquillo MM, Chasse S, Chesselet MF, Chin NA, Chui HC, Chung J, Craft S, Crane PK, Cribbs DH, Crocco EA, Cruchaga C, Cuccaro ML, Cullum M, Darby E, Davis B, De Jager PL, DeCarli C, DeToledo J, Dick M, Dickson DW, Dombroski BA, Doody RS, Duara R, Ertekin-Taner N, Evans DA, Faber KM, Fairchild TJ, Fallon KB, Fardo DW, Farlow MR, Fernandez-Hernandez V, Ferris S, Foroud TM, Frosch MP, Fulton-Howard B, Galasko DR, Gamboa A, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Ghetti B, Gilbert JR, Goate AM, Grabowski TJ, Graff-Radford NR, Green RC, Growdon JH, Hakonarson H, Hall J, Hamilton RL, Harari O, Hardy J, Harrell LE, Head E, Henderson VW, Hernandez M, Hohman T, Honig LS, Huebinger RM, Huentelman MJ, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Hynan LS, Ibanez L, Jarvik GP, Jayadev S, Jin LW, Johnson K, Johnson L, Kamboh MI, Karydas AM, Katz MJ, Kauwe JS, Kaye JA, Keene CD, Khaleeq A, Kim R, Knebl J, Kowall NW, Kramer JH, Kukull WA, LaFerla FM, Lah JJ, Larson EB, Lerner A, Leverenz JB, Levey AI, Lieberman AP, Lipton RB, Logue M, Lopez OL, Lunetta KL, Lyketsos CG, Mains D, Margaret FE, Marson DC, Martin ERR, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, Massman P, Masurkar A, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McDonough S, McKee AC, Mesulam M, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Montine TJ, Monuki ES, Morris JC, Mukherjee S, Myers AJ, Nguyen T, O'Bryant S, Olichney JM, Ory M, Palmer R, Parisi JE, Paulson HL, Pavlik V, Paydarfar D, Perez V, Peskind E, Petersen RC, Pierce A, Polk M, Poon WW, Potter H, Qu L, Quiceno M, Quinn JF, Raj A, Raskind M, Reiman EM, Reisberg B, Reisch JS, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rodriguear M, Rogaeva E, Rosen HJ, Rosenberg RN, Royall DR, Sager MA, Sano M, Saykin AJ, Schneider JA, Schneider LS, Seeley WW, Slifer SH, Small S, Smith AG, Smith JP, Sonnen JA, Spina S, St George-Hyslop P, Stern RA, Stevens AB, Strittmatter SM, Sultzer D, Swerdlow RH, Tanzi RE, Tilson JL, Trojanowski JQ, Troncoso JC, Tsuang DW, Van Deerlin VM, van Eldik LJ, Vance JM, Vardarajan BN, Vassar R, Vinters HV, Vonsattel JP, Weintraub S, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Whitehead PL, Wijsman EM, Wilhelmsen KC, Williams B, Williamson J, Wilms H, Wingo TS, Wisniewski T, Woltjer RL, Woon M, Wright CB, Wu CK, Younkin SG, Yu CE, Yu L, et al. PMID: 37461624; PMCID: PMC10350126.
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Proteomics of brain, CSF, and plasma identifies molecular signatures for distinguishing sporadic and genetic Alzheimer's disease. Sci Transl Med. 2023 07 05; 15(703):eabq5923.
Sung YJ, Yang C, Norton J, Johnson M, Fagan A, Bateman RJ, Perrin RJ, Morris JC, Farlow MR, Chhatwal JP, Schofield PR, Chui H, Wang F, Novotny B, Eteleeb A, Karch C, Schindler SE, Rhinn H, Johnson ECB, Oh HS, Rutledge JE, Dammer EB, Seyfried NT, Wyss-Coray T, Harari O, Cruchaga C. PMID: 37406134; PMCID: PMC10803068.
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20 Fields:
Location of pathogenic variants in PSEN1 impacts progression of cognitive, clinical, and neurodegenerative measures in autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease. Aging Cell. 2023 08; 22(8):e13871.
Schultz SA, Shirzadi Z, Schultz AP, Liu L, Fitzpatrick CD, McDade E, Barthelemy NR, Renton A, Esposito B, Joseph-Mathurin N, Cruchaga C, Chen CD, Goate A, Allegri RF, Benzinger TLS, Berman S, Chui HC, Fagan AM, Farlow MR, Fox NC, Gordon BA, Day GS, Graff-Radford NR, Hassenstab JJ, Hanseeuw BJ, Hofmann A, Jack CR, Jucker M, Karch CM, Koeppe RA, Lee JH, Levey AI, Levin J, Martins RN, Mori H, Morris JC, Noble J, Perrin RJ, Rosa-Neto P, Salloway SP, Sanchez-Valle R, Schofield PR, Xiong C, Johnson KA, Bateman RJ, Sperling RA, Chhatwal JP, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Investigators. PMID: 37291760; PMCID: PMC10410059.
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The relationship of history of psychiatric and substance use disorders on risk of dementia among racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Front Psychiatry. 2023; 14:1165262.
Aranda MP, Liang J, Wang X, Schneider LS, Chui HC. PMID: 37168087; PMCID: PMC10165105.
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The association between white matter hyperintensities and amyloid and tau deposition. Neuroimage Clin. 2023; 38:103383.
Alban SL, Lynch KM, Ringman JM, Toga AW, Chui HC, Sepehrband F, Choupan J, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 36965457; PMCID: PMC10060905.
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Brain volume, energy balance, and cardiovascular health in two nonindustrial South American populations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 03 28; 120(13):e2205448120.
Kaplan H, Hooper PL, Gatz M, Mack WJ, Law EM, Chui HC, Sutherland ML, Sutherland JD, Rowan CJ, Wann LS, Allam AH, Thompson RC, Michalik DE, Lombardi G, Miyamoto MI, Eid Rodriguez D, Copajira Adrian J, Quispe Gutierrez R, Beheim BA, Cummings DK, Seabright E, Alami S, R Garcia A, Buetow K, Thomas GS, Finch CE, Stieglitz J, Trumble BC, Gurven MD, Irimia A. PMID: 36940322; PMCID: PMC10068758.
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Decreased functional connectivity is associated with increased levels of Cerebral Spinal Fluid soluble-PDGFRβ, a marker of blood brain barrier breakdown, in older adults. Res Sq. 2023 Mar 07.
Contreras JA, Fujisaki K, Ortega N, Barisano G, Sagare A, Pappas I, Chui H, Ringman JM, Joe EB, Zlokovic B, Toga AW, Pa J. PMID: 36945439; PMCID: PMC10029080.
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Characterization of spastic paraplegia in a family with a novel PSEN1 mutation. Brain Commun. 2023; 5(2):fcad030.
Ringman JM, Dorrani N, Fernández SG, Signer R, Martinez-Agosto J, Lee H, Douine ED, Qiao Y, Shi Y, D'Orazio L, Pawar S, Robbie L, Kashani AH, Singer M, Byers JT, Magaki S, Guzman S, Sagare A, Zlokovic B, Cederbaum S, Nelson S, Sheikh-Bahaei N, Chui HC, Chávez-Gutiérrez L, Vinters HV. PMID: 36895955; PMCID: PMC9991506.
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Microstructural mapping of dentate gyrus pathology in Alzheimer's disease: A 16.4 Tesla MRI study. Neuroimage Clin. 2023; 37:103318.
Shih NC, Kurniawan ND, Cabeen RP, Korobkova L, Wong E, Chui HC, Clark KA, Miller CA, Hawes D, Jones KT, Sepehrband F. PMID: 36630864; PMCID: PMC9841366.
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Baseline Findings of PreventE4: A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial Testing High Dose DHA in APOE4 Carriers before the Onset of Dementia. J Prev Alzheimers Dis. 2023; 10(4):810-820.
Yassine HN, Arellanes IC, Mazmanian A, De La Cruz L, Martinez J, Contreras L, Kono N, Liu BS, Badie D, Bantugan MA, Grindon A, Urich T, D'Orazio L, Emmanuel BA, Chui HC, Mack WJ, Harrington MG, Braskie MN, Schneider LS. PMID: 37874103.
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Autosomal dominant and sporadic late onset Alzheimer's disease share a common in vivo pathophysiology. Brain. 2022 10 21; 145(10):3594-3607.
Morris JC, Weiner M, Xiong C, Beckett L, Coble D, Saito N, Aisen PS, Allegri R, Benzinger TLS, Berman SB, Cairns NJ, Carrillo MC, Chui HC, Chhatwal JP, Cruchaga C, Fagan AM, Farlow M, Fox NC, Ghetti B, Goate AM, Gordon BA, Graff-Radford N, Day GS, Hassenstab J, Ikeuchi T, Jack CR, Jagust WJ, Jucker M, Levin J, Massoumzadeh P, Masters CL, Martins R, McDade E, Mori H, Noble JM, Petersen RC, Ringman JM, Salloway S, Saykin AJ, Schofield PR, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Trojanowski JQ, Vöglein J, Weninger S, Bateman RJ, Buckles VD. PMID: 35580594; PMCID: PMC9989348.
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Metabolomic and lipidomic signatures in autosomal dominant and late-onset Alzheimer's disease brains. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 05; 19(5):1785-1799.
Novotny BC, Fernandez MV, Wang C, Budde JP, Bergmann K, Eteleeb AM, Bradley J, Webster C, Ebl C, Norton J, Gentsch J, Dube U, Wang F, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Perrin RJ, McDade E, Xiong C, Chhatwal J, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN) Study Group, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Alzheimer's Disease Metabolomics Consortium (ADMC), Goate A, Farlow M, Schofield P, Chui H, Karch CM, Cruchaga C, Benitez BA, Harari O. PMID: 36251323; PMCID: PMC10106526.
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White matter degradation near cerebral microbleeds is associated with cognitive change after mild traumatic brain injury. Neurobiol Aging. 2022 12; 120:68-80.
Irimia A, Ngo V, Chaudhari NN, Zhang F, Joshi SH, Penkova AN, O'Donnell LJ, Sheikh-Bahaei N, Zheng X, Chui HC. PMID: 36116396; PMCID: PMC9759713.
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Alzheimer's disease after mild traumatic brain injury. Aging (Albany NY). 2022 07 12; 14(13):5292-5293.
Imms P, Chui HC, Irimia A. PMID: 35830464; PMCID: PMC9320556.
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Brain age estimation reveals older adults' accelerated senescence after traumatic brain injury. Geroscience. 2022 10; 44(5):2509-2525.
Amgalan A, Maher AS, Ghosh S, Chui HC, Bogdan P, Irimia A. PMID: 35792961; PMCID: PMC9768106.
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Calcium-dependent cytosolic phospholipase A2 activation is implicated in neuroinflammation and oxidative stress associated with ApoE4. Mol Neurodegener. 2022 06 15; 17(1):42.
Wang S, Li B, Solomon V, Fonteh A, Rapoport SI, Bennett DA, Arvanitakis Z, Chui HC, Sullivan PM, Yassine HN. PMID: 35705959; PMCID: PMC9202185.
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Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Alzheimer's Disease Risk: Role of Exposure to Ambient Fine Particles. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2022 05 05; 77(5):977-985.
Younan D, Wang X, Gruenewald T, Gatz M, Serre ML, Vizuete W, Braskie MN, Woods NF, Kahe K, Garcia L, Lurmann F, Manson JE, Chui HC, Wallace RB, Espeland MA, Chen JC. PMID: 34383042; PMCID: PMC9071399.
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HumansPHPublic Health
The small HDL particle hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 02; 19(2):391-404.
Martinez AE, Weissberger G, Kuklenyik Z, He X, Meuret C, Parekh T, Rees JC, Parks BA, Gardner MS, King SM, Collier TS, Harrington MG, Sweeney MD, Wang X, Zlokovic BV, Joe E, Nation DA, Schneider LS, Chui HC, Barr JR, Han SD, Krauss RM, Yassine HN. PMID: 35416404; PMCID: PMC10563117.
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Prevalence of dementia and mild cognitive impairment in indigenous Bolivian forager-horticulturalists. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 01; 19(1):44-55.
Gatz M, Mack WJ, Chui HC, Law EM, Barisano G, Sutherland ML, Sutherland JD, Eid Rodriguez D, Quispe Gutierrez R, Copajira Adrian J, Bani Cuata J, Borenstein AR, Walters EE, Irimia A, Rowan CJ, Wann LS, Allam AH, Thompson RC, Miyamoto MI, Michalik DE, Cummings DK, Seabright E, Garcia AR, Hooper PL, Kraft TS, Finch CE, Thomas GS, Stieglitz J, Trumble BC, Gurven MD, Kaplan H. PMID: 35262289; PMCID: PMC9458772.
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Circular RNA detection identifies circPSEN1 alterations in brain specific to autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2022 03 04; 10(1):29.
Chen HH, Eteleeb A, Wang C, Fernandez MV, Budde JP, Bergmann K, Norton J, Wang F, Ebl C, Morris JC, Perrin RJ, Bateman RJ, McDade E, Xiong C, Goate A, Farlow M, Chhatwal J, Schofield PR, Chui H, Harari O, Cruchaga C, Ibanez L, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 35246267; PMCID: PMC8895634.
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Retraction Note: Calcium-dependent cytosolic phospholipase A2 activation is implicated in neuroinflammation and oxidative stress associated with ApoE4. Mol Neurodegener. 2022 02 04; 17(1):14.
Wang S, Li B, Solomon V, Fonteh A, Rapoport SI, Bennett DA, Arvanitakis Z, Chui HC, Miller C, Sullivan PM, Wang HY, Yassine HN. PMID: 35115039; PMCID: PMC8815133.
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Air quality improvement and cognitive decline in community-dwelling older women in the United States: A longitudinal cohort study. PLoS Med. 2022 02; 19(2):e1003893.
Younan D, Wang X, Millstein J, Petkus AJ, Beavers DP, Espeland MA, Chui HC, Resnick SM, Gatz M, Kaufman JD, Wellenius GA, Whitsel EA, Manson JE, Rapp SR, Chen JC. PMID: 35113870; PMCID: PMC8812844.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Ambient air pollution exposure and increasing depressive symptoms in older women: The mediating role of the prefrontal cortex and insula. Sci Total Environ. 2022 Jun 01; 823:153642.
Petkus AJ, Resnick SM, Wang X, Beavers DP, Espeland MA, Gatz M, Gruenewald T, Millstein J, Chui HC, Kaufman JD, Manson JE, Wellenius GA, Whitsel EA, Widaman K, Younan D, Chen JC. PMID: 35122843; PMCID: PMC8983488.
