The effect of years of schooling and age on CERAD-MX performance in Mexican preclinical carriers of the APPV717I mutation: Randomized data simulation. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2024 Jul-Sep; 16(3):e12631.
Zuno-Reyes A, Pérez-Rubio K, Flores-González MA, Torres RJ, Dumois-Petersen S, Figuera LE, Ringman JM, Matute E. PMID: 39170093; PMCID: PMC11336201.
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Cross-Vendor Test-Retest Validation of Diffusion Tensor Image Analysis along the Perivascular Space (DTI-ALPS) for Evaluating Glymphatic System Function. Aging Dis. 2024 Aug 01; 15(4):1885-1898.
Liu X, Barisano G, Shao X, Jann K, Ringman JM, Lu H, Arfanakis K, Caprihan A, DeCarli C, Gold BT, Maillard P, Satizabal CL, Fadaee E, Habes M, Stables L, Singh H, Fischl B, van der Kouwe A, Schwab K, Helmer KG, Greenberg SM, Wang DJJ, MarkVCID Consortium. PMID: 37307817; PMCID: PMC11272201.
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7 Fields:
Diffusion model enables quantitative CBF analysis of Alzheimer's Disease. medRxiv. 2024 Jul 03.
Shou Q, Cen S, Chen NK, Ringman JM, Wen J, Kim H, Wang DJ, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 39006427; PMCID: PMC11245071.
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Downstream Biomarker Effects of Gantenerumab or Solanezumab in Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Disease: The DIAN-TU-001 Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Neurol. 2024 Jun 01; 81(6):582-593.
Wagemann O, Liu H, Wang G, Shi X, Bittner T, Scelsi MA, Farlow MR, Clifford DB, Supnet-Bell C, Santacruz AM, Aschenbrenner AJ, Hassenstab JJ, Benzinger TLS, Gordon BA, Coalier KA, Cruchaga C, Ibanez L, Perrin RJ, Xiong C, Li Y, Morris JC, Lah JJ, Berman SB, Roberson ED, van Dyck CH, Galasko D, Gauthier S, Hsiung GR, Brooks WS, Pariente J, Mummery CJ, Day GS, Ringman JM, Mendez PC, St George-Hyslop P, Fox NC, Suzuki K, Okhravi HR, Chhatwal J, Levin J, Jucker M, Sims JR, Holdridge KC, Proctor NK, Yaari R, Andersen SW, Mancini M, Llibre-Guerra J, Bateman RJ, McDade E, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network–Trials Unit. PMID: 38683602; PMCID: PMC11059071.
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Advancements in dementia research, diagnostics, and care in Latin America: Highlights from the 2023 Alzheimer's Association International conference satellite symposium in Mexico City. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 07; 20(7):5009-5026.
Sosa AL, Brucki SM, Crivelli L, Lopera FJ, Acosta DM, Acosta-Uribe J, Aguilar D, Aguilar-Navarro SG, Allegri RF, Bertolucci PH, Calandri IL, Carrillo MC, Mendez PAC, Cornejo-Olivas M, Custodio N, Damian A, de Souza LC, Duran-Aniotz C, García AM, García-Peña C, Gonzales MM, Grinberg LT, Ibanez AM, Illanes-Manrique MZ, Jack CR, Leon-Salas JM, Llibre-Guerra JJ, Luna-Muñoz J, Matallana D, Miller BL, Naci L, Parra MA, Pericak-Vance M, Piña-Escudero SD, França Resende EP, Ringman JM, Sevlever G, Slachevsky A, Suemoto CK, Valcour V, Villegas-Lanau A, Yassuda MS, Mahinrad S, Sexton C. PMID: 38801124; PMCID: PMC11247679.
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Comparison of tau spread in people with Down syndrome versus autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease: a cross-sectional study. Lancet Neurol. 2024 May; 23(5):500-510.
Wisch JK, McKay NS, Boerwinkle AH, Kennedy J, Flores S, Handen BL, Christian BT, Head E, Mapstone M, Rafii MS, O'Bryant SE, Price JC, Laymon CM, Krinsky-McHale SJ, Lai F, Rosas HD, Hartley SL, Zaman S, Lott IT, Tudorascu D, Zammit M, Brickman AM, Lee JH, Bird TD, Cohen A, Chrem P, Daniels A, Chhatwal JP, Cruchaga C, Ibanez L, Jucker M, Karch CM, Day GS, Lee JH, Levin J, Llibre-Guerra J, Li Y, Lopera F, Roh JH, Ringman JM, Supnet-Bell C, van Dyck CH, Xiong C, Wang G, Morris JC, McDade E, Bateman RJ, Benzinger TLS, Gordon BA, Ances BM, Alzheimer's Biomarker Consortium-Down syndrome, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 38631766; PMCID: PMC11209765.
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Surface-Based Probabilistic Fiber Tracking in Superficial White Matter. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2024 03; 43(3):1113-1124.
Nie X, Ruan J, Otaduy MCG, Grinberg LT, Ringman J, Shi Y. PMID: 37917515; PMCID: PMC10917128.
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Examining amyloid reduction as a surrogate endpoint through latent class analysis using clinical trial data for dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 04; 20(4):2698-2706.
Wang G, Li Y, Xiong C, Benzinger TLS, Gordon BA, Hassenstab J, Aschenbrenner AJ, McDade E, Clifford DB, Libre-Guerra JJ, Shi X, Mummery CJ, van Dyck CH, Lah JJ, Honig LS, Day G, Ringman JM, Brooks WS, Fox NC, Suzuki K, Levin J, Jucker M, Delmar P, Bittner T, Bateman RJ, DIAN-TU Study Team. PMID: 38400532; PMCID: PMC11032558.
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Presenilin-1 mutation position influences amyloidosis, small vessel disease, and dementia with disease stage. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 04; 20(4):2680-2697.
Joseph-Mathurin N, Feldman RL, Lu R, Shirzadi Z, Toomer C, Saint Clair JR, Ma Y, McKay NS, Strain JF, Kilgore C, Friedrichsen KA, Chen CD, Gordon BA, Chen G, Hornbeck RC, Massoumzadeh P, McCullough AA, Wang Q, Li Y, Wang G, Keefe SJ, Schultz SA, Cruchaga C, Preboske GM, Jack CR, Llibre-Guerra JJ, Allegri RF, Ances BM, Berman SB, Brooks WS, Cash DM, Day GS, Fox NC, Fulham M, Ghetti B, Johnson KA, Jucker M, Klunk WE, la Fougère C, Levin J, Niimi Y, Oh H, Perrin RJ, Reischl G, Ringman JM, Saykin AJ, Schofield PR, Su Y, Supnet-Bell C, Vöglein J, Yakushev I, Brickman AM, Morris JC, McDade E, Xiong C, Bateman RJ, Chhatwal JP, Benzinger TLS, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 38380882; PMCID: PMC11032566.