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HumansPHPublic Health
B vitamin intakes modify the association between particulate air pollutants and incidence of all-cause dementia: Findings from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study. Alzheimers Dement. 2022 11; 18(11):2188-2198.
Chen C, Whitsel EA, Espeland MA, Snetselaar L, Hayden KM, Lamichhane AP, Serre ML, Vizuete W, Kaufman JD, Wang X, Chui HC, D'Alton ME, Chen JC, Kahe K. PMID: 35103387; PMCID: PMC9339592.
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Association of improved air quality with lower dementia risk in older women. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 01 11; 119(2).
Wang X, Younan D, Millstein J, Petkus AJ, Garcia E, Beavers DP, Espeland MA, Chui HC, Resnick SM, Gatz M, Kaufman JD, Wellenius GA, Whitsel EA, Manson JE, Rapp SR, Chen JC. PMID: 34983871; PMCID: PMC8764698.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Adherence to a MIND-Like Dietary Pattern, Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution, and MRI-Based Measures of Brain Volume: The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study-MRI. Environ Health Perspect. 2021 12; 129(12):127008.
Chen C, Hayden KM, Kaufman JD, Espeland MA, Whitsel EA, Serre ML, Vizuete W, Orchard TS, Wang X, Chui HC, D'Alton ME, Chen JC, Kahe K. PMID: 34939828; PMCID: PMC8698852.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Locus coeruleus integrity is related to tau burden and memory loss in autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2022 04; 112:39-54.
Dahl MJ, Mather M, Werkle-Bergner M, Kennedy BL, Guzman S, Hurth K, Miller CA, Qiao Y, Shi Y, Chui HC, Ringman JM. PMID: 35045380; PMCID: PMC8976827.
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Older age, male sex, and cerebral microbleeds predict white matter loss after traumatic brain injury. Geroscience. 2022 02; 44(1):83-102.
Robles DJ, Dharani A, Rostowsky KA, Chaudhari NN, Ngo V, Zhang F, O'Donnell LJ, Green L, Sheikh-Bahaei N, Chui HC, Irimia A. PMID: 34704219; PMCID: PMC8811069.
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Brain energy failure in dementia syndromes: Opportunities and challenges for glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists. Alzheimers Dement. 2022 03; 18(3):478-497.
Yassine HN, Solomon V, Thakral A, Sheikh-Bahaei N, Chui HC, Braskie MN, Schneider LS, Talbot K. PMID: 34647685; PMCID: PMC8940606.
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Ambient Air Pollution and Long-Term Trajectories of Episodic Memory Decline among Older Women in the WHIMS-ECHO Cohort. Environ Health Perspect. 2021 09; 129(9):97009.
Wang X, Younan D, Petkus AJ, Beavers DP, Espeland MA, Chui HC, Resnick SM, Gatz M, Kaufman JD, Wellenius GA, Whitsel EA, Manson JE, Chen JC. PMID: 34516296; PMCID: PMC8437247.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Segregation of functional networks is associated with cognitive resilience in Alzheimer's disease. Brain. 2021 08 17; 144(7):2176-2185.
Ewers M, Luan Y, Frontzkowski L, Neitzel J, Rubinski A, Dichgans M, Hassenstab J, Gordon BA, Chhatwal JP, Levin J, Schofield P, Benzinger TLS, Morris JC, Goate A, Karch CM, Fagan AM, McDade E, Allegri R, Berman S, Chui H, Cruchaga C, Farlow M, Graff-Radford N, Jucker M, Lee JH, Martins RN, Mori H, Perrin R, Xiong C, Rossor M, Fox NC, O'Connor A, Salloway S, Danek A, Buerger K, Bateman RJ, Habeck C, Stern Y, Franzmeier N, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative and the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 33725114; PMCID: PMC8370409.
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Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy-related Inflammation Presenting With a Cystic Lesion in Young-onset Alzheimer Disease. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2021 Jul-Sep 01; 35(3):265-268.
Ringman JM, Joe E, Sheikh-Bahaei N, Miller C, Vinters HV, Guzman S, Chui HC. PMID: 33480610; PMCID: PMC8289923.
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Calcium-dependent cytosolic phospholipase A2 activation is implicated in neuroinflammation and oxidative stress associated with ApoE4. Mol Neurodegener. 2021 04 16; 16(1):26.
Wang S, Li B, Solomon V, Fonteh A, Rapoport SI, Bennett DA, Arvanitakis Z, Chui HC, Miller C, Sullivan PM, Wang HY, Yassine HN. PMID: 33863362; PMCID: PMC8052701.
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PM2.5 Associated With Gray Matter Atrophy Reflecting Increased Alzheimer Risk in Older Women. Neurology. 2021 Feb 22; 96(8):e1190-e1201.
Younan D, Wang X, Casanova R, Barnard R, Gaussoin SA, Saldana S, Petkus AJ, Beavers DP, Resnick SM, Manson JE, Serre ML, Vizuete W, Henderson VW, Sachs BC, Salinas J, Gatz M, Espeland MA, Chui HC, Shumaker SA, Rapp SR, Chen JC, Women's Health Initiative. PMID: 33208540; PMCID: PMC8055348.
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Assessment of carotid stiffness by measuring carotid pulse wave velocity using a single-slice oblique-sagittal phase-contrast MRI. Magn Reson Med. 2021 07; 86(1):442-455.
Heidari Pahlavian S, Cen SY, Bi X, Wang DJJ, Chui HC, Yan L. PMID: 33543788.
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Longitudinal Accumulation of Cerebral Microhemorrhages in Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Disease. Neurology. 2021 03 23; 96(12):e1632-e1645.
Joseph-Mathurin N, Wang G, Kantarci K, Jack CR, McDade E, Hassenstab J, Blazey TM, Gordon BA, Su Y, Chen G, Massoumzadeh P, Hornbeck RC, Allegri RF, Ances BM, Berman SB, Brickman AM, Brooks WS, Cash DM, Chhatwal JP, Chui HC, Correia S, Cruchaga C, Farlow MR, Fox NC, Fulham M, Ghetti B, Graff-Radford NR, Johnson KA, Karch CM, Laske C, Lee AKW, Levin J, Masters CL, Noble JM, O'Connor A, Perrin RJ, Preboske GM, Ringman JM, Rowe CC, Salloway S, Saykin AJ, Schofield PR, Shimada H, Shoji M, Suzuki K, Villemagne VL, Xiong C, Yakushev I, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Benzinger TLS, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 33495373; PMCID: PMC8032370.
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Early neuroinflammation is associated with lower amyloid and tau levels in cognitively normal older adults. Brain Behav Immun. 2021 05; 94:299-307.
Albrecht DS, Sagare A, Pachicano M, Sweeney MD, Toga A, Zlokovic B, Chui H, Joe E, Schneider L, Morris JC, Benzinger T, Pa J. PMID: 33486003; PMCID: PMC8793040.
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Past, present and future role of retinal imaging in neurodegenerative disease. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2021 07; 83:100938.
Kashani AH, Asanad S, Chan JW, Singer MB, Zhang J, Sharifi M, Khansari MM, Abdolahi F, Shi Y, Biffi A, Chui H, Ringman JM. PMID: 33460813; PMCID: PMC8280255.
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Associations Between Air Pollution Exposure and Empirically Derived Profiles of Cognitive Performance in Older Women. J Alzheimers Dis. 2021; 84(4):1691-1707.
Petkus AJ, Younan D, Wang X, Beavers DP, Espeland MA, Gatz M, Gruenewald T, Kaufman JD, Chui HC, Millstein J, Rapp SR, Manson JE, Resnick SM, Wellenius GA, Whitsel EA, Widaman K, Chen JC. PMID: 34744078; PMCID: PMC9057084.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Novel Alzheimer Disease Risk Loci and Pathways in African American Individuals Using the African Genome Resources Panel: A Meta-analysis. JAMA Neurol. 2021 01 01; 78(1):102-113.
Kunkle BW, Schmidt M, Klein HU, Naj AC, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Larson EB, Evans DA, De Jager PL, Crane PK, Buxbaum JD, Ertekin-Taner N, Barnes LL, Fallin MD, Manly JJ, Go RCP, Obisesan TO, Kamboh MI, Bennett DA, Hall KS, Goate AM, Foroud TM, Martin ER, Wang LS, Byrd GS, Farrer LA, Haines JL, Schellenberg GD, Mayeux R, Pericak-Vance MA, Reitz C, Writing Group for the Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC), Graff-Radford NR, Martinez I, Ayodele T, Logue MW, Cantwell LB, Jean-Francois M, Kuzma AB, Adams LD, Vance JM, Cuccaro ML, Chung J, Mez J, Lunetta KL, Jun GR, Lopez OL, Hendrie HC, Reiman EM, Kowall NW, Leverenz JB, Small SA, Levey AI, Golde TE, Saykin AJ, Starks TD, Albert MS, Hyman BT, Petersen RC, Sano M, Wisniewski T, Vassar R, Kaye JA, Henderson VW, DeCarli C, LaFerla FM, Brewer JB, Miller BL, Swerdlow RH, Van Eldik LJ, Paulson HL, Trojanowski JQ, Chui HC, Rosenberg RN, Craft S, Grabowski TJ, Asthana S, Morris JC, Strittmatter SM, Kukull WA. PMID: 33074286; PMCID: PMC7573798.
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Volumetric distribution of perivascular space in relation to mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiol Aging. 2021 03; 99:28-43.
Sepehrband F, Barisano G, Sheikh-Bahaei N, Choupan J, Cabeen RP, Lynch KM, Crawford MS, Lan H, Mack WJ, Chui HC, Ringman JM, Toga AW, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 33422892; PMCID: PMC7902350.
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Outdoor air pollution exposure and inter-relation of global cognitive performance and emotional distress in older women. Environ Pollut. 2021 Feb 15; 271:116282.
Petkus AJ, Wang X, Beavers DP, Chui HC, Espeland MA, Gatz M, Gruenewald T, Kaufman JD, Manson JE, Resnick SM, Stewart JD, Wellenius GA, Whitsel EA, Widaman K, Younan D, Chen JC. PMID: 33385889; PMCID: PMC8017598.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Reaction time and response inhibition in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Brain Cogn. 2021 02; 147:105656.
Medina LD, Woo E, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Chaparro Maldonado H, Yi D, Coppola G, Zhou Y, Chui HC, Ringman JM. PMID: 33310624; PMCID: PMC7855477.
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Air Pollution and the Dynamic Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Memory in Oldest-Old Women. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 02; 69(2):474-484.
Petkus AJ, Younan D, Wang X, Beavers DP, Espeland MA, Gatz M, Gruenewald TL, Kaufman JD, Chui HC, Manson JE, Resnick SM, Wellenius GA, Whitsel EA, Widaman K, Chen JC. PMID: 33205418; PMCID: PMC8549784.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Associations between Vascular Function and Tau PET Are Associated with Global Cognition and Amyloid. J Neurosci. 2020 10 28; 40(44):8573-8586.
Albrecht D, Isenberg AL, Stradford J, Monreal T, Sagare A, Pachicano M, Sweeney M, Toga A, Zlokovic B, Chui H, Joe E, Schneider L, Conti P, Jann K, Pa J. PMID: 33046556; PMCID: PMC7605425.
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Emotional detachment, gait ataxia, and cerebellar dysconnectivity associated with compound heterozygous mutations in the SPG7 gene. Neurocase. 2020 10; 26(5):299-304.
Ringman JM, Qiao Y, Garbin A, Fisher BE, Fogel B, Watari Knoell K, Chui HC, Shi Y, Rexach JE. PMID: 32893728; PMCID: PMC7530119.
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Brain delivery of supplemental docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. EBioMedicine. 2020 Sep; 59:102883.
Arellanes IC, Choe N, Solomon V, He X, Kavin B, Martinez AE, Kono N, Buennagel DP, Hazra N, Kim G, D'Orazio LM, McCleary C, Sagare A, Zlokovic BV, Hodis HN, Mack WJ, Chui HC, Harrington MG, Braskie MN, Schneider LS, Yassine HN. PMID: 32690472; PMCID: PMC7502665.
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Erythrocyte omega-3 index, ambient fine particle exposure, and brain aging. Neurology. 2020 08 25; 95(8):e995-e1007.
Chen C, Xun P, Kaufman JD, Hayden KM, Espeland MA, Whitsel EA, Serre ML, Vizuete W, Orchard T, Harris WS, Wang X, Chui HC, Chen JC, He K. PMID: 32669395; PMCID: PMC7668549.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Correction: Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness predicts CSF amyloid/tau before cognitive decline. PLoS One. 2020; 15(7):e0236379.
Asanad S, Fantini M, Sultan W, Nassisi M, Felix CM, Wu J, Karanjia R, Ross-Cisneros FN, Sagare AP, Zlokovic BV, Chui HC, Pogoda JM, Arakaki X, Fonteh AN, Sadun AA, Harrington MG. PMID: 32663228; PMCID: PMC7360049.
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Cerebroarterial pulsatility and resistivity indices are associated with cognitive impairment and white matter hyperintensity in elderly subjects: A phase-contrast MRI study. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2021 03; 41(3):670-683.
Pahlavian SH, Wang X, Ma S, Zheng H, Casey M, D'Orazio LM, Shao X, Ringman JM, Chui H, Wang DJ, Yan L. PMID: 32501154; PMCID: PMC7922759.
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Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness predicts CSF amyloid/tau before cognitive decline. PLoS One. 2020; 15(5):e0232785.
Asanad S, Fantini M, Sultan W, Nassisi M, Felix CM, Wu J, Karanjia R, Ross-Cisneros FN, Sagare AP, Zlokovic BV, Chui HC, Pogoda JM, Arakaki X, Fonteh AN, Sadun AA, Harrington MG. PMID: 32469871; PMCID: PMC7259639.
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APOE4 leads to blood-brain barrier dysfunction predicting cognitive decline. Nature. 2020 05; 581(7806):71-76.
Montagne A, Nation DA, Sagare AP, Barisano G, Sweeney MD, Chakhoyan A, Pachicano M, Joe E, Nelson AR, D'Orazio LM, Buennagel DP, Harrington MG, Benzinger TLS, Fagan AM, Ringman JM, Schneider LS, Morris JC, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Chui HC, Tcw J, Chen Y, Pa J, Conti PS, Law M, Toga AW, Zlokovic BV. PMID: 32376954; PMCID: PMC7250000.
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Urine dicarboxylic acids change in pre-symptomatic Alzheimer's disease and reflect loss of energy capacity and hippocampal volume. PLoS One. 2020; 15(4):e0231765.