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Systematic proteomics in Autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease reveals decades-early changes of CSF proteins in neuronal death, and immune pathways. medRxiv. 2024 Jan 13.
Shen Y, Ali M, Timsina J, Wang C, Do A, Western D, Liu M, Gorijala P, Budde J, Liu H, Gordon B, McDade E, Morris JC, Llibre-Guerra JJ, Bateman RJ, Joseph-Mathurin N, Perrin RJ, Maschi D, Wyss-Coray T, Pastor P, Goate A, Renton AE, Surace EI, Johnson ECB, Levey AI, Alvarez I, Levin J, Ringman JM, Allegri RF, Seyfried N, Day GS, Wu Q, Fernández MV, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network, Ibanez L, Sung YJ, Cruchaga C. PMID: 38260583; PMCID: PMC10802763.
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Vessel density mapping of small cerebral vessels on 3D high resolution black blood MRI. Neuroimage. 2024 Feb 01; 286:120504.
Sarabi MS, Ma SJ, Jann K, Ringman JM, Wang DJJ, Shi Y. PMID: 38216104; PMCID: PMC10834860.
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Effect of Genetic Risk on the Relationship Between rs-fMRI Complexity and Tau and Amyloid PET in Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2024; 101(2):429-435.
Jann K, Cen S, Santos M, Aksman L, Wijesinghe D, Zhang R, Lynch K, Ringman JM, Wang DJ, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 39177598; PMCID: PMC11529977.
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Use of the Spanish English Neuropsychological Assessment Scale in older adult Latines and those at risk for autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2023 08; 45(6):553-569.
Tureson KN, Beam CR, Medina LD, Segal-Gidan F, D'Orazio LM, Chui H, Torres M, Varma R, Ringman JM. PMID: 37990912; PMCID: PMC10926998.
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Age of onset predicted by Aβ profiling in a novel PSEN1 (I180F) mutation. Neurosci Lett. 2024 Jan 18; 820:137591.
Robbie L, Fernández SG, Montoya L, Sagare A, Barrera L, Sheikh-Bahaei N, Gutierrez LC, Ringman JM. PMID: 38103630.
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Association Between Self- and Proxy-Reported Depression and Quality of Life in Mild-Moderate Alzheimer's Disease. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2024 01; 32(1):58-67.
Joe E, Segal-Gidan F, Cummings JL, Galasko D, Tomaszewski Farias S, Johnson DK, Ross L, Yaffe K, Wang X, Schneider LS, Chui H, Ringman JM, California Alzheimer's Disease Center Investigators. PMID: 37827916; PMCID: PMC10843510.
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Multi-ancestry genome-wide meta-analysis of 56,241 individuals identifies LRRC4C, LHX5-AS1 and nominates ancestry-specific loci PTPRK , GRB14 , and KIAA0825 as novel risk loci for Alzheimer's disease: the Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium. medRxiv. 2023 Jul 08.
Rajabli F, Benchek P, Tosto G, Kushch N, Sha J, Bazemore K, Zhu C, Lee WP, Haut J, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Wheeler NR, Zhao Y, Farrell JJ, Grunin MA, Leung YY, Kuksa PP, Li D, Lucio da Fonseca E, Mez JB, Palmer EL, Pillai J, Sherva RM, Song YE, Zhang X, Iqbal T, Pathak O, Valladares O, Kuzma AB, Abner E, Adams PM, Aguirre A, Albert MS, Albin RL, Allen M, Alvarez L, Apostolova LG, Arnold SE, Asthana S, Atwood CS, Ayres G, Baldwin CT, Barber RC, Barnes LL, Barral S, Beach TG, Becker JT, Beecham GW, Beekly D, Benitez BA, Bennett D, Bertelson J, Bird TD, Blacker D, Boeve BF, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Brewer J, Burke JR, Burns JM, Buxbaum JD, Cairns NJ, Cantwell LB, Cao C, Carlson CS, Carlsson CM, Carney RM, Carrasquillo MM, Chasse S, Chesselet MF, Chin NA, Chui HC, Chung J, Craft S, Crane PK, Cribbs DH, Crocco EA, Cruchaga C, Cuccaro ML, Cullum M, Darby E, Davis B, De Jager PL, DeCarli C, DeToledo J, Dick M, Dickson DW, Dombroski BA, Doody RS, Duara R, Ertekin-Taner N, Evans DA, Faber KM, Fairchild TJ, Fallon KB, Fardo DW, Farlow MR, Fernandez-Hernandez V, Ferris S, Foroud TM, Frosch MP, Fulton-Howard B, Galasko DR, Gamboa A, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Ghetti B, Gilbert JR, Goate AM, Grabowski TJ, Graff-Radford NR, Green RC, Growdon JH, Hakonarson H, Hall J, Hamilton RL, Harari O, Hardy J, Harrell LE, Head E, Henderson VW, Hernandez M, Hohman T, Honig LS, Huebinger RM, Huentelman MJ, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Hynan LS, Ibanez L, Jarvik GP, Jayadev S, Jin LW, Johnson K, Johnson L, Kamboh MI, Karydas AM, Katz MJ, Kauwe JS, Kaye JA, Keene CD, Khaleeq A, Kim R, Knebl J, Kowall NW, Kramer JH, Kukull WA, LaFerla FM, Lah JJ, Larson EB, Lerner A, Leverenz JB, Levey AI, Lieberman AP, Lipton RB, Logue M, Lopez OL, Lunetta KL, Lyketsos CG, Mains D, Margaret FE, Marson DC, Martin ERR, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, Massman P, Masurkar A, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McDonough S, McKee AC, Mesulam M, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Montine TJ, Monuki ES, Morris JC, Mukherjee S, Myers AJ, Nguyen T, O'Bryant S, Olichney JM, Ory M, Palmer R, Parisi JE, Paulson HL, Pavlik V, Paydarfar D, Perez V, Peskind E, Petersen RC, Pierce A, Polk M, Poon WW, Potter H, Qu L, Quiceno M, Quinn JF, Raj A, Raskind M, Reiman EM, Reisberg B, Reisch JS, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rodriguear M, Rogaeva E, Rosen HJ, Rosenberg RN, Royall DR, Sager MA, Sano M, Saykin AJ, Schneider JA, Schneider LS, Seeley WW, Slifer SH, Small S, Smith AG, Smith JP, Sonnen JA, Spina S, St George-Hyslop P, Stern RA, Stevens AB, Strittmatter SM, Sultzer D, Swerdlow RH, Tanzi RE, Tilson JL, Trojanowski JQ, Troncoso JC, Tsuang DW, Van Deerlin VM, van Eldik LJ, Vance JM, Vardarajan BN, Vassar R, Vinters HV, Vonsattel JP, Weintraub S, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Whitehead PL, Wijsman EM, Wilhelmsen KC, Williams B, Williamson J, Wilms H, Wingo TS, Wisniewski T, Woltjer RL, Woon M, Wright CB, Wu CK, Younkin SG, Yu CE, Yu L, et al. PMID: 37461624; PMCID: PMC10350126.