Castor KJ, Shenoi S, Edminster SP, Tran T, King KS, Chui H, Pogoda JM, Fonteh AN, Harrington MG. PMID: 32298384; PMCID: PMC7162508.
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A novel sensitive assay for detection of a biomarker of pericyte injury in cerebrospinal fluid. Alzheimers Dement. 2020 06; 16(6):821-830.
Sweeney MD, Sagare AP, Pachicano M, Harrington MG, Joe E, Chui HC, Schneider LS, Montagne A, Ringman JM, Fagan AM, Morris JC, Pa J, Nation DA, Toga AW, Zlokovic BV. PMID: 32301266; PMCID: PMC7986963.
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Particulate matter and episodic memory decline mediated by early neuroanatomic biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease. Brain. 2020 01 01; 143(1):289-302.
Younan D, Petkus AJ, Widaman KF, Wang X, Casanova R, Espeland MA, Gatz M, Henderson VW, Manson JE, Rapp SR, Sachs BC, Serre ML, Gaussoin SA, Barnard R, Saldana S, Vizuete W, Beavers DP, Salinas JA, Chui HC, Resnick SM, Shumaker SA, Chen JC. PMID: 31746986; PMCID: PMC6938036.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Exposure to fine particulate matter and temporal dynamics of episodic memory and depressive symptoms in older women. Environ Int. 2020 02; 135:105196.
Petkus AJ, Younan D, Widaman K, Gatz M, Manson JE, Wang X, Serre M, Vizuete W, Chui H, Espeland MA, Resnick S, Chen JC. PMID: 31881430; PMCID: PMC7499893.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Undetectable gadolinium brain retention in individuals with an age-dependent blood-brain barrier breakdown in the hippocampus and mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimers Dement. 2019 12; 15(12):1568-1575.
Montagne A, Huuskonen MT, Rajagopal G, Sweeney MD, Nation DA, Sepehrband F, D'Orazio LM, Harrington MG, Chui HC, Law M, Toga AW, Zlokovic BV. PMID: 31862169; PMCID: PMC6927478.
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ApoE4 Alters ABCA1 Membrane Trafficking in Astrocytes. J Neurosci. 2019 11 27; 39(48):9611-9622.
Rawat V, Wang S, Sima J, Bar R, Liraz O, Gundimeda U, Parekh T, Chan J, Johansson JO, Tang C, Chui HC, Harrington MG, Michaelson DM, Yassine HN. PMID: 31641056; PMCID: PMC6880458.
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Frequency of the TREM2 R47H Variant in Various Neurodegenerative Disorders. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2019 Oct-Dec; 33(4):327-330.
Ayer AH, Wojta K, Ramos EM, Dokuru D, Chen JA, Karydas AM, Papatriantafyllou JD, Agiomyrgiannakis D, Kamtsadeli V, Tsinia N, Sali D, Gylys KH, Agosta F, Filippi M, Small GW, Bennett DA, Gearing M, Juncos JL, Kramer J, Lee SE, Yokoyama JS, Mendez MF, Chui H, Zarow C, Ringman JM, Kilic U, Babacan-Yildiz G, Levey A, DeCarli CS, Cotman CW, Boxer AL, Miller BL, Coppola G. PMID: 31513029; PMCID: PMC7050643.
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Author Correction: Genetic meta-analysis of diagnosed Alzheimer's disease identifies new risk loci and implicates Aβ, tau, immunity and lipid processing. Nat Genet. 2019 Sep; 51(9):1423-1424.
Kunkle BW, Grenier-Boley B, Sims R, Bis JC, Damotte V, Naj AC, Boland A, Vronskaya M, van der Lee SJ, Amlie-Wolf A, Bellenguez C, Frizatti A, Chouraki V, Martin ER, Sleegers K, Badarinarayan N, Jakobsdottir J, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Moreno-Grau S, Olaso R, Raybould R, Chen Y, Kuzma AB, Hiltunen M, Morgan T, Ahmad S, Vardarajan BN, Epelbaum J, Hoffmann P, Boada M, Beecham GW, Garnier JG, Harold D, Fitzpatrick AL, Valladares O, Moutet ML, Gerrish A, Smith AV, Qu L, Bacq D, Denning N, Jian X, Zhao Y, Del Zompo M, Fox NC, Choi SH, Mateo I, Hughes JT, Adams HH, Malamon J, Sanchez-Garcia F, Patel Y, Brody JA, Dombroski BA, Naranjo MCD, Daniilidou M, Eiriksdottir G, Mukherjee S, Wallon D, Uphill J, Aspelund T, Cantwell LB, Garzia F, Galimberti D, Hofer E, Butkiewicz M, Fin B, Scarpini E, Sarnowski C, Bush WS, Meslage S, Kornhuber J, White CC, Song Y, Barber RC, Engelborghs S, Sordon S, Voijnovic D, Adams PM, Vandenberghe R, Mayhaus M, Cupples LA, Albert MS, De Deyn PP, Gu W, Himali JJ, Beekly D, Squassina A, Hartmann AM, Orellana A, Blacker D, Rodriguez-Rodriguez E, Lovestone S, Garcia ME, Doody RS, Munoz-Fernadez C, Sussams R, Lin H, Fairchild TJ, Benito YA, Holmes C, Karamujic-Comic H, Frosch MP, Thonberg H, Maier W, Roshchupkin G, Ghetti B, Giedraitis V, Kawalia A, Li S, Huebinger RM, Kilander L, Moebus S, Hernández I, Kamboh MI, Brundin R, Turton J, Yang Q, Katz MJ, Concari L, Lord J, Beiser AS, Keene CD, Helisalmi S, Kloszewska I, Kukull WA, Koivisto AM, Lynch A, Tarraga L, Larson EB, Haapasalo A, Lawlor B, Mosley TH, Lipton RB, Solfrizzi V, Gill M, Longstreth WT, Montine TJ, Frisardi V, Diez-Fairen M, Rivadeneira F, Petersen RC, Deramecourt V, Alvarez I, Salani F, Ciaramella A, Boerwinkle E, Reiman EM, Fievet N, Rotter JI, Reisch JS, Hanon O, Cupidi C, Uitterlinden AGA, Royall DR, Dufouil C, Maletta RG, de Rojas I, Sano M, Brice A, Cecchetti R, George-Hyslop PS, Ritchie K, Tsolaki M, Tsuang DW, Dubois B, Craig D, Wu CK, Soininen H, Avramidou D, Albin RL, Fratiglioni L, Germanou A, Apostolova LG, Keller L, Koutroumani M, Arnold SE, Panza F, Gkatzima O, Asthana S, Hannequin D, Whitehead P, Atwood CS, Caffarra P, Hampel H, Quintela I, Carracedo Á, Lannfelt L, Rubinsztein DC, Barnes LL, Pasquier F, Frölich L, Barral S, McGuinness B, Beach TG, Johnston JA, Becker JT, Passmore P, Bigio EH, Schott JM, Bird TD, Warren JD, Boeve BF, Lupton MK, Bowen JD, Proitsi P, Boxer A, Powell JF, Burke JR, Kauwe JSK, Burns JM, Mancuso M, Buxbaum JD, Bonuccelli U, Cairns NJ, McQuillin A, Cao C, Livingston G, Carlson CS, Bass NJ, Carlsson CM, Hardy J, Carney RM, Bras J, Carrasquillo MM, Guerreiro R, Allen M, Chui HC, Fisher E, Masullo C, Crocco EA, DeCarli C, Bisceglio G, Dick M, Ma L, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Evans DA, Hodges A, Faber KM, Scherer M, Fallon KB, Riemenschneider M, Fardo DW, Heun R, Farlow MR, Kölsch H, Ferris S, Leber M, Foroud TM, Heuser I, Galasko DR, Giegling I, Gearing M, Hüll M, Geschwind DH, Gilbert JR, Morris J, Green RC, Mayo K, Growdon JH, Feulner T, Hamilton RL, Harrell LE, Drichel D, Honig LS, Cushion TD, Huentelman MJ, Hollingworth P, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Marshall R, Jarvik GP, Meggy A, Abner E, Menzies GE, Jin LW, Leonenko G, Real LM, Jun GR, Baldwin CT, Grozeva D, Karydas A, Russo G, Kaye JA, Kim R, Jessen F, Kowall NW, Vellas B, Kramer JH, Vardy E, LaFerla FM, Jöckel KH, Lah JJ, Dichgans M, Leverenz JB, Mann D, Levey AI, Pickering-Brown S, Lieberman AP, Klopp N, Lunetta KL, Wichmann HE, Lyketsos CG, Morgan K, Marson DC, Brown K, Martiniuk F, Medway C, Mash DC, Nöthen MM, et al. PMID: 31417202; PMCID: PMC7265117.
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28 Fields:
Psychometric Characteristics of Cognitive Reserve: How High Education Might Improve Certain Cognitive Abilities in Aging. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2019; 47(4-6):335-344.
Rodriguez FS, Zheng L, Chui HC, Aging Brain: Vasculature, Ischemia, and Behavior Study. PMID: 31466060.
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Limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy (LATE): consensus working group report. Brain. 2019 06 01; 142(6):1503-1527.
Nelson PT, Dickson DW, Trojanowski JQ, Jack CR, Boyle PA, Arfanakis K, Rademakers R, Alafuzoff I, Attems J, Brayne C, Coyle-Gilchrist ITS, Chui HC, Fardo DW, Flanagan ME, Halliday G, Hokkanen SRK, Hunter S, Jicha GA, Katsumata Y, Kawas CH, Keene CD, Kovacs GG, Kukull WA, Levey AI, Makkinejad N, Montine TJ, Murayama S, Murray ME, Nag S, Rissman RA, Seeley WW, Sperling RA, White CL, Yu L, Schneider JA. PMID: 31039256; PMCID: PMC6536849.
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Particulate Air Pollutants and Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms in Older Women. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2019 10; 27(10):1083-1096.
Petkus AJ, Younan D, Wang X, Serre M, Vizuete W, Resnick S, Espeland MA, Gatz M, Chui H, Manson JE, Chen JC. PMID: 31311712; PMCID: PMC6756168.
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HumansPHPublic Health
General and domain-specific cognitive reserve, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia risk in older women. Alzheimers Dement (N Y). 2019; 5:118-128.
Petkus AJ, Resnick SM, Rapp SR, Espeland MA, Gatz M, Widaman KF, Wang X, Younan D, Casanova R, Chui H, Barnard RT, Gaussoin S, Goveas JS, Hayden KM, Henderson VW, Sachs BC, Saldana S, Shadyab AH, Shumaker SA, Chen JC. PMID: 31011622; PMCID: PMC6461572.
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Genetic meta-analysis of diagnosed Alzheimer's disease identifies new risk loci and implicates Aβ, tau, immunity and lipid processing. Nat Genet. 2019 03; 51(3):414-430.
Kunkle BW, Grenier-Boley B, Sims R, Bis JC, Damotte V, Naj AC, Boland A, Vronskaya M, van der Lee SJ, Amlie-Wolf A, Bellenguez C, Frizatti A, Chouraki V, Martin ER, Sleegers K, Badarinarayan N, Jakobsdottir J, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Moreno-Grau S, Olaso R, Raybould R, Chen Y, Kuzma AB, Hiltunen M, Morgan T, Ahmad S, Vardarajan BN, Epelbaum J, Hoffmann P, Boada M, Beecham GW, Garnier JG, Harold D, Fitzpatrick AL, Valladares O, Moutet ML, Gerrish A, Smith AV, Qu L, Bacq D, Denning N, Jian X, Zhao Y, Del Zompo M, Fox NC, Choi SH, Mateo I, Hughes JT, Adams HH, Malamon J, Sanchez-Garcia F, Patel Y, Brody JA, Dombroski BA, Naranjo MCD, Daniilidou M, Eiriksdottir G, Mukherjee S, Wallon D, Uphill J, Aspelund T, Cantwell LB, Garzia F, Galimberti D, Hofer E, Butkiewicz M, Fin B, Scarpini E, Sarnowski C, Bush WS, Meslage S, Kornhuber J, White CC, Song Y, Barber RC, Engelborghs S, Sordon S, Voijnovic D, Adams PM, Vandenberghe R, Mayhaus M, Cupples LA, Albert MS, De Deyn PP, Gu W, Himali JJ, Beekly D, Squassina A, Hartmann AM, Orellana A, Blacker D, Rodriguez-Rodriguez E, Lovestone S, Garcia ME, Doody RS, Munoz-Fernadez C, Sussams R, Lin H, Fairchild TJ, Benito YA, Holmes C, Karamujic-Comic H, Frosch MP, Thonberg H, Maier W, Roshchupkin G, Ghetti B, Giedraitis V, Kawalia A, Li S, Huebinger RM, Kilander L, Moebus S, Hernández I, Kamboh MI, Brundin R, Turton J, Yang Q, Katz MJ, Concari L, Lord J, Beiser AS, Keene CD, Helisalmi S, Kloszewska I, Kukull WA, Koivisto AM, Lynch A, Tarraga L, Larson EB, Haapasalo A, Lawlor B, Mosley TH, Lipton RB, Solfrizzi V, Gill M, Longstreth WT, Montine TJ, Frisardi V, Diez-Fairen M, Rivadeneira F, Petersen RC, Deramecourt V, Alvarez I, Salani F, Ciaramella A, Boerwinkle E, Reiman EM, Fievet N, Rotter JI, Reisch JS, Hanon O, Cupidi C, Andre Uitterlinden AG, Royall DR, Dufouil C, Maletta RG, de Rojas I, Sano M, Brice A, Cecchetti R, George-Hyslop PS, Ritchie K, Tsolaki M, Tsuang DW, Dubois B, Craig D, Wu CK, Soininen H, Avramidou D, Albin RL, Fratiglioni L, Germanou A, Apostolova LG, Keller L, Koutroumani M, Arnold SE, Panza F, Gkatzima O, Asthana S, Hannequin D, Whitehead P, Atwood CS, Caffarra P, Hampel H, Quintela I, Carracedo Á, Lannfelt L, Rubinsztein DC, Barnes LL, Pasquier F, Frölich L, Barral S, McGuinness B, Beach TG, Johnston JA, Becker JT, Passmore P, Bigio EH, Schott JM, Bird TD, Warren JD, Boeve BF, Lupton MK, Bowen JD, Proitsi P, Boxer A, Powell JF, Burke JR, Kauwe JSK, Burns JM, Mancuso M, Buxbaum JD, Bonuccelli U, Cairns NJ, McQuillin A, Cao C, Livingston G, Carlson CS, Bass NJ, Carlsson CM, Hardy J, Carney RM, Bras J, Carrasquillo MM, Guerreiro R, Allen M, Chui HC, Fisher E, Masullo C, Crocco EA, DeCarli C, Bisceglio G, Dick M, Ma L, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Evans DA, Hodges A, Faber KM, Scherer M, Fallon KB, Riemenschneider M, Fardo DW, Heun R, Farlow MR, Kölsch H, Ferris S, Leber M, Foroud TM, Heuser I, Galasko DR, Giegling I, Gearing M, Hüll M, Geschwind DH, Gilbert JR, Morris J, Green RC, Mayo K, Growdon JH, Feulner T, Hamilton RL, Harrell LE, Drichel D, Honig LS, Cushion TD, Huentelman MJ, Hollingworth P, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Marshall R, Jarvik GP, Meggy A, Abner E, Menzies GE, Jin LW, Leonenko G, Real LM, Jun GR, Baldwin CT, Grozeva D, Karydas A, Russo G, Kaye JA, Kim R, Jessen F, Kowall NW, Vellas B, Kramer JH, Vardy E, LaFerla FM, Jöckel KH, Lah JJ, Dichgans M, Leverenz JB, Mann D, Levey AI, Pickering-Brown S, Lieberman AP, Klopp N, Lunetta KL, Wichmann HE, Lyketsos CG, Morgan K, Marson DC, Brown K, Martiniuk F, Medway C, Mash DC, Nöthen MM, et al. PMID: 30820047; PMCID: PMC6463297.
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1311 Fields:
Blood-brain barrier breakdown is an early biomarker of human cognitive dysfunction. Nat Med. 2019 02; 25(2):270-276.
Nation DA, Sweeney MD, Montagne A, Sagare AP, D'Orazio LM, Pachicano M, Sepehrband F, Nelson AR, Buennagel DP, Harrington MG, Benzinger TLS, Fagan AM, Ringman JM, Schneider LS, Morris JC, Chui HC, Law M, Toga AW, Zlokovic BV. PMID: 30643288; PMCID: PMC6367058.
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696 Fields:
Vascular dysfunction-The disregarded partner of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2019 01; 15(1):158-167.
Sweeney MD, Montagne A, Sagare AP, Nation DA, Schneider LS, Chui HC, Harrington MG, Pa J, Law M, Wang DJJ, Jacobs RE, Doubal FN, Ramirez J, Black SE, Nedergaard M, Benveniste H, Dichgans M, Iadecola C, Love S, Bath PM, Markus HS, Al-Shahi Salman R, Allan SM, Quinn TJ, Kalaria RN, Werring DJ, Carare RO, Touyz RM, Williams SCR, Moskowitz MA, Katusic ZS, Lutz SE, Lazarov O, Minshall RD, Rehman J, Davis TP, Wellington CL, González HM, Yuan C, Lockhart SN, Hughes TM, Chen CLH, Sachdev P, O'Brien JT, Skoog I, Pantoni L, Gustafson DR, Biessels GJ, Wallin A, Smith EE, Mok V, Wong A, Passmore P, Barkof F, Muller M, Breteler MMB, Román GC, Hamel E, Seshadri S, Gottesman RF, van Buchem MA, Arvanitakis Z, Schneider JA, Drewes LR, Hachinski V, Finch CE, Toga AW, Wardlaw JM, Zlokovic BV. PMID: 30642436; PMCID: PMC6338083.
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306 Fields:
Low-Density Lipoprotein Particle Size Subfractions and Cerebral Amyloidosis. J Alzheimers Dis. 2019; 68(3):983-990.
Lee S, Parekh T, King SM, Reed B, Chui HC, Krauss RM, Yassine HN. PMID: 30883362.
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Version 3 of the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center's Uniform Data Set. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2018 Oct-Dec; 32(4):351-358.
Besser L, Kukull W, Knopman DS, Chui H, Galasko D, Weintraub S, Jicha G, Carlsson C, Burns J, Quinn J, Sweet RA, Rascovsky K, Teylan M, Beekly D, Thomas G, Bollenbeck M, Monsell S, Mock C, Zhou XH, Thomas N, Robichaud E, Dean M, Hubbard J, Jacka M, Schwabe-Fry K, Wu J, Phelps C, Morris JC, Neuropsychology Work Group, Directors, and Clinical Core leaders of the National Institute on Aging-. PMID: 30376508; PMCID: PMC6249084.
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217 Fields:
Review: Vascular dementia: clinicopathologic and genetic considerations. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2018 04; 44(3):247-266.
Vinters HV, Zarow C, Borys E, Whitman JD, Tung S, Ellis WG, Zheng L, Chui HC. PMID: 29380913.
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46 Fields:
Rare coding variants in PLCG2, ABI3, and TREM2 implicate microglial-mediated innate immunity in Alzheimer's disease. Nat Genet. 2017 09; 49(9):1373-1384.
Sims R, van der Lee SJ, Naj AC, Bellenguez C, Badarinarayan N, Jakobsdottir J, Kunkle BW, Boland A, Raybould R, Bis JC, Martin ER, Grenier-Boley B, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Chouraki V, Kuzma AB, Sleegers K, Vronskaya M, Ruiz A, Graham RR, Olaso R, Hoffmann P, Grove ML, Vardarajan BN, Hiltunen M, Nöthen MM, White CC, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Epelbaum J, Maier W, Choi SH, Beecham GW, Dulary C, Herms S, Smith AV, Funk CC, Derbois C, Forstner AJ, Ahmad S, Li H, Bacq D, Harold D, Satizabal CL, Valladares O, Squassina A, Thomas R, Brody JA, Qu L, Sánchez-Juan P, Morgan T, Wolters FJ, Zhao Y, Garcia FS, Denning N, Fornage M, Malamon J, Naranjo MCD, Majounie E, Mosley TH, Dombroski B, Wallon D, Lupton MK, Dupuis J, Whitehead P, Fratiglioni L, Medway C, Jian X, Mukherjee S, Keller L, Brown K, Lin H, Cantwell LB, Panza F, McGuinness B, Moreno-Grau S, Burgess JD, Solfrizzi V, Proitsi P, Adams HH, Allen M, Seripa D, Pastor P, Cupples LA, Price ND, Hannequin D, Frank-García A, Levy D, Chakrabarty P, Caffarra P, Giegling I, Beiser AS, Giedraitis V, Hampel H, Garcia ME, Wang X, Lannfelt L, Mecocci P, Eiriksdottir G, Crane PK, Pasquier F, Boccardi V, Henández I, Barber RC, Scherer M, Tarraga L, Adams PM, Leber M, Chen Y, Albert MS, Riedel-Heller S, Emilsson V, Beekly D, Braae A, Schmidt R, Blacker D, Masullo C, Schmidt H, Doody RS, Spalletta G, Longstreth WT, Fairchild TJ, Bossù P, Lopez OL, Frosch MP, Sacchinelli E, Ghetti B, Yang Q, Huebinger RM, Jessen F, Li S, Kamboh MI, Morris J, Sotolongo-Grau O, Katz MJ, Corcoran C, Dunstan M, Braddel A, Thomas C, Meggy A, Marshall R, Gerrish A, Chapman J, Aguilar M, Taylor S, Hill M, Fairén MD, Hodges A, Vellas B, Soininen H, Kloszewska I, Daniilidou M, Uphill J, Patel Y, Hughes JT, Lord J, Turton J, Hartmann AM, Cecchetti R, Fenoglio C, Serpente M, Arcaro M, Caltagirone C, Orfei MD, Ciaramella A, Pichler S, Mayhaus M, Gu W, Lleó A, Fortea J, Blesa R, Barber IS, Brookes K, Cupidi C, Maletta RG, Carrell D, Sorbi S, Moebus S, Urbano M, Pilotto A, Kornhuber J, Bosco P, Todd S, Craig D, Johnston J, Gill M, Lawlor B, Lynch A, Fox NC, Hardy J, ARUK Consortium, Albin RL, Apostolova LG, Arnold SE, Asthana S, Atwood CS, Baldwin CT, Barnes LL, Barral S, Beach TG, Becker JT, Bigio EH, Bird TD, Boeve BF, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Burke JR, Burns JM, Buxbaum JD, Cairns NJ, Cao C, Carlson CS, Carlsson CM, Carney RM, Carrasquillo MM, Carroll SL, Diaz CC, Chui HC, Clark DG, Cribbs DH, Crocco EA, DeCarli C, Dick M, Duara R, Evans DA, Faber KM, Fallon KB, Fardo DW, Farlow MR, Ferris S, Foroud TM, Galasko DR, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Gilbert JR, Graff-Radford NR, Green RC, Growdon JH, Hamilton RL, Harrell LE, Honig LS, Huentelman MJ, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Jarvik GP, Abner E, Jin LW, Jun G, Karydas A, Kaye JA, Kim R, Kowall NW, Kramer JH, LaFerla FM, Lah JJ, Leverenz JB, Levey AI, Li G, Lieberman AP, Lunetta KL, Lyketsos CG, Marson DC, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McKee AC, Mesulam M, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Morris JC, Murrell JR, Myers AJ, O'Bryant S, Olichney JM, Pankratz VS, Parisi JE, Paulson HL, Perry W, Peskind E, Pierce A, Poon WW, Potter H, Quinn JF, Raj A, Raskind M, Reisberg B, Reitz C, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rogaeva E, Rosen HJ, Rosenberg RN, et al. PMID: 28714976; PMCID: PMC5669039.
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481 Fields:
Triglycerides are negatively correlated with cognitive function in nondemented aging adults. Neuropsychology. 2017 Sep; 31(6):682-688.
Parthasarathy V, Frazier DT, Bettcher BM, Jastrzab L, Chao L, Chao L, Reed B, Mungas D, Weiner M, DeCarli C, Chui H, Kramer JH. PMID: 28604016; PMCID: PMC5726405.
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26 Fields:
Neuropsychological Profiles Differentiate Alzheimer Disease from Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Dementia in an Autopsy-Defined Cohort. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2017; 44(1-2):1-11.
Ramirez-Gomez L, Zheng L, Reed B, Kramer J, Mungas D, Zarow C, Vinters H, Ringman JM, Chui H. PMID: 28595184; PMCID: PMC5789445.
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Vascular Contributions to Cognitive Impairment in Late Life. Neurol Clin. 2017 05; 35(2):295-323.
Chui HC, Ramirez Gomez L. PMID: 28410661.
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74 Fields:
Particulate air pollutants, APOE alleles and their contributions to cognitive impairment in older women and to amyloidogenesis in experimental models. Transl Psychiatry. 2017 01 31; 7(1):e1022.
Cacciottolo M, Wang X, Driscoll I, Woodward N, Saffari A, Reyes J, Serre ML, Vizuete W, Sioutas C, Morgan TE, Gatz M, Chui HC, Shumaker SA, Resnick SM, Espeland MA, Finch CE, Chen JC. PMID: 28140404; PMCID: PMC5299391.
Two Novel Mutations in the First Transmembrane Domain of Presenilin1 Cause Young-Onset Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2017; 58(4):1035-1041.
Liu CY, Ohki Y, Tomita T, Osawa S, Reed BR, Jagust W, Van Berlo V, Jin LW, Chui HC, Coppola G, Ringman JM. PMID: 28550247.
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A T1 and DTI fused 3D corpus callosum analysis in MCI subjects with high and low cardiovascular risk profile. Neuroimage Clin. 2017; 14:298-307.
Lao Y, Nguyen B, Tsao S, Gajawelli N, Law M, Chui H, Weiner M, Wang Y, Leporé N. PMID: 28210541; PMCID: PMC5299209.
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8 Fields:
A Multidisciplinary Model of Dementia Care in an Underserved Retirement Community, Made Possible by Telemedicine. Front Neurol. 2016; 7:225.
Tso JV, Farinpour R, Chui HC, Liu CY. PMID: 28066313; PMCID: PMC5179531.
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A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study Reveals Local Brain Structural Alterations Associated with Ambient Fine Particles in Older Women. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016; 10:495.
Casanova R, Wang X, Reyes J, Akita Y, Serre ML, Vizuete W, Chui HC, Driscoll I, Resnick SM, Espeland MA, Chen JC. PMID: 27790103; PMCID: PMC5061768.
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Association of Serum Docosahexaenoic Acid With Cerebral Amyloidosis. JAMA Neurol. 2016 Oct 01; 73(10):1208-1216.
Yassine HN, Feng Q, Azizkhanian I, Rawat V, Castor K, Fonteh AN, Harrington MG, Zheng L, Reed BR, DeCarli C, Jagust WJ, Chui HC. PMID: 27532692.
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37 Fields:
Late-Life Vascular Risk Factors and Alzheimer Disease Neuropathology in Individuals with Normal Cognition. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2016 Oct; 75(10):955-962.
Besser LM, Alosco ML, Ramirez Gomez L, Zhou XH, McKee AC, Stern RA, Gunstad J, Schneider JA, Chui H, Kukull WA. PMID: 27516116; PMCID: PMC5029440.
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The effect of APOE genotype on the delivery of DHA to cerebrospinal fluid in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2016 06 30; 8:25.
Yassine HN, Rawat V, Mack WJ, Quinn JF, Yurko-Mauro K, Bailey-Hall E, Aisen PS, Chui HC, Schneider LS. PMID: 27358067; PMCID: PMC4928349.
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ABCA1-Mediated Cholesterol Efflux Capacity to Cerebrospinal Fluid Is Reduced in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016 Feb 12; 5(2).
Yassine HN, Feng Q, Chiang J, Petrosspour LM, Fonteh AN, Chui HC, Harrington MG. PMID: 26873692; PMCID: PMC4802440.
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49 Fields:
Consensus statement for diagnosis of subcortical small vessel disease. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2016 Jan; 36(1):6-25.
Rosenberg GA, Wallin A, Wardlaw JM, Markus HS, Montaner J, Wolfson L, Iadecola C, Zlokovic BV, Joutel A, Dichgans M, Duering M, Schmidt R, Korczyn AD, Grinberg LT, Chui HC, Hachinski V. PMID: 26198175; PMCID: PMC4758552.
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105 Fields:
Differential effects of ischemic vascular disease and Alzheimer's disease on brain atrophy and cognition. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2016 Jan; 36(1):204-15.
Zheng L, Vinters HV, Mack WJ, Weiner MW, Chui HC, IVD program project. PMID: 26126864; PMCID: PMC4758550.
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14 Fields:
Melanopsin retinal ganglion cell loss in Alzheimer disease. Ann Neurol. 2016 Jan; 79(1):90-109.
La Morgia C, Ross-Cisneros FN, Koronyo Y, Hannibal J, Gallassi R, Cantalupo G, Sambati L, Pan BX, Tozer KR, Barboni P, Provini F, Avanzini P, Carbonelli M, Pelosi A, Chui H, Liguori R, Baruzzi A, Koronyo-Hamaoui M, Sadun AA, Carelli V. PMID: 26505992; PMCID: PMC4737313.