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Retinotopic degeneration of the retina and optic tracts in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 11; 19(11):5103-5113.
Adhikari S, Qiao Y, Singer M, Sagare A, Jiang X, Shi Y, Ringman JM, Kashani AH. PMID: 37102308; PMCID: PMC10603214.
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Vessel Density Mapping of Cerebral Small Vessels on 3D High Resolution Black Blood MRI. bioRxiv. 2023 Mar 21.
Sarabi MS, Ma SJ, Jann K, Ringman JM, Wang DJJ, Shi Y. PMID: 36993509; PMCID: PMC10055197.
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The association between white matter hyperintensities and amyloid and tau deposition. Neuroimage Clin. 2023; 38:103383.
Alban SL, Lynch KM, Ringman JM, Toga AW, Chui HC, Sepehrband F, Choupan J, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 36965457; PMCID: PMC10060905.
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Decreased functional connectivity is associated with increased levels of Cerebral Spinal Fluid soluble-PDGFRβ, a marker of blood brain barrier breakdown, in older adults. Res Sq. 2023 Mar 07.
Contreras JA, Fujisaki K, Ortega N, Barisano G, Sagare A, Pappas I, Chui H, Ringman JM, Joe EB, Zlokovic B, Toga AW, Pa J. PMID: 36945439; PMCID: PMC10029080.
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Characterization of spastic paraplegia in a family with a novel PSEN1 mutation. Brain Commun. 2023; 5(2):fcad030.
Ringman JM, Dorrani N, Fernández SG, Signer R, Martinez-Agosto J, Lee H, Douine ED, Qiao Y, Shi Y, D'Orazio L, Pawar S, Robbie L, Kashani AH, Singer M, Byers JT, Magaki S, Guzman S, Sagare A, Zlokovic B, Cederbaum S, Nelson S, Sheikh-Bahaei N, Chui HC, Chávez-Gutiérrez L, Vinters HV. PMID: 36895955; PMCID: PMC9991506.
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Retinal pathological features and proteome signatures of Alzheimer's disease. Acta Neuropathol. 2023 04; 145(4):409-438.
Koronyo Y, Rentsendorj A, Mirzaei N, Regis GC, Sheyn J, Shi H, Barron E, Cook-Wiens G, Rodriguez AR, Medeiros R, Paulo JA, Gupta VB, Kramerov AA, Ljubimov AV, Van Eyk JE, Graham SL, Gupta VK, Ringman JM, Hinton DR, Miller CA, Black KL, Cattaneo A, Meli G, Mirzaei M, Fuchs DT, Koronyo-Hamaoui M. PMID: 36773106; PMCID: PMC10020290.
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40 Fields:
FMRI Complexity Correlates with Tau-PET and Cognitive Decline in Late-Onset and Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2023; 95(2):437-451.
Jann K, Boudreau J, Albrecht D, Cen SY, Cabeen RP, Ringman JM, Wang DJJ, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 37599531; PMCID: PMC10578217.
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First presentation with neuropsychiatric symptoms in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer's Network Study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2023 05; 94(5):403-405.
O'Connor A, Rice H, Barnes J, Ryan NS, Liu KY, Allegri RF, Berman S, Ringman JM, Cruchaga C, Farlow MR, Hassenstab J, Lee JH, Perrin RJ, Xiong C, Gordon B, Levey AI, Goate A, Graff-Radford N, Levin J, Jucker M, Benzinger T, McDade E, Mori H, Noble JM, Schofield PR, Martins RN, Salloway S, Chhatwal J, Morris JC, Bateman R, Howard R, Reeves S, Fox NC, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 36522155; PMCID: PMC10145026.
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Attitudes about involvement in hypothetical clinical trial protocols in Mexican and Mexican-American at risk for autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2022 11 15; 14(1):173.
Zuno-Reyes A, Matute E, Ernstrom K, Withers M, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Raman R, Ringman JM. PMID: 36380395; PMCID: PMC9664662.
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Autosomal dominant and sporadic late onset Alzheimer's disease share a common in vivo pathophysiology. Brain. 2022 10 21; 145(10):3594-3607.
Morris JC, Weiner M, Xiong C, Beckett L, Coble D, Saito N, Aisen PS, Allegri R, Benzinger TLS, Berman SB, Cairns NJ, Carrillo MC, Chui HC, Chhatwal JP, Cruchaga C, Fagan AM, Farlow M, Fox NC, Ghetti B, Goate AM, Gordon BA, Graff-Radford N, Day GS, Hassenstab J, Ikeuchi T, Jack CR, Jagust WJ, Jucker M, Levin J, Massoumzadeh P, Masters CL, Martins R, McDade E, Mori H, Noble JM, Petersen RC, Ringman JM, Salloway S, Saykin AJ, Schofield PR, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Trojanowski JQ, Vöglein J, Weninger S, Bateman RJ, Buckles VD. PMID: 35580594; PMCID: PMC9989348.
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21 Fields:
Amyloid-Related Imaging Abnormalities in the DIAN-TU-001 Trial of Gantenerumab and Solanezumab: Lessons from a Trial in Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Disease. Ann Neurol. 2022 11; 92(5):729-744.
Joseph-Mathurin N, Llibre-Guerra JJ, Li Y, McCullough AA, Hofmann C, Wojtowicz J, Park E, Wang G, Preboske GM, Wang Q, Gordon BA, Chen CD, Flores S, Aggarwal NT, Berman SB, Bird TD, Black SE, Borowski B, Brooks WS, Chhatwal JP, Clarnette R, Cruchaga C, Fagan AM, Farlow M, Fox NC, Gauthier S, Hassenstab J, Hobbs DA, Holdridge KC, Honig LS, Hornbeck RC, Hsiung GR, Jack CR, Jimenez-Velazquez IZ, Jucker M, Klein G, Levin J, Mancini M, Masellis M, McKay NS, Mummery CJ, Ringman JM, Shimada H, Snider BJ, Suzuki K, Wallon D, Xiong C, Yaari R, McDade E, Perrin RJ, Bateman RJ, Salloway SP, Benzinger TLS, Clifford DB, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Trials Unit. PMID: 36151869; PMCID: PMC9828339.
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Avoid or Embrace? Practice Effects in Alzheimer's Disease Prevention Trials. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022; 14:883131.
Aschenbrenner AJ, Hassenstab J, Wang G, Li Y, Xiong C, McDade E, Clifford DB, Salloway S, Farlow M, Yaari R, Cheng EYJ, Holdridge KC, Mummery CJ, Masters CL, Hsiung GY, Surti G, Day GS, Weintraub S, Honig LS, Galvin JE, Ringman JM, Brooks WS, Fox NC, Snyder PJ, Suzuki K, Shimada H, Gräber S, Bateman RJ. PMID: 35783127; PMCID: PMC9244171.
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Pattern and implications of neurological examination findings in autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 02; 19(2):632-645.
Vöglein J, Franzmeier N, Morris JC, Dieterich M, McDade E, Simons M, Preische O, Hofmann A, Hassenstab J, Benzinger TL, Fagan A, Noble JM, Berman SB, Graff-Radford NR, Ghetti B, Farlow MR, Chhatwal JP, Salloway S, Xiong C, Karch CM, Cairns N, Perrin RJ, Day G, Martins R, Sanchez-Valle R, Mori H, Shimada H, Ikeuchi T, Suzuki K, Schofield PR, Masters CL, Goate A, Buckles V, Fox NC, Chrem P, Allegri R, Ringman JM, Yakushev I, Laske C, Jucker M, Höglinger G, Bateman RJ, Danek A, Levin J, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 35609137; PMCID: PMC9684350.
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Enhanced Association of Tau Pathology and Cognitive Impairment in Mild Cognitive Impairment Subjects with Behavior Symptoms. J Alzheimers Dis. 2022; 87(2):557-568.
Ge X, Qiao Y, Choi J, Raman R, Ringman JM, Shi Y, for Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 35342088; PMCID: PMC9548450.
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Locus coeruleus integrity is related to tau burden and memory loss in autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2022 04; 112:39-54.
Dahl MJ, Mather M, Werkle-Bergner M, Kennedy BL, Guzman S, Hurth K, Miller CA, Qiao Y, Shi Y, Chui HC, Ringman JM. PMID: 35045380; PMCID: PMC8976827.
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Different rates of cognitive decline in autosomal dominant and late-onset Alzheimer disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2022 10; 18(10):1754-1764.
Buckles VD, Xiong C, Bateman RJ, Hassenstab J, Allegri R, Berman SB, Chhatwal JP, Danek A, Fagan AM, Ghetti B, Goate A, Graff-Radford N, Jucker M, Levin J, Marcus DS, Masters CL, McCue L, McDade E, Mori H, Moulder KL, Noble JM, Paumier K, Preische O, Ringman JM, Fox NC, Salloway S, Schofield PR, Martins R, Vöglein J, Morris JC, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer's Network. PMID: 34854530; PMCID: PMC9160203.
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Comparison of CSF biomarkers in Down syndrome and autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: a cross-sectional study. Lancet Neurol. 2021 08; 20(8):615-626.
Fagan AM, Henson RL, Li Y, Boerwinkle AH, Xiong C, Bateman RJ, Goate A, Ances BM, Doran E, Christian BT, Lai F, Rosas HD, Schupf N, Krinsky-McHale S, Silverman W, Lee JH, Klunk WE, Handen BL, Allegri RF, Chhatwal JP, Day GS, Graff-Radford NR, Jucker M, Levin J, Martins RN, Masters CL, Mori H, Mummery CJ, Niimi Y, Ringman JM, Salloway S, Schofield PR, Shoji M, Lott IT, Alzheimer's Biomarker Consortium–Down Syndrome, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 34302786; PMCID: PMC8496347.
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Comparing amyloid-β plaque burden with antemortem PiB PET in autosomal dominant and late-onset Alzheimer disease. Acta Neuropathol. 2021 10; 142(4):689-706.
Chen CD, Joseph-Mathurin N, Sinha N, Zhou A, Li Y, Friedrichsen K, McCullough A, Franklin EE, Hornbeck R, Gordon B, Sharma V, Cruchaga C, Goate A, Karch C, McDade E, Xiong C, Bateman RJ, Ghetti B, Ringman JM, Chhatwal J, Masters CL, McLean C, Lashley T, Su Y, Koeppe R, Jack C, Klunk WE, Morris JC, Perrin RJ, Cairns NJ, Benzinger TLS. PMID: 34319442; PMCID: PMC8815340.
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Pattern and degree of individual brain atrophy predicts dementia onset in dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2021; 13(1):e12197.
Keret O, Staffaroni AM, Ringman JM, Cobigo Y, Goh SM, Wolf A, Allen IE, Salloway S, Chhatwal J, Brickman AM, Reyes-Dumeyer D, Bateman RJ, Benzinger TLS, Morris JC, Ances BM, Joseph-Mathurin N, Perrin RJ, Gordon BA, Levin J, Vöglein J, Jucker M, la Fougère C, Martins RN, Sohrabi HR, Taddei K, Villemagne VL, Schofield PR, Brooks WS, Fulham M, Masters CL, Ghetti B, Saykin AJ, Jack CR, Graff-Radford NR, Weiner M, Cash DM, Allegri RF, Chrem P, Yi S, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD, Rosen HJ, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 34258377; PMCID: PMC8256623.
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Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy-related Inflammation Presenting With a Cystic Lesion in Young-onset Alzheimer Disease. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2021 Jul-Sep 01; 35(3):265-268.
Ringman JM, Joe E, Sheikh-Bahaei N, Miller C, Vinters HV, Guzman S, Chui HC. PMID: 33480610; PMCID: PMC8289923.
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"My backpack is so heavy": Experiences of Latino caregivers of family with early-onset Alzheimer's. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 06; 69(6):1539-1547.
Withers M, Cortez-Sanchez K, Herrera J, Ringman JM, Segal-Gidan F. PMID: 33713418; PMCID: PMC8193816.
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Abnormal retinal capillary blood flow in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2021; 13(1):e12162.