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195 Fields:
Trajectories of depressive symptoms in old age: Integrating age-, pathology-, and mortality-related changes. Psychol Aging. 2015 Dec; 30(4):940-51.
Chui H, Gerstorf D, Hoppmann CA, Luszcz MA. PMID: 26502093.
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9 Fields:
Ambient air pollution and neurotoxicity on brain structure: Evidence from women's health initiative memory study. Ann Neurol. 2015 Sep; 78(3):466-76.
Chen JC, Wang X, Wellenius GA, Serre ML, Driscoll I, Casanova R, McArdle JJ, Manson JE, Chui HC, Espeland MA. PMID: 26075655; PMCID: PMC4546504.
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110 Fields:
HumansPHPublic Health
A multiancestral genome-wide exome array study of Alzheimer disease, frontotemporal dementia, and progressive supranuclear palsy. JAMA Neurol. 2015 Apr; 72(4):414-22.
Chen JA, Wang Q, Davis-Turak J, Li Y, Karydas AM, Hsu SC, Sears RL, Chatzopoulou D, Huang AY, Wojta KJ, Klein E, Lee J, Beekly DL, Boxer A, Faber KM, Haase CM, Miller J, Poon WW, Rosen A, Rosen H, Sapozhnikova A, Shapira J, Varpetian A, Foroud TM, Levenson RW, Levey AI, Kukull WA, Mendez MF, Ringman J, Chui H, Cotman C, DeCarli C, Miller BL, Geschwind DH, Coppola G. PMID: 25706306; PMCID: PMC4397175.
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Clinical and imaging features of mixed Alzheimer and vascular pathologies. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2015; 7(1):21.
Chui HC, Ramirez-Gomez L. PMID: 25722748; PMCID: PMC4342006.
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50 Fields:
Rarity of the Alzheimer disease-protective APP A673T variant in the United States. JAMA Neurol. 2015 Feb; 72(2):209-16.
Wang LS, Naj AC, Graham RR, Crane PK, Kunkle BW, Cruchaga C, Murcia JD, Cannon-Albright L, Baldwin CT, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Kukull WA, Faber KM, Schupf N, Norton MC, Tschanz JT, Munger RG, Corcoran CD, Rogaeva E, Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium, Lin CF, Dombroski BA, Cantwell LB, Partch A, Valladares O, Hakonarson H, St George-Hyslop P, Green RC, Goate AM, Foroud TM, Carney RM, Larson EB, Behrens TW, Kauwe JS, Haines JL, Farrer LA, Pericak-Vance MA, Mayeux R, Schellenberg GD, National Institute on Aging-Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease (NIA-LOAD) Family Study, Albert MS, Albin RL, Apostolova LG, Arnold SE, Barber R, Barmada M, Barnes LL, Beach TG, Becker JT, Beecham GW, Beekly D, Bennett DA, Bigio EH, Bird TD, Blacker D, Boeve BF, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Burke JR, Buxbaum JD, Cairns NJ, Cao C, Carlson CS, Carroll SL, Chui HC, Clark DG, Cribbs DH, Crocco EA, DeCarli C, DeKosky ST, Demirci FY, Dick M, Dickson DW, Duara R, Ertekin-Taner N, Fallon KB, Farlow MR, Ferris S, Frosch MP, Galasko DR, Ganguli M, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Ghetti B, Gilbert JR, Glass JD, Graff-Radford NR, Growdon JH, Hamilton RL, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Harrell LE, Head E, Honig LS, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Jarvik GP, Jicha GA, Jin LW, Jun G, Jun G, Kamboh MI, Karydas A, Kaye JA, Kim R, Koo EH, Kowall NW, Kramer JH, LaFerla FM, Lah JJ, Leverenz JB, Levey AI, Li G, Lieberman AP, Lopez OL, Lunetta KL, Lyketsos CG, Mack WJ, Marson DC, Martin ER, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McKee AC, Mesulam WM, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Montine TJ, Morris JC, Murrell JR, Olichney JM, Parisi JE, Perry W, Peskind E, Petersen RC, Pierce A, Poon WW, Potter H, Quinn JF, Raj A, Raskind M, Reiman EM, Reisberg B, Reitz C, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rosen HJ, Rosenberg RN, Sano M, Saykin AJ, Schneider JA, Schneider LS, Seeley WW, Smith AG, Sonnen JA, Spina S, Stern RA, Tanzi RE, Thornton-Wells TA, Trojanowski JQ, Troncoso JC, Tsuang DW, Van Deerlin VM, Van Eldik LJ, Vardarajan BN, Vinters HV, Vonsattel JP, Weintraub S, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Williamson J, Wishnek S, Woltjer RL, Wright CB, Younkin SG, Yu CE, Yu L. PMID: 25531812; PMCID: PMC4324097.
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24 Fields:
Blood-brain barrier breakdown in the aging human hippocampus. Neuron. 2015 Jan 21; 85(2):296-302.
Montagne A, Barnes SR, Sweeney MD, Halliday MR, Sagare AP, Zhao Z, Toga AW, Jacobs RE, Liu CY, Amezcua L, Harrington MG, Chui HC, Law M, Zlokovic BV. PMID: 25611508; PMCID: PMC4350773.
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974 Fields:
The role of carotid intima-media thickness in predicting longitudinal cognitive function in an older adult cohort. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2014; 38(6):441-7.
Frazier DT, Seider T, Bettcher BM, Mack WJ, Jastrzab L, Chao L, Weiner MW, DeCarli C, Reed BR, Mungas D, Chui HC, Kramer JH. PMID: 25502351; PMCID: PMC4303029.
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18 Fields:
Effects of multiple genetic loci on age at onset in late-onset Alzheimer disease: a genome-wide association study. JAMA Neurol. 2014 Nov; 71(11):1394-404.
Naj AC, Jun G, Reitz C, Kunkle BW, Perry W, Park YS, Beecham GW, Rajbhandary RA, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Wang LS, Kauwe JS, Huentelman MJ, Myers AJ, Bird TD, Boeve BF, Baldwin CT, Jarvik GP, Crane PK, Rogaeva E, Barmada MM, Demirci FY, Cruchaga C, Kramer PL, Ertekin-Taner N, Hardy J, Graff-Radford NR, Green RC, Larson EB, St George-Hyslop PH, Buxbaum JD, Evans DA, Schneider JA, Lunetta KL, Kamboh MI, Saykin AJ, Reiman EM, De Jager PL, Bennett DA, Morris JC, Montine TJ, Goate AM, Blacker D, Tsuang DW, Hakonarson H, Kukull WA, Foroud TM, Martin ER, Haines JL, Mayeux RP, Farrer LA, Schellenberg GD, Pericak-Vance MA, Alzheimer Disease Genetics Consortium, Albert MS, Albin RL, Apostolova LG, Arnold SE, Barber R, Barnes LL, Beach TG, Becker JT, Beekly D, Bigio EH, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Burke JR, Cairns NJ, Cantwell LB, Cao C, Carlson CS, Carney RM, Carrasquillo MM, Carroll SL, Chui HC, Clark DG, Corneveaux J, Cribbs DH, Crocco EA, DeCarli C, DeKosky ST, Dick M, Dickson DW, Duara R, Faber KM, Fallon KB, Farlow MR, Ferris S, Frosch MP, Galasko DR, Ganguli M, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Ghetti B, Gilbert JR, Glass JD, Growdon JH, Hamilton RL, Harrell LE, Head E, Honig LS, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Jicha GA, Jin LW, Karydas A, Kaye JA, Kim R, Koo EH, Kowall NW, Kramer JH, LaFerla FM, Lah JJ, Leverenz JB, Levey AI, Li G, Lieberman AP, Lin CF, Lopez OL, Lyketsos CG, Mack WJ, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McKee AC, Mesulam M, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Murrell JR, Olichney JM, Pankratz VS, Parisi JE, Paulson HL, Peskind E, Petersen RC, Pierce A, Poon WW, Potter H, Quinn JF, Raj A, Raskind M, Reisberg B, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rosen HJ, Rosenberg RN, Sano M, Schneider LS, Seeley WW, Smith AG, Sonnen JA, Spina S, Stern RA, Tanzi RE, Thornton-Wells TA, Trojanowski JQ, Troncoso JC, Valladares O, Van Deerlin VM, Van Eldik LJ, Vardarajan BN, Vinters HV, Vonsattel JP, Weintraub S, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Williamson J, Wishnek S, Woltjer RL, Wright CB, Younkin SG, Yu CE, Yu L. PMID: 25199842; PMCID: PMC4314944.
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102 Fields:
Assessment of cerebrovascular reactivity during resting state breathing and its correlation with cognitive function in hypertension. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2014; 38(1):10-6.
Hajjar I, Marmerelis V, Shin DC, Chui H. PMID: 25171390; PMCID: PMC4216224.
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Measuring future time perspective across adulthood: development and evaluation of a brief multidimensional questionnaire. Gerontologist. 2014 Dec; 54(6):1075-88.
Brothers A, Chui H, Diehl M. PMID: 25063938; PMCID: PMC4296169.
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Diagnostic criteria for vascular cognitive disorders: a VASCOG statement. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2014 Jul-Sep; 28(3):206-18.
Sachdev P, Kalaria R, O'Brien J, Skoog I, Alladi S, Black SE, Blacker D, Blazer DG, Chen C, Chui H, Ganguli M, Jellinger K, Jeste DV, Pasquier F, Paulsen J, Prins N, Rockwood K, Roman G, Scheltens P, Internationlal Society for Vascular Behavioral and Cognitive Disorders. PMID: 24632990; PMCID: PMC4139434.
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286 Fields:
Vascular risk and Aβ interact to reduce cortical thickness in AD vulnerable brain regions. Neurology. 2014 Jul 01; 83(1):40-7.
Villeneuve S, Reed BR, Madison CM, Wirth M, Marchant NL, Kriger S, Mack WJ, Sanossian N, DeCarli C, Chui HC, Weiner MW, Jagust WJ. PMID: 24907234; PMCID: PMC4114172.
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Mapping of ApoE4 Related White Matter Damage using Diffusion MRI. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2014 Apr 09; 9039:90390H.
Tsao S, Gajawelli N, Hwang DH, Kriger S, Law M, Chui H, Weiner M, Lepore N. PMID: 25076830; PMCID: PMC4112767.
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The Power of Hybrid/Fusion Imaging Metrics in Future PACS Systems: A Case Study into the White Matter Hyperintensity Prenumbra using FLAIR and Diffusion MR. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2014 Apr 09; 9039:90390I.
Tsao S, Ma SJ, Michels PA, Gajawelli N, Law M, Chui H, Lepore N. PMID: 25076831; PMCID: PMC4112755.
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Associations between serum cholesterol levels and cerebral amyloidosis. JAMA Neurol. 2014 Feb; 71(2):195-200.
Reed B, Villeneuve S, Mack W, DeCarli C, Chui HC, Jagust W. PMID: 24378418; PMCID: PMC4083819.
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Cortical thickness mediates the effect of β-amyloid on episodic memory. Neurology. 2014 Mar 04; 82(9):761-7.
Villeneuve S, Reed BR, Wirth M, Haase CM, Madison CM, Ayakta N, Mack W, Mungas D, Chui HC, DeCarli C, Weiner MW, Jagust WJ. PMID: 24489134; PMCID: PMC3945649.
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Differences in prefrontal, limbic, and white matter lesion volumes according to cognitive status in elderly patients with first-onset subsyndromal depression. PLoS One. 2014; 9(1):e87747.
Lee JY, Park S, Mackin S, Ewers M, Chui H, Jagust W, Insel PS, Weiner MW. PMID: 24498184; PMCID: PMC3909227.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
10-minute delayed recall from the modified mini-mental state test predicts Alzheimer's disease pathology. J Alzheimers Dis. 2014; 39(3):575-82.
Lyness SA, Lee AY, Zarow C, Teng EL, Chui HC. PMID: 24240637; PMCID: PMC4220788.
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APOE associations with severe CAA-associated vasculopathic changes: collaborative meta-analysis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2014 Mar; 85(3):300-5.
Rannikmäe K, Kalaria RN, Greenberg SM, Chui HC, Schmitt FA, Samarasekera N, Al-Shahi Salman R, Sudlow CL. PMID: 24163429; PMCID: PMC4018226.
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Social partners and momentary affect in the oldest-old: the presence of others benefits affect depending on who we are and who we are with. Dev Psychol. 2014 Mar; 50(3):728-40.
Chui H, Hoppmann CA, Gerstorf D, Walker R, Luszcz MA. PMID: 23895170; PMCID: PMC4854631.
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Cerebral atherosclerosis is associated with cystic infarcts and microinfarcts but not Alzheimer pathologic changes. Stroke. 2013 Oct; 44(10):2835-41.
Zheng L, Vinters HV, Mack WJ, Zarow C, Ellis WG, Chui HC. PMID: 23887837; PMCID: PMC4049465.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Change in coping and defense mechanisms across adulthood: longitudinal findings in a European American sample. Dev Psychol. 2014 Feb; 50(2):634-48.
Diehl M, Chui H, Hay EL, Lumley MA, Grühn D, Labouvie-Vief G. PMID: 23834293; PMCID: PMC3936469.
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Associations between white matter hyperintensities and β amyloid on integrity of projection, association, and limbic fiber tracts measured with diffusion tensor MRI. PLoS One. 2013; 8(6):e65175.
Chao LL, Decarli C, Kriger S, Truran D, Zhang Y, Laxamana J, Villeneuve S, Jagust WJ, Sanossian N, Mack WJ, Chui HC, Weiner MW. PMID: 23762308; PMCID: PMC3675157.
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The aging brain and cognition: contribution of vascular injury and aβ to mild cognitive dysfunction. JAMA Neurol. 2013 Apr; 70(4):488-95.
Marchant NL, Reed BR, Sanossian N, Madison CM, Kriger S, Dhada R, Mack WJ, DeCarli C, Weiner MW, Mungas DM, Chui HC, Jagust WJ. PMID: 23400560; PMCID: PMC3771392.
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Alzheimer pathology and angiotension receptor blockers. JAMA Neurol. 2013 Mar 01; 70(3):414.
Hajjar I, Brown L, Mack WJ, Chui H. PMID: 23478841.
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Impact of Angiotensin receptor blockers on Alzheimer disease neuropathology in a large brain autopsy series. Arch Neurol. 2012 Dec; 69(12):1632-8.