Singer MB, Ringman JM, Chu Z, Zhou X, Jiang X, Shahidzadeh A, Wang RK, Kashani AH. PMID: 33728371; PMCID: PMC7931411.
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Evaluation of Cerebral Blood Flow Measured by 3D PCASL as Biomarker of Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Dementia (VCID) in a Cohort of Elderly Latinx Subjects at Risk of Small Vessel Disease. Front Neurosci. 2021; 15:627627.
Jann K, Shao X, Ma SJ, Cen SY, D'Orazio L, Barisano G, Yan L, Casey M, Lamas J, Staffaroni AM, Kramer JH, Ringman JM, Wang DJJ. PMID: 33584191; PMCID: PMC7873482.
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Longitudinal Accumulation of Cerebral Microhemorrhages in Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Disease. Neurology. 2021 03 23; 96(12):e1632-e1645.
Joseph-Mathurin N, Wang G, Kantarci K, Jack CR, McDade E, Hassenstab J, Blazey TM, Gordon BA, Su Y, Chen G, Massoumzadeh P, Hornbeck RC, Allegri RF, Ances BM, Berman SB, Brickman AM, Brooks WS, Cash DM, Chhatwal JP, Chui HC, Correia S, Cruchaga C, Farlow MR, Fox NC, Fulham M, Ghetti B, Graff-Radford NR, Johnson KA, Karch CM, Laske C, Lee AKW, Levin J, Masters CL, Noble JM, O'Connor A, Perrin RJ, Preboske GM, Ringman JM, Rowe CC, Salloway S, Saykin AJ, Schofield PR, Shimada H, Shoji M, Suzuki K, Villemagne VL, Xiong C, Yakushev I, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Benzinger TLS, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 33495373; PMCID: PMC8032370.
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11 Fields:
MarkVCID cerebral small vessel consortium: I. Enrollment, clinical, fluid protocols. Alzheimers Dement. 2021 04; 17(4):704-715.
Wilcock D, Jicha G, Blacker D, Albert MS, D'Orazio LM, Elahi FM, Fornage M, Hinman JD, Knoefel J, Kramer J, Kryscio RJ, Lamar M, Moghekar A, Prestopnik J, Ringman JM, Rosenberg G, Sagare A, Satizabal CL, Schneider J, Seshadri S, Sur S, Tracy RP, Yasar S, Williams V, Singh H, Mazina L, Helmer KG, Corriveau RA, Schwab K, Kivisäkk P, Greenberg SM, MarkVCID Consortium. PMID: 33480172; PMCID: PMC8122220.
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42 Fields:
Past, present and future role of retinal imaging in neurodegenerative disease. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2021 07; 83:100938.
Kashani AH, Asanad S, Chan JW, Singer MB, Zhang J, Sharifi M, Khansari MM, Abdolahi F, Shi Y, Biffi A, Chui H, Ringman JM. PMID: 33460813; PMCID: PMC8280255.
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52 Fields:
Volumetric distribution of perivascular space in relation to mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiol Aging. 2021 03; 99:28-43.
Sepehrband F, Barisano G, Sheikh-Bahaei N, Choupan J, Cabeen RP, Lynch KM, Crawford MS, Lan H, Mack WJ, Chui HC, Ringman JM, Toga AW, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 33422892; PMCID: PMC7902350.
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32 Fields:
Reaction time and response inhibition in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Brain Cogn. 2021 02; 147:105656.
Medina LD, Woo E, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Chaparro Maldonado H, Yi D, Coppola G, Zhou Y, Chui HC, Ringman JM. PMID: 33310624; PMCID: PMC7855477.
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5 Fields:
Autosomal dominant early onset Alzheimer's disease in the Mexican state of Jalisco: High frequency of the mutation PSEN1 c.1292C>A and phenotypic profile of patients. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 2020 12; 184(4):1023-1029.
Dumois-Petersen S, Gallegos-Arreola MP, Magaña-Torres MT, Perea-Díaz FJ, Ringman JM, Figuera LE. PMID: 33274538.
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6 Fields:
Comparison Between Blood-Brain Barrier Water Exchange Rate and Permeability to Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agent in an Elderly Cohort. Front Neurosci. 2020; 14:571480.
Shao X, Jann K, Ma SJ, Yan L, Montagne A, Ringman JM, Zlokovic BV, Wang DJJ. PMID: 33328848; PMCID: PMC7733970.
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Emotional detachment, gait ataxia, and cerebellar dysconnectivity associated with compound heterozygous mutations in the SPG7 gene. Neurocase. 2020 10; 26(5):299-304.
Ringman JM, Qiao Y, Garbin A, Fisher BE, Fogel B, Watari Knoell K, Chui HC, Shi Y, Rexach JE. PMID: 32893728; PMCID: PMC7530119.
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A probabilistic atlas of locus coeruleus pathways to transentorhinal cortex for connectome imaging in Alzheimer's disease. Neuroimage. 2020 12; 223:117301.
Sun W, Tang Y, Qiao Y, Ge X, Mather M, Ringman JM, Shi Y, for Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 32861791; PMCID: PMC7797167.
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19 Fields:
Lower retinal capillary density in minimal cognitive impairment among older Latinx adults. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2020; 12(1):e12071.
Ashimatey BS, D'Orazio LM, Ma SJ, Jann K, Jiang X, Lu H, Wang DJJ, Ringman JM, Kashani AH. PMID: 32875053; PMCID: PMC7447879.
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Cerebroarterial pulsatility and resistivity indices are associated with cognitive impairment and white matter hyperintensity in elderly subjects: A phase-contrast MRI study. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2021 03; 41(3):670-683.
Pahlavian SH, Wang X, Ma S, Zheng H, Casey M, D'Orazio LM, Shao X, Ringman JM, Chui H, Wang DJ, Yan L. PMID: 32501154; PMCID: PMC7922759.
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13 Fields:
APOE4 leads to blood-brain barrier dysfunction predicting cognitive decline. Nature. 2020 05; 581(7806):71-76.
Montagne A, Nation DA, Sagare AP, Barisano G, Sweeney MD, Chakhoyan A, Pachicano M, Joe E, Nelson AR, D'Orazio LM, Buennagel DP, Harrington MG, Benzinger TLS, Fagan AM, Ringman JM, Schneider LS, Morris JC, Reiman EM, Caselli RJ, Chui HC, Tcw J, Chen Y, Pa J, Conti PS, Law M, Toga AW, Zlokovic BV. PMID: 32376954; PMCID: PMC7250000.