Hajjar I, Brown L, Mack WJ, Chui H. PMID: 22964777; PMCID: PMC3608189.
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Associations among vascular risk factors, carotid atherosclerosis, and cortical volume and thickness in older adults. Stroke. 2012 Nov; 43(11):2865-70.
Cardenas VA, Reed B, Chao LL, Chui H, Sanossian N, DeCarli CC, Mack W, Kramer J, Hodis HN, Yan M, Buonocore MH, Carmichael O, Jagust WJ, Weiner MW. PMID: 22984010; PMCID: PMC3732460.
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Walking stabilizes cognitive functioning in Alzheimer's disease (AD) across one year. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2013 Jan-Feb; 56(1):96-103.
Winchester J, Dick MB, Gillen D, Reed B, Miller B, Tinklenberg J, Mungas D, Chui H, Galasko D, Hewett L, Cotman CW. PMID: 22959822; PMCID: PMC3766353.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
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Chinese-language montreal cognitive assessment for cantonese or mandarin speakers: age, education, and gender effects. Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2012; 2012:204623.
Zheng L, Teng EL, Varma R, Mack WJ, Mungas D, Lu PH, Chui HC. PMID: 22830073; PMCID: PMC3399373.
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Preservation of neurons of the nucleus basalis in subcortical ischemic vascular disease. Arch Neurol. 2012 Jul; 69(7):879-86.
Jung S, Zarow C, Mack WJ, Zheng L, Vinters HV, Ellis WG, Lyness SA, Chui HC. PMID: 22393167; PMCID: PMC4184885.
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Prevalence, laterality, and comorbidity of hippocampal sclerosis in an autopsy sample. Brain Behav. 2012 Jul; 2(4):435-42.
Zarow C, Weiner MW, Ellis WG, Chui HC. PMID: 22950047; PMCID: PMC3432966.
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58 Fields:
Novel late-onset Alzheimer disease loci variants associate with brain gene expression. Neurology. 2012 Jul 17; 79(3):221-8.
Allen M, Zou F, Chai HS, Younkin CS, Crook J, Pankratz VS, Carrasquillo MM, Rowley CN, Nair AA, Middha S, Maharjan S, Nguyen T, Ma L, Malphrus KG, Palusak R, Lincoln S, Bisceglio G, Georgescu C, Schultz D, Rakhshan F, Kolbert CP, Jen J, Haines JL, Mayeux R, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Schellenberg GD, Petersen RC, Graff-Radford NR, Dickson DW, Younkin SG, Ertekin-Taner N, Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC), Apostolova LG, Arnold SE, Baldwin CT, Barber R, Barmada MM, Beach T, Beecham GW, Beekly D, Bennett DA, Bigio EH, Bird TD, Blacker D, Boeve BF, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Burke JR, Buros J, Buxbaum JD, Cairns NJ, Cantwell LB, Cao C, Carlson CS, Carney RM, Carroll SL, Chui HC, Clark DG, Corneveaux J, Cotman CW, Crane PK, Cruchaga C, Cummings JL, De Jager PL, DeCarli C, DeKosky ST, Demirci FY, Diaz-Arrastia R, Dick M, Dombroski BA, Duara R, Ellis WD, Evans D, Faber KM, Fallon KB, Farlow MR, Ferris S, Foroud TM, Frosch M, Galasko DR, Gallins PJ, Ganguli M, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Ghetti B, Gilbert JR, Gilman S, Giordani B, Glass JD, Goate AM, Green RC, Growdon JH, Hakonarson H, Hamilton RL, Hardy J, Harrell LE, Head E, Honig LS, Huentelman MJ, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Jarvik GP, Jicha GA, Jin LW, Jun G, Kamboh MI, Karlawish J, Karydas A, Kauwe JS, Kaye JA, Kennedy N, Kim R, Koo EH, Kowall NW, Kramer P, Kukull WA, Lah JJ, Larson EB, Levey AI, Lieberman AP, Lopez OL, Lunetta KL, Mack WJ, Marson DC, Martin ER, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McKee AC, Mesulam M, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Montine TJ, Morris JC, Myers AJ, Naj AC, Nowotny P, Parisi JE, Perl DP, Peskind E, Poon WW, Potter H, Quinn JF, Raj A, Rajbhandary RA, Raskind M, Reiman EM, Reisberg B, Reitz C, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rogaeva E, Rosenberg RN, Sano M, Saykin AJ, Schneider JA, Schneider LS, Seeley W, Shelanski ML, Slifer MA, Smith CD, Sonnen JA, Spina S, St George-Hyslop P, Stern RA, Tanzi RE, Trojanowski JQ, Troncoso JC, Tsuang DW, Van Deerlin VM, Vardarajan BN, Vinters HV, Vonsattel JP, Wang LS, Weintraub S, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Williamson J, Woltjer RL. PMID: 22722634; PMCID: PMC3398432.
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Evidence for a role of the rare p.A152T variant in MAPT in increasing the risk for FTD-spectrum and Alzheimer's diseases. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Aug 01; 21(15):3500-12.
Coppola G, Chinnathambi S, Lee JJ, Dombroski BA, Baker MC, Soto-Ortolaza AI, Lee SE, Klein E, Huang AY, Sears R, Lane JR, Karydas AM, Kenet RO, Biernat J, Wang LS, Cotman CW, Decarli CS, Levey AI, Ringman JM, Mendez MF, Chui HC, Le Ber I, Brice A, Lupton MK, Preza E, Lovestone S, Powell J, Graff-Radford N, Petersen RC, Boeve BF, Lippa CF, Bigio EH, Mackenzie I, Finger E, Kertesz A, Caselli RJ, Gearing M, Juncos JL, Ghetti B, Spina S, Bordelon YM, Tourtellotte WW, Frosch MP, Vonsattel JP, Zarow C, Beach TG, Albin RL, Lieberman AP, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ, Van Deerlin VM, Bird TD, Galasko DR, Masliah E, White CL, Troncoso JC, Hannequin D, Boxer AL, Geschwind MD, Kumar S, Mandelkow EM, Wszolek ZK, Uitti RJ, Dickson DW, Haines JL, Mayeux R, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium, Ross OA, Rademakers R, Schellenberg GD, Miller BL, Mandelkow E, Geschwind DH. PMID: 22556362; PMCID: PMC3392107.
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130 Fields:
Effect of antihypertensive therapy on cognitive function in early executive cognitive impairment: a double-blind randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med. 2012 Mar 12; 172(5):442-4.
Hajjar I, Hart M, Chen YL, Mack W, Milberg W, Chui H, Lipsitz L. PMID: 22412114; PMCID: PMC3536822.
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Coronary artery disease is associated with cognitive decline independent of changes on magnetic resonance imaging in cognitively normal elderly adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 Mar; 60(3):499-504.
Zheng L, Mack WJ, Chui HC, Heflin L, Mungas D, Reed B, DeCarli C, Weiner MW, Kramer JH. PMID: 22283410; PMCID: PMC3302932.
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Vascular risk factors and Alzheimer's disease: are these risk factors for plaques and tangles or for concomitant vascular pathology that increases the likelihood of dementia? An evidence-based review. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2012 Jan 04; 4(1):1.
Chui HC, Zheng L, Reed BR, Vinters HV, Mack WJ. PMID: 22182734; PMCID: PMC3471388.
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Coronary risk correlates with cerebral amyloid deposition. Neurobiol Aging. 2012 Sep; 33(9):1979-87.
Reed BR, Marchant NL, Jagust WJ, DeCarli CC, Mack W, Chui HC. PMID: 22078485; PMCID: PMC3371309.
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Cerebrovascular disease, β-amyloid, and cognition in aging. Neurobiol Aging. 2012 May; 33(5):1006.e25-36.
Marchant NL, Reed BR, DeCarli CS, Madison CM, Weiner MW, Chui HC, Jagust WJ. PMID: 22048124; PMCID: PMC3274647.
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Vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia: a statement for healthcare professionals from the american heart association/american stroke association. Stroke. 2011 Sep; 42(9):2672-713.
Gorelick PB, Scuteri A, Black SE, Decarli C, Greenberg SM, Iadecola C, Launer LJ, Laurent S, Lopez OL, Nyenhuis D, Petersen RC, Schneider JA, Tzourio C, Arnett DK, Bennett DA, Chui HC, Higashida RT, Lindquist R, Nilsson PM, Roman GC, Sellke FW, Seshadri S, American Heart Association Stroke Council, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, Council on Cardio. PMID: 21778438; PMCID: PMC3778669.
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1609 Fields:
MRI shows more severe hippocampal atrophy and shape deformation in hippocampal sclerosis than in Alzheimer's disease. Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2011 Apr 11; 2011:483972.
Zarow C, Wang L, Chui HC, Weiner MW, Csernansky JG. PMID: 21547227; PMCID: PMC3087502.
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Common variants at MS4A4/MS4A6E, CD2AP, CD33 and EPHA1 are associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Nat Genet. 2011 May; 43(5):436-41.
Naj AC, Jun G, Beecham GW, Wang LS, Vardarajan BN, Buros J, Gallins PJ, Buxbaum JD, Jarvik GP, Crane PK, Larson EB, Bird TD, Boeve BF, Graff-Radford NR, De Jager PL, Evans D, Schneider JA, Carrasquillo MM, Ertekin-Taner N, Younkin SG, Cruchaga C, Kauwe JS, Nowotny P, Kramer P, Hardy J, Huentelman MJ, Myers AJ, Barmada MM, Demirci FY, Baldwin CT, Green RC, Rogaeva E, St George-Hyslop P, Arnold SE, Barber R, Beach T, Bigio EH, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Burke JR, Cairns NJ, Carlson CS, Carney RM, Carroll SL, Chui HC, Clark DG, Corneveaux J, Cotman CW, Cummings JL, DeCarli C, DeKosky ST, Diaz-Arrastia R, Dick M, Dickson DW, Ellis WG, Faber KM, Fallon KB, Farlow MR, Ferris S, Frosch MP, Galasko DR, Ganguli M, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Ghetti B, Gilbert JR, Gilman S, Giordani B, Glass JD, Growdon JH, Hamilton RL, Harrell LE, Head E, Honig LS, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Jicha GA, Jin LW, Johnson N, Karlawish J, Karydas A, Kaye JA, Kim R, Koo EH, Kowall NW, Lah JJ, Levey AI, Lieberman AP, Lopez OL, Mack WJ, Marson DC, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McKee AC, Mesulam M, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Parisi JE, Perl DP, Peskind E, Petersen RC, Poon WW, Quinn JF, Rajbhandary RA, Raskind M, Reisberg B, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rosenberg RN, Sano M, Schneider LS, Seeley W, Shelanski ML, Slifer MA, Smith CD, Sonnen JA, Spina S, Stern RA, Tanzi RE, Trojanowski JQ, Troncoso JC, Van Deerlin VM, Vinters HV, Vonsattel JP, Weintraub S, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Williamson J, Woltjer RL, Cantwell LB, Dombroski BA, Beekly D, Lunetta KL, Martin ER, Kamboh MI, Saykin AJ, Reiman EM, Bennett DA, Morris JC, Montine TJ, Goate AM, Blacker D, Tsuang DW, Hakonarson H, Kukull WA, Foroud TM, Haines JL, Mayeux R, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Schellenberg GD. PMID: 21460841; PMCID: PMC3090745.
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1083 Fields:
Operationalizing diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease and other age-related cognitive impairment-Part 2. Alzheimers Dement. 2011 Jan; 7(1):35-52.
Seshadri S, Beiser A, Au R, Wolf PA, Evans DA, Wilson RS, Petersen RC, Knopman DS, Rocca WA, Kawas CH, Corrada MM, Plassman BL, Langa KM, Chui HC. PMID: 21255742; PMCID: PMC3039838.
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Association of depressed mood and mortality in older adults with and without cognitive impairment in a prospective naturalistic study. Am J Psychiatry. 2010 May; 167(5):589-97.
Lavretsky H, Zheng L, Weiner MW, Mungas D, Reed B, Kramer JH, Jagust W, Chui H, Mack WJ. PMID: 20160005; PMCID: PMC2864365.
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Common variants at 7p21 are associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 inclusions. Nat Genet. 2010 Mar; 42(3):234-9.
Van Deerlin VM, Sleiman PM, Martinez-Lage M, Chen-Plotkin A, Wang LS, Graff-Radford NR, Dickson DW, Rademakers R, Boeve BF, Grossman M, Arnold SE, Mann DM, Pickering-Brown SM, Seelaar H, Heutink P, van Swieten JC, Murrell JR, Ghetti B, Spina S, Grafman J, Hodges J, Spillantini MG, Gilman S, Lieberman AP, Kaye JA, Woltjer RL, Bigio EH, Mesulam M, Al-Sarraj S, Troakes C, Rosenberg RN, White CL, Ferrer I, Lladó A, Neumann M, Kretzschmar HA, Hulette CM, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Miller BL, Alzualde A, Lopez de Munain A, McKee AC, Gearing M, Levey AI, Lah JJ, Hardy J, Rohrer JD, Lashley T, Mackenzie IR, Feldman HH, Hamilton RL, Dekosky ST, van der Zee J, Kumar-Singh S, Van Broeckhoven C, Mayeux R, Vonsattel JP, Troncoso JC, Kril JJ, Kwok JB, Halliday GM, Bird TD, Ince PG, Shaw PJ, Cairns NJ, Morris JC, McLean CA, DeCarli C, Ellis WG, Freeman SH, Frosch MP, Growdon JH, Perl DP, Sano M, Bennett DA, Schneider JA, Beach TG, Reiman EM, Woodruff BK, Cummings J, Vinters HV, Miller CA, Chui HC, Alafuzoff I, Hartikainen P, Seilhean D, Galasko D, Masliah E, Cotman CW, Tuñón MT, Martínez MC, Munoz DG, Carroll SL, Marson D, Riederer PF, Bogdanovic N, Schellenberg GD, Hakonarson H, Trojanowski JQ, Lee VM. PMID: 20154673; PMCID: PMC2828525.
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White matter integrity and cortical metabolic associations in aging and dementia. Alzheimers Dement. 2010 Jan; 6(1):54-62.
Kuczynski B, Targan E, Madison C, Weiner M, Zhang Y, Reed B, Chui HC, Jagust W. PMID: 20129319; PMCID: PMC2817977.
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Cerebral blood flow in ischemic vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease, measured by arterial spin-labeling magnetic resonance imaging. Alzheimers Dement. 2009 Nov; 5(6):454-62.
Schuff N, Matsumoto S, Kmiecik J, Studholme C, Du A, Ezekiel F, Miller BL, Kramer JH, Jagust WJ, Chui HC, Weiner MW. PMID: 19896584; PMCID: PMC2802181.
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101 Fields:
The Alzheimer's Disease Centers' Uniform Data Set (UDS): the neuropsychologic test battery. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2009 Apr-Jun; 23(2):91-101.
Weintraub S, Salmon D, Mercaldo N, Ferris S, Graff-Radford NR, Chui H, Cummings J, DeCarli C, Foster NL, Galasko D, Peskind E, Dietrich W, Beekly DL, Kukull WA, Morris JC. PMID: 19474567; PMCID: PMC2743984.
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An inverse association of cardiovascular risk and frontal lobe glucose metabolism. Neurology. 2009 Feb 24; 72(8):738-43.
Kuczynski B, Jagust W, Chui HC, Reed B. PMID: 19237703; PMCID: PMC2677543.
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Association of distinct variants in SORL1 with cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative changes related to Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol. 2008 Dec; 65(12):1640-8.
T Cuenco K, Lunetta KL, Baldwin CT, McKee AC, Guo J, Cupples LA, Green RC, St George-Hyslop PH, Chui H, DeCarli C, Farrer LA, MIRAGE Study Group. PMID: 19064752; PMCID: PMC2719762.
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The MRI brain correlates of depressed mood, anhedonia, apathy, and anergia in older adults with and without cognitive impairment or dementia. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2008 Oct; 23(10):1040-50.
Lavretsky H, Zheng L, Weiner MW, Mungas D, Reed B, Kramer JH, Jagust W, Chui H, Mack WJ. PMID: 18412291; PMCID: PMC2575050.
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Longitudinal changes in memory and executive functioning are associated with longitudinal change in instrumental activities of daily living in older adults. Clin Neuropsychol. 2009 Apr; 23(3):446-61.
Tomaszewski Farias S, Cahn-Weiner DA, Harvey DJ, Reed BR, Mungas D, Kramer JH, Chui H. PMID: 18821181; PMCID: PMC2881703.
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Understanding hippocampal sclerosis in the elderly: epidemiology, characterization, and diagnostic issues. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2008 Sep; 8(5):363-70.
Zarow C, Sitzer TE, Chui HC. PMID: 18713571.
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62 Fields:
Cognitive and anatomic contributions of metabolic decline in Alzheimer disease and cerebrovascular disease. Arch Neurol. 2008 May; 65(5):650-5.
Kuczynski B, Reed B, Mungas D, Weiner M, Chui HC, Jagust W. PMID: 18474742; PMCID: PMC2556212.
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Incidence of dementia in long-term hormone users. Am J Epidemiol. 2008 Mar 15; 167(6):692-700.
Petitti DB, Crooks VC, Chiu V, Buckwalter JG, Chui HC. PMID: 18218608.
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Neuropathological basis of magnetic resonance images in aging and dementia. Ann Neurol. 2008 Jan; 63(1):72-80.
Jagust WJ, Zheng L, Harvey DJ, Mack WJ, Vinters HV, Weiner MW, Ellis WG, Zarow C, Mungas D, Reed BR, Kramer JH, Schuff N, DeCarli C, Chui HC. PMID: 18157909; PMCID: PMC2624571.
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144 Fields:
Co-registration of In-Vivo Human MRI Brain Images to Postmortem Histological Microscopic Images. Int J Imaging Syst Technol. 2008; 18(5-6):325-335.
Singh M, Rajagopalan A, Kim TS, Hwang D, Chui H, Zhang XL, Lee AY, Zarow C. PMID: 19169415; PMCID: PMC2630121.
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Subcortical ischemic vascular dementia. Neurol Clin. 2007 Aug; 25(3):717-40, vi.
Chui HC. PMID: 17659187; PMCID: PMC2084201.
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Amyloid imaging in distinguishing atypical prion disease from Alzheimer disease. Neurology. 2007 Jul 17; 69(3):283-90.
Boxer AL, Rabinovici GD, Kepe V, Goldman J, Furst AJ, Huang SC, Baker SL, O'neil JP, Chui H, Geschwind MD, Small GW, Barrio JR, Jagust W, Miller BL. PMID: 17636066.
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Longitudinal MRI and cognitive change in healthy elderly. Neuropsychology. 2007 Jul; 21(4):412-8.
Kramer JH, Mungas D, Reed BR, Wetzel ME, Burnett MM, Miller BL, Weiner MW, Chui HC. PMID: 17605574; PMCID: PMC2780018.
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Cognitive and neuroimaging predictors of instrumental activities of daily living. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2007 Sep; 13(5):747-57.
Cahn-Weiner DA, Farias ST, Julian L, Harvey DJ, Kramer JH, Reed BR, Mungas D, Wetzel M, Chui H. PMID: 17521485; PMCID: PMC2877031.
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A community epidemiological survey of generalized anxiety disorder in Hong Kong. Community Ment Health J. 2007 Aug; 43(4):305-19.
Lee S, Tsang A, Chui H, Kwok K, Cheung E. PMID: 17333348.
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Profiles of neuropsychological impairment in autopsy-defined Alzheimer's disease and cerebrovascular disease. Brain. 2007 Mar; 130(Pt 3):731-9.
Reed BR, Mungas DM, Kramer JH, Ellis W, Vinters HV, Zarow C, Jagust WJ, Chui HC. PMID: 17267522.
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Diffusion tensor imaging of cingulum fibers in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease. Neurology. 2007 Jan 02; 68(1):13-9.
Zhang Y, Schuff N, Jahng GH, Bayne W, Mori S, Schad L, Mueller S, Du AT, Kramer JH, Yaffe K, Chui H, Jagust WJ, Miller BL, Weiner MW. PMID: 17200485; PMCID: PMC1941719.
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228 Fields:
Memory in the aging brain: doubly dissociating the contribution of the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. Hippocampus. 2007; 17(11):1134-40.
Yonelinas AP, Widaman K, Mungas D, Reed B, Weiner MW, Chui HC. PMID: 17636547; PMCID: PMC2194291.
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Cognitive impact of subcortical vascular and Alzheimer's disease pathology. Ann Neurol. 2006 Dec; 60(6):677-87.
Chui HC, Zarow C, Mack WJ, Ellis WG, Zheng L, Jagust WJ, Mungas D, Reed BR, Kramer JH, Decarli CC, Weiner MW, Vinters HV. PMID: 17192928; PMCID: PMC1851933.
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Performance of Spanish speakers on the Mattis dementia rating scale (MDRS). Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2006 Dec; 21(8):827-36.
Lyness SA, Hernandez I, Chui HC, Teng EL. PMID: 17079111.
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The Uniform Data Set (UDS): clinical and cognitive variables and descriptive data from Alzheimer Disease Centers. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2006 Oct-Dec; 20(4):210-6.
Morris JC, Weintraub S, Chui HC, Cummings J, Decarli C, Ferris S, Foster NL, Galasko D, Graff-Radford N, Peskind ER, Beekly D, Ramos EM, Kukull WA. PMID: 17132964.
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592 Fields:
The A431E mutation in PSEN1 causing familial Alzheimer's disease originating in Jalisco State, Mexico: an additional fifteen families. Neurogenetics. 2006 Nov; 7(4):277-9.
Murrell J, Ghetti B, Cochran E, Macias-Islas MA, Medina L, Varpetian A, Cummings JL, Mendez MF, Kawas C, Chui H, Ringman JM. PMID: 16897084; PMCID: PMC3378247.
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Vascular cognitive impairment: today and tomorrow. Alzheimers Dement. 2006 Jul; 2(3):185-94.
Chui HC. PMID: 19595882.
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Advances in vascular cognitive impairment 2005. Stroke. 2006 Feb; 37(2):323-5.
Chui H, Skoog I. PMID: 16410472.
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Cultural diversity in Alzheimer disease: the interface between biology, belief, and behavior. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2005 Oct-Dec; 19(4):250-5.
Chui HC, Gatz M. PMID: 16327354.
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Pulse pressure correlates with leukoaraiosis in Alzheimer disease. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2006 Mar-Apr; 42(2):157-66.
Lee AY, Jeong SH, Choi BH, Sohn EH, Chui H. PMID: 16139378.
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Longitudinal volumetric MRI change and rate of cognitive decline. Neurology. 2005 Aug 23; 65(4):565-71.
Mungas D, Harvey D, Reed BR, Jagust WJ, DeCarli C, Beckett L, Mack WJ, Kramer JH, Weiner MW, Schuff N, Chui HC. PMID: 16116117; PMCID: PMC1820871.
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Category fluency in a latino sample: associations with age, education, gender, and language. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2005 Jul; 27(5):591-8.
Mack WJ, Teng E, Zheng L, Paz S, Chui H, Varma R. PMID: 16019635.
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Age effects on atrophy rates of entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. Neurobiol Aging. 2006 May; 27(5):733-40.
Du AT, Schuff N, Chao LL, Kornak J, Jagust WJ, Kramer JH, Reed BR, Miller BL, Norman D, Chui HC, Weiner MW. PMID: 15961190; PMCID: PMC1779763.
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Correlates of hippocampal neuron number in Alzheimer's disease and ischemic vascular dementia. Ann Neurol. 2005 Jun; 57(6):896-903.
Zarow C, Vinters HV, Ellis WG, Weiner MW, Mungas D, White L, Chui HC. PMID: 15929035; PMCID: PMC1851673.
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Validation of multi-stage telephone-based identification of cognitive impairment and dementia. BMC Neurol. 2005 Apr 13; 5(1):8.
Crooks VC, Clark L, Petitti DB, Chui H, Chiu V. PMID: 15829005; PMCID: PMC1090587.
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White matter lesions are associated with cortical atrophy more than entorhinal and hippocampal atrophy. Neurobiol Aging. 2005 Apr; 26(4):553-9.
Du AT, Schuff N, Chao LL, Kornak J, Ezekiel F, Jagust WJ, Kramer JH, Reed BR, Miller BL, Norman D, Chui HC, Weiner MW. PMID: 15653183.
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Pattern of cerebral hypoperfusion in Alzheimer disease and mild cognitive impairment measured with arterial spin-labeling MR imaging: initial experience. Radiology. 2005 Mar; 234(3):851-9.
Johnson NA, Jahng GH, Weiner MW, Miller BL, Chui HC, Jagust WJ, Gorno-Tempini ML, Schuff N. PMID: 15734937; PMCID: PMC1851934.
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Reduced medial temporal lobe N-acetylaspartate in cognitively impaired but nondemented patients. Neurology. 2005 Jan 25; 64(2):282-9.
Chao LL, Schuff N, Kramer JH, Du AT, Capizzano AA, O'Neill J, Wolkowitz OM, Jagust WJ, Chui HC, Miller BL, Yaffe K, Weiner MW. PMID: 15668426; PMCID: PMC1851679.
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Neuropathology lessons in vascular dementia. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2005 Jan-Mar; 19(1):45-52.
Chui H. PMID: 15764872.
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A standardized method for brain-cutting suitable for both stereology and MRI-brain co-registration. J Neurosci Methods. 2004 Oct 30; 139(2):209-15.
Zarow C, Kim TS, Singh M, Chui HC. PMID: 15488234.
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Comparisons between global and focal brain atrophy rates in normal aging and Alzheimer disease: Boundary Shift Integral versus tracing of the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2004 Oct-Dec; 18(4):196-201.
Ezekiel F, Chao L, Kornak J, Du AT, Cardenas V, Truran D, Jagust W, Chui H, Miller B, Yaffe K, Schuff N, Weiner M. PMID: 15592130; PMCID: PMC1820853.
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Memory impairment, but not cerebrovascular disease, predicts progression of MCI to dementia. Neurology. 2004 Jul 27; 63(2):220-7.
DeCarli C, Mungas D, Harvey D, Reed B, Weiner M, Chui H, Jagust W. PMID: 15277612; PMCID: PMC1820872.
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White matter lesions impair frontal lobe function regardless of their location. Neurology. 2004 Jul 27; 63(2):246-53.
Tullberg M, Fletcher E, DeCarli C, Mungas D, Reed BR, Harvey DJ, Weiner MW, Chui HC, Jagust WJ. PMID: 15277616; PMCID: PMC1893004.
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A randomized controlled comparison of upper-extremity rehabilitation strategies in acute stroke: A pilot study of immediate and long-term outcomes. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2004 Apr; 85(4):620-8.
Winstein CJ, Rose DK, Tan SM, Lewthwaite R, Chui HC, Azen SP. PMID: 15083439.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Higher atrophy rate of entorhinal cortex than hippocampus in AD. Neurology. 2004 Feb 10; 62(3):422-7.
Du AT, Schuff N, Kramer JH, Ganzer S, Zhu XP, Jagust WJ, Miller BL, Reed BR, Mungas D, Yaffe K, Chui HC, Weiner MW. PMID: 14872024; PMCID: PMC1820859.
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Clinical and neuropsychological features in autopsy-defined vascular dementia. Clin Neuropsychol. 2004 Feb; 18(1):63-74.
Reed BR, Mungas DM, Kramer JH, Betz BP, Ellis W, Vinters HV, Zarow C, Jagust WJ, Chui HC. PMID: 15595359.
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Different patterns of N-acetylaspartate loss in subcortical ischemic vascular dementia and AD. Neurology. 2003 Aug 12; 61(3):358-64.
Schuff N, Capizzano AA, Du AT, Amend DL, O'Neill J, Norman D, Jagust WJ, Chui HC, Kramer JH, Reed BR, Miller BL, Yaffe K, Weiner MW. PMID: 12913198; PMCID: PMC1820863.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Comparison of methods for measuring longitudinal brain change in cognitive impairment and dementia. Neurobiol Aging. 2003 Jul-Aug; 24(4):537-44.
Cardenas VA, Du AT, Hardin D, Ezekiel F, Weber P, Jagust WJ, Chui HC, Schuff N, Weiner MW. PMID: 12714110.
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Depression as a risk factor for Alzheimer disease: the MIRAGE Study. Arch Neurol. 2003 May; 60(5):753-9.
Green RC, Cupples LA, Kurz A, Auerbach S, Go R, Sadovnick D, Duara R, Kukull WA, Chui H, Edeki T, Griffith PA, Friedland RP, Bachman D, Farrer L. PMID: 12756140.
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Neuronal loss is greater in the locus coeruleus than nucleus basalis and substantia nigra in Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases. Arch Neurol. 2003 Mar; 60(3):337-41.
Zarow C, Lyness SA, Mortimer JA, Chui HC. PMID: 12633144.
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Atrophy rates of entorhinal cortex in AD and normal aging. Neurology. 2003 Feb 11; 60(3):481-6.