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521 Fields:
A novel sensitive assay for detection of a biomarker of pericyte injury in cerebrospinal fluid. Alzheimers Dement. 2020 06; 16(6):821-830.
Sweeney MD, Sagare AP, Pachicano M, Harrington MG, Joe E, Chui HC, Schneider LS, Montagne A, Ringman JM, Fagan AM, Morris JC, Pa J, Nation DA, Toga AW, Zlokovic BV. PMID: 32301266; PMCID: PMC7986963.
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33 Fields:
Probing Estrogen Sulfotransferase-Mediated Inflammation with [11C]-PiB in the Living Human Brain. J Alzheimers Dis. 2020; 73(3):1023-1033.
Surmak AJ, Wong KP, Cole GB, Hirata K, Aabedi AA, Mirfendereski O, Mirfendereski P, Yu AS, Huang SC, Ringman JM, Liebeskind DS, Barrio JR. PMID: 31884462.
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Cognitive symptoms of Alzheimer's disease: clinical management and prevention. BMJ. 2019 12 06; 367:l6217.
Joe E, Ringman JM. PMID: 31810978.
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104 Fields:
Frequency of the TREM2 R47H Variant in Various Neurodegenerative Disorders. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2019 Oct-Dec; 33(4):327-330.
Ayer AH, Wojta K, Ramos EM, Dokuru D, Chen JA, Karydas AM, Papatriantafyllou JD, Agiomyrgiannakis D, Kamtsadeli V, Tsinia N, Sali D, Gylys KH, Agosta F, Filippi M, Small GW, Bennett DA, Gearing M, Juncos JL, Kramer J, Lee SE, Yokoyama JS, Mendez MF, Chui H, Zarow C, Ringman JM, Kilic U, Babacan-Yildiz G, Levey A, DeCarli CS, Cotman CW, Boxer AL, Miller BL, Coppola G. PMID: 31513029; PMCID: PMC7050643.
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6 Fields:
Author Correction: Genetic meta-analysis of diagnosed Alzheimer's disease identifies new risk loci and implicates Aβ, tau, immunity and lipid processing. Nat Genet. 2019 Sep; 51(9):1423-1424.
Kunkle BW, Grenier-Boley B, Sims R, Bis JC, Damotte V, Naj AC, Boland A, Vronskaya M, van der Lee SJ, Amlie-Wolf A, Bellenguez C, Frizatti A, Chouraki V, Martin ER, Sleegers K, Badarinarayan N, Jakobsdottir J, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Moreno-Grau S, Olaso R, Raybould R, Chen Y, Kuzma AB, Hiltunen M, Morgan T, Ahmad S, Vardarajan BN, Epelbaum J, Hoffmann P, Boada M, Beecham GW, Garnier JG, Harold D, Fitzpatrick AL, Valladares O, Moutet ML, Gerrish A, Smith AV, Qu L, Bacq D, Denning N, Jian X, Zhao Y, Del Zompo M, Fox NC, Choi SH, Mateo I, Hughes JT, Adams HH, Malamon J, Sanchez-Garcia F, Patel Y, Brody JA, Dombroski BA, Naranjo MCD, Daniilidou M, Eiriksdottir G, Mukherjee S, Wallon D, Uphill J, Aspelund T, Cantwell LB, Garzia F, Galimberti D, Hofer E, Butkiewicz M, Fin B, Scarpini E, Sarnowski C, Bush WS, Meslage S, Kornhuber J, White CC, Song Y, Barber RC, Engelborghs S, Sordon S, Voijnovic D, Adams PM, Vandenberghe R, Mayhaus M, Cupples LA, Albert MS, De Deyn PP, Gu W, Himali JJ, Beekly D, Squassina A, Hartmann AM, Orellana A, Blacker D, Rodriguez-Rodriguez E, Lovestone S, Garcia ME, Doody RS, Munoz-Fernadez C, Sussams R, Lin H, Fairchild TJ, Benito YA, Holmes C, Karamujic-Comic H, Frosch MP, Thonberg H, Maier W, Roshchupkin G, Ghetti B, Giedraitis V, Kawalia A, Li S, Huebinger RM, Kilander L, Moebus S, Hernández I, Kamboh MI, Brundin R, Turton J, Yang Q, Katz MJ, Concari L, Lord J, Beiser AS, Keene CD, Helisalmi S, Kloszewska I, Kukull WA, Koivisto AM, Lynch A, Tarraga L, Larson EB, Haapasalo A, Lawlor B, Mosley TH, Lipton RB, Solfrizzi V, Gill M, Longstreth WT, Montine TJ, Frisardi V, Diez-Fairen M, Rivadeneira F, Petersen RC, Deramecourt V, Alvarez I, Salani F, Ciaramella A, Boerwinkle E, Reiman EM, Fievet N, Rotter JI, Reisch JS, Hanon O, Cupidi C, Uitterlinden AGA, Royall DR, Dufouil C, Maletta RG, de Rojas I, Sano M, Brice A, Cecchetti R, George-Hyslop PS, Ritchie K, Tsolaki M, Tsuang DW, Dubois B, Craig D, Wu CK, Soininen H, Avramidou D, Albin RL, Fratiglioni L, Germanou A, Apostolova LG, Keller L, Koutroumani M, Arnold SE, Panza F, Gkatzima O, Asthana S, Hannequin D, Whitehead P, Atwood CS, Caffarra P, Hampel H, Quintela I, Carracedo Á, Lannfelt L, Rubinsztein DC, Barnes LL, Pasquier F, Frölich L, Barral S, McGuinness B, Beach TG, Johnston JA, Becker JT, Passmore P, Bigio EH, Schott JM, Bird TD, Warren JD, Boeve BF, Lupton MK, Bowen JD, Proitsi P, Boxer A, Powell JF, Burke JR, Kauwe JSK, Burns JM, Mancuso M, Buxbaum JD, Bonuccelli U, Cairns NJ, McQuillin A, Cao C, Livingston G, Carlson CS, Bass NJ, Carlsson CM, Hardy J, Carney RM, Bras J, Carrasquillo MM, Guerreiro R, Allen M, Chui HC, Fisher E, Masullo C, Crocco EA, DeCarli C, Bisceglio G, Dick M, Ma L, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Evans DA, Hodges A, Faber KM, Scherer M, Fallon KB, Riemenschneider M, Fardo DW, Heun R, Farlow MR, Kölsch H, Ferris S, Leber M, Foroud TM, Heuser I, Galasko DR, Giegling I, Gearing M, Hüll M, Geschwind DH, Gilbert JR, Morris J, Green RC, Mayo K, Growdon JH, Feulner T, Hamilton RL, Harrell LE, Drichel D, Honig LS, Cushion TD, Huentelman MJ, Hollingworth P, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Marshall R, Jarvik GP, Meggy A, Abner E, Menzies GE, Jin LW, Leonenko G, Real LM, Jun GR, Baldwin CT, Grozeva D, Karydas A, Russo G, Kaye JA, Kim R, Jessen F, Kowall NW, Vellas B, Kramer JH, Vardy E, LaFerla FM, Jöckel KH, Lah JJ, Dichgans M, Leverenz JB, Mann D, Levey AI, Pickering-Brown S, Lieberman AP, Klopp N, Lunetta KL, Wichmann HE, Lyketsos CG, Morgan K, Marson DC, Brown K, et al. PMID: 31417202; PMCID: PMC7265117.