Du AT, Schuff N, Zhu XP, Jagust WJ, Miller BL, Reed BR, Kramer JH, Mungas D, Yaffe K, Chui HC, Weiner MW. PMID: 12578931; PMCID: PMC1851672.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Neuron loss in key cholinergic and aminergic nuclei in Alzheimer disease: a meta-analysis. Neurobiol Aging. 2003 Jan-Feb; 24(1):1-23.
Lyness SA, Zarow C, Chui HC. PMID: 12493547.
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Subcortical ischaemic vascular dementia. Lancet Neurol. 2002 Nov; 1(7):426-36.
Román GC, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A, Pantoni L, Chui HC. PMID: 12849365.
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Volumetric MRI predicts rate of cognitive decline related to AD and cerebrovascular disease. Neurology. 2002 Sep 24; 59(6):867-73.
Mungas D, Reed BR, Jagust WJ, DeCarli C, Mack WJ, Kramer JH, Weiner MW, Schuff N, Chui HC. PMID: 12297568; PMCID: PMC1820873.
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Effects of subcortical ischemic vascular dementia and AD on entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. Neurology. 2002 Jun 11; 58(11):1635-41.
Du AT, Schuff N, Laakso MP, Zhu XP, Jagust WJ, Yaffe K, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Reed BR, Norman D, Chui HC, Weiner MW. PMID: 12058091; PMCID: PMC1820858.
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Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging differences between Alzheimer disease with and without subcortical lacunes. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2002 Apr-Jun; 16(2):58-64.
Hsu YY, Schuff N, Amend DL, Du AT, Norman D, Chui HC, Jagust WJ, Weiner MW. PMID: 12040300; PMCID: PMC1820852.
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Executive dysfunction in subcortical ischaemic vascular disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2002 Feb; 72(2):217-20.
Kramer JH, Reed BR, Mungas D, Weiner MW, Chui HC. PMID: 11796772; PMCID: PMC1737728.
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MRI predictors of cognition in subcortical ischemic vascular disease and Alzheimer's disease. Neurology. 2001 Dec 26; 57(12):2229-35.
Mungas D, Jagust WJ, Reed BR, Kramer JH, Weiner MW, Schuff N, Norman D, Mack WJ, Willis L, Chui HC. PMID: 11756602; PMCID: PMC1862483.
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Magnetic resonance imaging of the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2001 Oct; 71(4):441-7.
Du AT, Schuff N, Amend D, Laakso MP, Hsu YY, Jagust WJ, Yaffe K, Kramer JH, Reed B, Norman D, Chui HC, Weiner MW. PMID: 11561025; PMCID: PMC1763497.
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256 Fields:
Recognition memory and verbal fluency differentiate probable Alzheimer disease from subcortical ischemic vascular dementia. Arch Neurol. 2001 Oct; 58(10):1654-9.
Tierney MC, Black SE, Szalai JP, Snow WG, Fisher RH, Nadon G, Chui HC. PMID: 11594925.
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Practice parameter: diagnosis of dementia (an evidence-based review). Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 2001 May 08; 56(9):1143-53.
Knopman DS, DeKosky ST, Cummings JL, Chui H, Corey-Bloom J, Relkin N, Small GW, Miller B, Stevens JC. PMID: 11342678.
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Dementia due to subcortical ischemic vascular disease. Clin Cornerstone. 2001; 3(4):40-51.
Chui H. PMID: 11432121.
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Hippocampal and cortical atrophy predict dementia in subcortical ischemic vascular disease. Neurology. 2000 Dec 12; 55(11):1626-35.
Fein G, Di Sclafani V, Tanabe J, Cardenas V, Weiner MW, Jagust WJ, Reed BR, Norman D, Schuff N, Kusdra L, Greenfield T, Chui H. PMID: 11113215; PMCID: PMC2733356.
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Vascular dementia, a new beginning: shifting focus from clinical phenotype to ischemic brain injury. Neurol Clin. 2000 Nov; 18(4):951-78.
Chui H. PMID: 11072269.
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Neuropathologic substrates of ischemic vascular dementia. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2000 Nov; 59(11):931-45.
Vinters HV, Ellis WG, Zarow C, Zaias BW, Jagust WJ, Mack WJ, Chui HC. PMID: 11089571.
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Subcortical ischemic vascular dementia: assessment with quantitative MR imaging and 1H MR spectroscopy. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2000 Apr; 21(4):621-30.
Capizzano AA, Schuff N, Amend DL, Tanabe JL, Norman D, Maudsley AA, Jagust W, Chui HC, Fein G, Segal MR, Weiner MW. PMID: 10782769; PMCID: PMC1945115.
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Head injury and the risk of AD in the MIRAGE study. Neurology. 2000 Mar 28; 54(6):1316-23.
Guo Z, Cupples LA, Kurz A, Auerbach SH, Volicer L, Chui H, Green RC, Sadovnick AD, Duara R, DeCarli C, Johnson K, Go RC, Growdon JH, Haines JL, Kukull WA, Farrer LA. PMID: 10746604.
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Clinical criteria for the diagnosis of vascular dementia: a multicenter study of comparability and interrater reliability. Arch Neurol. 2000 Feb; 57(2):191-6.
Chui HC, Mack W, Jackson JE, Mungas D, Reed BR, Tinklenberg J, Chang FL, Skinner K, Tasaki C, Jagust WJ. PMID: 10681076.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Research criteria for subcortical vascular dementia in clinical trials. J Neural Transm Suppl. 2000; 59:23-30.
Erkinjuntti T, Inzitari D, Pantoni L, Wallin A, Scheltens P, Rockwood K, Roman GC, Chui H, Desmond DW. PMID: 10961414.
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Natural history of vascular dementia. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 1999 Oct-Dec; 13 Suppl 3:S124-30.
Chui H, Gonthier R. PMID: 10609691.
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Magnetization transfer ratio of white matter hyperintensities in subcortical ischemic vascular dementia. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1999 May; 20(5):839-44.
Tanabe JL, Ezekiel F, Jagust WJ, Reed BR, Norman D, Schuff N, Weiner MW, Chui H, Fein G. PMID: 10369354; PMCID: PMC1892905.
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Cerebral amyloid angiopathy in Alzheimer disease is associated with apolipoprotein E4 and cortical neuron loss. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 1999 Jan; 13(1):1-8.
Zarow C, Zaias B, Lyness SA, Chui H. PMID: 10192636.
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Ideomotor apraxia in early Alzheimer's disease: time and accuracy measures. Brain Cogn. 1998 Nov; 38(2):220-33.
Willis L, Behrens M, Mack W, Chui H. PMID: 9853098.
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[Advances in the molecular biological study of hereditary antithrombin III deficiency]. Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi. 1998 Mar; 19(3):162-4.
Chui H, Wang H. PMID: 11243148.
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Potent alpha 4 beta 1 peptide antagonists as potential anti-inflammatory agents. J Med Chem. 1997 Oct 10; 40(21):3359-68.
Jackson DY, Quan C, Artis DR, Rawson T, Blackburn B, Struble M, Fitzgerald G, Chan K, Mullins S, Burnier JP, Fairbrother WJ, Clark K, Berisini M, Chui H, Renz M, Jones S, Fong S. PMID: 9341911.
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Evaluation of dementia: a systematic study of the usefulness of the American Academy of Neurology's practice parameters. Neurology. 1997 Oct; 49(4):925-35.
Chui H, Zhang Q. PMID: 9339669.
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Vascular basement membrane pathology and Alzheimer's disease. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1997 Sep 26; 826:147-60.
Zarow C, Barron E, Chui HC, Perlmutter LS. PMID: 9329687.
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Eligibility of Alzheimer's disease clinic patients for clinical trials. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1997 Aug; 45(8):923-8.
Schneider LS, Olin JT, Lyness SA, Chui HC. PMID: 9256842.
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Elevated risk of Alzheimer's disease among workers with likely electromagnetic field exposure. Neurology. 1996 Dec; 47(6):1477-81.
Sobel E, Dunn M, Davanipour Z, Qian Z, Chui HC. PMID: 8960730.
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Evidence for major gene inheritance of Alzheimer disease in families of patients with and without apolipoprotein E epsilon 4. Am J Hum Genet. 1996 Sep; 59(3):664-75.
Rao VS, Cupples A, van Duijn CM, Kurz A, Green RC, Chui H, Duara R, Auerbach SA, Volicer L, Wells J, van Broeckhoven C, Growdon JH, Haines JL, Farrer LA. PMID: 8751868; PMCID: PMC1914898.
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Physical aggression is associated with preservation of substantia nigra pars compacta in Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol. 1996 May; 53(5):428-34.
Victoroff J, Zarow C, Mack WJ, Hsu E, Chui HC. PMID: 8624218.
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Risk of dementia among relatives of Alzheimer's disease patients in the MIRAGE study: What is in store for the oldest old? Neurology. 1996 Mar; 46(3):641-50.
Lautenschlager NT, Cupples LA, Rao VS, Auerbach SA, Becker R, Burke J, Chui H, Duara R, Foley EJ, Glatt SL, Green RC, Jones R, Karlinsky H, Kukull WA, Kurz A, Larson EB, Martelli K, Sadovnick AD, Volicer L, Waring SC, Growdon JH, Farrer LA. PMID: 8618660.
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Multicenter clinicopathological correlation in dementia. Am J Psychiatry. 1995 Oct; 152(10):1476-84.
Victoroff J, Mack WJ, Lyness SA, Chui HC. PMID: 7573587.
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Localization of amyloid P component in human brain: vascular staining patterns and association with Alzheimer's disease lesions. J Comp Neurol. 1995 Jan 30; 352(1):92-105.
Perlmutter LS, Barrón E, Myers M, Saperia D, Chui HC. PMID: 7714241.
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A method to improve interrater reliability of visual inspection of brain MRI scans in dementia. Neurology. 1994 Dec; 44(12):2267-76.
Victoroff J, Mack WJ, Grafton ST, Schreiber SS, Chui HC. PMID: 7991111.
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Re: A scoring error in the Mini-Mental State Test. Can J Psychiatry. 1994 Aug; 39(6):383-4; author reply 384-5.
Teng EL, Chui HC. PMID: 7987777.
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Extrapyramidal signs and psychiatric symptoms predict faster cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease. Arch Neurol. 1994 Jul; 51(7):676-81.
Chui HC, Lyness SA, Sobel E, Schneider LS. PMID: 8018040.
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Studies of the enteric nervous system in Alzheimer disease and other dementias of the elderly: enteric neurons in Alzheimer disease. Mod Pathol. 1993 Jan; 6(1):10-4.
Shankle WR, Landing BH, Ang SM, Chui H, Villarreal-Engelhardt G, Zarow C. PMID: 8426853.
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Neuropathologic diagnosis of Alzheimer disease: interrater reliability in the assessment of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 1993; 7(1):48-54.
Chui HC, Tierney M, Zarow C, Lewis A, Sobel E, Perlmutter LS. PMID: 8481227.
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Reliability and usefulness of a new immunochemical assay for Alzheimer's disease. Arch Neurol. 1993 Jan; 50(1):57-63.
Chui HC, Ghanbari H, Zarow C, Miller B, Qian Z, Perlmutter LS. PMID: 8418801.
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MHC class II-positive microglia in human brain: association with Alzheimer lesions. J Neurosci Res. 1992 Dec; 33(4):549-58.
Perlmutter LS, Scott SA, Barrón E, Chui HC. PMID: 1484388.
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Cortical biopsy in Alzheimer's disease: diagnostic accuracy and neurochemical, neuropathological, and cognitive correlations. Intraventricular Bethanecol Study Group. Ann Neurol. 1992 Nov; 32(5):625-32.
DeKosky ST, Harbaugh RE, Schmitt FA, Bakay RA, Chui HC, Knopman DS, Reeder TM, Shetter AG, Senter HJ, Markesbery WR. PMID: 1360195.
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Criteria for the diagnosis of ischemic vascular dementia proposed by the State of California Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostic and Treatment Centers. Neurology. 1992 Mar; 42(3 Pt 1):473-80.
Chui HC, Victoroff JI, Margolin D, Jagust W, Shankle R, Katzman R. PMID: 1549205.
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Association between vascular basement membrane components and the lesions of Alzheimer's disease. J Neurosci Res. 1991 Dec; 30(4):673-81.
Perlmutter LS, Barrón E, Saperia D, Chui HC. PMID: 1787541.
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Temporal and hippocampal metabolic rate during an olfactory memory task assessed by positron emission tomography in patients with dementia of the Alzheimer type and controls. Preliminary studies. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1991 Sep; 48(9):840-7.
Buchsbaum MS, Kesslak JP, Lynch G, Chui H, Wu J, Sicotte N, Hazlett E, Teng E, Cotman CW. PMID: 1929775.
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Morphologic association between microglia and senile plaque amyloid in Alzheimer's disease. Neurosci Lett. 1990 Oct 30; 119(1):32-6.
Perlmutter LS, Barron E, Chui HC. PMID: 2097581.
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Microangiopathy, the vascular basement membrane and Alzheimer's disease: a review. Brain Res Bull. 1990 May; 24(5):677-86.
Perlmutter LS, Chui HC. PMID: 2192775.
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Microangiopathy and the colocalization of heparan sulfate proteoglycan with amyloid in senile plaques of Alzheimer's disease. Brain Res. 1990 Jan 29; 508(1):13-9.
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Alzheimer's dementia: performance on parallel forms of the dementia assessment battery. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 1989 Dec; 11(6):899-912.
Teng EL, Wimer C, Roberts E, Damasio AR, Eslinger PJ, Folstein MF, Tune LE, Whitehouse PJ, Bardolph EL, Chui HC, et al. PMID: 2687312.
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Intracerebroventricular bethanechol chloride infusion in Alzheimer's disease. Results of a collaborative double-blind study. J Neurosurg. 1989 Oct; 71(4):481-6.
Harbaugh RE, Reeder TM, Senter HJ, Knopman DS, Baskin DS, Pirozzolo F, Chui HC, Shetter AG, Bakay RA, Leblanc R, et al. PMID: 2571689.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Dementia. A review emphasizing clinicopathologic correlation and brain-behavior relationships. Arch Neurol. 1989 Jul; 46(7):806-14.
Chui HC. PMID: 2662951.
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Visual evoked potentials in dementia: a meta-analysis and empirical study of Alzheimer's disease patients. Biol Psychiatry. 1989 Apr 15; 25(8):1003-13.
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Progressive supranuclear palsy with agitation: response to trazodone but not to thiothixine or carbamazepine. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol. 1989 Apr-Jun; 2(2):109-12.
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Multicenter trial of naloxone in Alzheimer's disease. Ann Neurol. 1989 Apr; 25(4):404-6.
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