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28 Fields:
Historical Migration revealed through a Case of Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer's Disease. P R Health Sci J. 2019 09; 38(3):144-147.
Poblete J, Dokuru D, Coppola G, Ortiz F, Medina LD, Vinters HV, Ringman JM. PMID: 31536626.
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1 Fields:
1H MRS spectroscopy in preclinical autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease. Brain Imaging Behav. 2019 Aug; 13(4):925-932.
Joe E, Medina LD, Ringman JM, O'Neill J. PMID: 29907927; PMCID: PMC6295351.
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Treatment Options for Agitation in Dementia. Curr Treat Options Neurol. 2019 Jun 24; 21(7):30.
Ringman JM, Schneider L. PMID: 31231784.
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A mixed-methods study of cultural beliefs about dementia and genetic testing among Mexicans and Mexican-Americans at-risk for autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. J Genet Couns. 2019 10; 28(5):921-932.
Withers M, Sayegh P, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Ernstrom K, Raman R, Montoya L, Zuno-Reyes A, Mosieri C, Matute E, Ringman JM. PMID: 31207006; PMCID: PMC7500864.
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10 Fields:
Clinical, pathophysiological and genetic features of motor symptoms in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Brain. 2019 05 01; 142(5):1429-1440.
Vöglein J, Paumier K, Jucker M, Preische O, McDade E, Hassenstab J, Benzinger TL, Noble JM, Berman SB, Graff-Radford NR, Ghetti B, Farlow MR, Chhatwal J, Salloway S, Xiong C, Karch CM, Cairns N, Mori H, Schofield PR, Masters CL, Goate A, Buckles V, Fox N, Rossor M, Chrem P, Allegri R, Ringman JM, Höglinger G, Steiner H, Dieterich M, Haass C, Laske C, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Danek A, Levin J, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 30897203; PMCID: PMC6735903.
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22 Fields:
Emerging cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2019 05; 15(5):655-665.
Schindler SE, Li Y, Todd KW, Herries EM, Henson RL, Gray JD, Wang G, Graham DL, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Hassenstab JJ, Benzinger TLS, Cruchaga C, Jucker M, Levin J, Chhatwal JP, Noble JM, Ringman JM, Graff-Radford NR, Holtzman DM, Ladenson JH, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Xiong C, Fagan AM, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 30846386; PMCID: PMC6511459.
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49 Fields:
Genetic meta-analysis of diagnosed Alzheimer's disease identifies new risk loci and implicates Aβ, tau, immunity and lipid processing. Nat Genet. 2019 03; 51(3):414-430.
Kunkle BW, Grenier-Boley B, Sims R, Bis JC, Damotte V, Naj AC, Boland A, Vronskaya M, van der Lee SJ, Amlie-Wolf A, Bellenguez C, Frizatti A, Chouraki V, Martin ER, Sleegers K, Badarinarayan N, Jakobsdottir J, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Moreno-Grau S, Olaso R, Raybould R, Chen Y, Kuzma AB, Hiltunen M, Morgan T, Ahmad S, Vardarajan BN, Epelbaum J, Hoffmann P, Boada M, Beecham GW, Garnier JG, Harold D, Fitzpatrick AL, Valladares O, Moutet ML, Gerrish A, Smith AV, Qu L, Bacq D, Denning N, Jian X, Zhao Y, Del Zompo M, Fox NC, Choi SH, Mateo I, Hughes JT, Adams HH, Malamon J, Sanchez-Garcia F, Patel Y, Brody JA, Dombroski BA, Naranjo MCD, Daniilidou M, Eiriksdottir G, Mukherjee S, Wallon D, Uphill J, Aspelund T, Cantwell LB, Garzia F, Galimberti D, Hofer E, Butkiewicz M, Fin B, Scarpini E, Sarnowski C, Bush WS, Meslage S, Kornhuber J, White CC, Song Y, Barber RC, Engelborghs S, Sordon S, Voijnovic D, Adams PM, Vandenberghe R, Mayhaus M, Cupples LA, Albert MS, De Deyn PP, Gu W, Himali JJ, Beekly D, Squassina A, Hartmann AM, Orellana A, Blacker D, Rodriguez-Rodriguez E, Lovestone S, Garcia ME, Doody RS, Munoz-Fernadez C, Sussams R, Lin H, Fairchild TJ, Benito YA, Holmes C, Karamujic-Comic H, Frosch MP, Thonberg H, Maier W, Roshchupkin G, Ghetti B, Giedraitis V, Kawalia A, Li S, Huebinger RM, Kilander L, Moebus S, Hernández I, Kamboh MI, Brundin R, Turton J, Yang Q, Katz MJ, Concari L, Lord J, Beiser AS, Keene CD, Helisalmi S, Kloszewska I, Kukull WA, Koivisto AM, Lynch A, Tarraga L, Larson EB, Haapasalo A, Lawlor B, Mosley TH, Lipton RB, Solfrizzi V, Gill M, Longstreth WT, Montine TJ, Frisardi V, Diez-Fairen M, Rivadeneira F, Petersen RC, Deramecourt V, Alvarez I, Salani F, Ciaramella A, Boerwinkle E, Reiman EM, Fievet N, Rotter JI, Reisch JS, Hanon O, Cupidi C, Andre Uitterlinden AG, Royall DR, Dufouil C, Maletta RG, de Rojas I, Sano M, Brice A, Cecchetti R, George-Hyslop PS, Ritchie K, Tsolaki M, Tsuang DW, Dubois B, Craig D, Wu CK, Soininen H, Avramidou D, Albin RL, Fratiglioni L, Germanou A, Apostolova LG, Keller L, Koutroumani M, Arnold SE, Panza F, Gkatzima O, Asthana S, Hannequin D, Whitehead P, Atwood CS, Caffarra P, Hampel H, Quintela I, Carracedo Á, Lannfelt L, Rubinsztein DC, Barnes LL, Pasquier F, Frölich L, Barral S, McGuinness B, Beach TG, Johnston JA, Becker JT, Passmore P, Bigio EH, Schott JM, Bird TD, Warren JD, Boeve BF, Lupton MK, Bowen JD, Proitsi P, Boxer A, Powell JF, Burke JR, Kauwe JSK, Burns JM, Mancuso M, Buxbaum JD, Bonuccelli U, Cairns NJ, McQuillin A, Cao C, Livingston G, Carlson CS, Bass NJ, Carlsson CM, Hardy J, Carney RM, Bras J, Carrasquillo MM, Guerreiro R, Allen M, Chui HC, Fisher E, Masullo C, Crocco EA, DeCarli C, Bisceglio G, Dick M, Ma L, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Evans DA, Hodges A, Faber KM, Scherer M, Fallon KB, Riemenschneider M, Fardo DW, Heun R, Farlow MR, Kölsch H, Ferris S, Leber M, Foroud TM, Heuser I, Galasko DR, Giegling I, Gearing M, Hüll M, Geschwind DH, Gilbert JR, Morris J, Green RC, Mayo K, Growdon JH, Feulner T, Hamilton RL, Harrell LE, Drichel D, Honig LS, Cushion TD, Huentelman MJ, Hollingworth P, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Marshall R, Jarvik GP, Meggy A, Abner E, Menzies GE, Jin LW, Leonenko G, Real LM, Jun GR, Baldwin CT, Grozeva D, Karydas A, Russo G, Kaye JA, Kim R, Jessen F, Kowall NW, Vellas B, Kramer JH, Vardy E, LaFerla FM, Jöckel KH, Lah JJ, Dichgans M, Leverenz JB, Mann D, Levey AI, Pickering-Brown S, Lieberman AP, Klopp N, Lunetta KL, Wichmann HE, Lyketsos CG, Morgan K, Marson DC, et al. PMID: 30820047; PMCID: PMC6463297.
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1290 Fields:
Comparison of Pittsburgh compound B and florbetapir in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2019 Dec; 11:180-190.
Su Y, Flores S, Wang G, Hornbeck RC, Speidel B, Joseph-Mathurin N, Vlassenko AG, Gordon BA, Koeppe RA, Klunk WE, Jack CR, Farlow MR, Salloway S, Snider BJ, Berman SB, Roberson ED, Brosch J, Jimenez-Velazques I, van Dyck CH, Galasko D, Yuan SH, Jayadev S, Honig LS, Gauthier S, Hsiung GR, Masellis M, Brooks WS, Fulham M, Clarnette R, Masters CL, Wallon D, Hannequin D, Dubois B, Pariente J, Sanchez-Valle R, Mummery C, Ringman JM, Bottlaender M, Klein G, Milosavljevic-Ristic S, McDade E, Xiong C, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Benzinger TLS. PMID: 30847382; PMCID: PMC6389727.
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Homozygosity for the A431E mutation in PSEN1 presenting with a relatively aggressive phenotype. Neurosci Lett. 2019 04 23; 699:195-198.
Parker J, Mozaffar T, Messmore A, Deignan JL, Kimonis VE, Ringman JM. PMID: 30716424; PMCID: PMC7759143.
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3 Fields:
Serum neurofilament dynamics predicts neurodegeneration and clinical progression in presymptomatic Alzheimer's disease. Nat Med. 2019 02; 25(2):277-283.
Preische O, Schultz SA, Apel A, Kuhle J, Kaeser SA, Barro C, Gräber S, Kuder-Buletta E, LaFougere C, Laske C, Vöglein J, Levin J, Masters CL, Martins R, Schofield PR, Rossor MN, Graff-Radford NR, Salloway S, Ghetti B, Ringman JM, Noble JM, Chhatwal J, Goate AM, Benzinger TLS, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Wang G, Fagan AM, McDade EM, Gordon BA, Jucker M, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 30664784; PMCID: PMC6367005.
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386 Fields:
Blood-brain barrier breakdown is an early biomarker of human cognitive dysfunction. Nat Med. 2019 02; 25(2):270-276.
Nation DA, Sweeney MD, Montagne A, Sagare AP, D'Orazio LM, Pachicano M, Sepehrband F, Nelson AR, Buennagel DP, Harrington MG, Benzinger TLS, Fagan AM, Ringman JM, Schneider LS, Morris JC, Chui HC, Law M, Toga AW, Zlokovic BV. PMID: 30643288; PMCID: PMC6367058.
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681 Fields:
Mapping water exchange across the blood-brain barrier using 3D diffusion-prepared arterial spin labeled perfusion MRI. Magn Reson Med. 2019 05; 81(5):3065-3079.
Shao X, Ma SJ, Casey M, D'Orazio L, Ringman JM, Wang DJJ. PMID: 30561821; PMCID: PMC6414249.
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61 Fields:
Seizures as an early symptom of autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2019 04; 76:18-23.
Vöglein J, Noachtar S, McDade E, Quaid KA, Salloway S, Ghetti B, Noble J, Berman S, Chhatwal J, Mori H, Fox N, Allegri R, Masters CL, Buckles V, Ringman JM, Rossor M, Schofield PR, Sperling R, Jucker M, Laske C, Paumier K, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Levin J, Danek A, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 30616208; PMCID: PMC6572755.
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CSF progranulin increases in the course of Alzheimer's disease and is associated with sTREM2, neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. EMBO Mol Med. 2018 12; 10(12).
Suárez-Calvet M, Capell A, Araque Caballero MÁ, Morenas-Rodríguez E, Fellerer K, Franzmeier N, Kleinberger G, Eren E, Deming Y, Piccio L, Karch CM, Cruchaga C, Paumier K, Bateman RJ, Fagan AM, Morris JC, Levin J, Danek A, Jucker M, Masters CL, Rossor MN, Ringman JM, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Weiner M, Ewers M, Haass C, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 30482868; PMCID: PMC6284390.
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41 Fields:
Utility of perfusion PET measures to assess neuronal injury in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2018; 10:669-677.
Joseph-Mathurin N, Su Y, Blazey TM, Jasielec M, Vlassenko A, Friedrichsen K, Gordon BA, Hornbeck RC, Cash L, Ances BM, Veale T, Cash DM, Brickman AM, Buckles V, Cairns NJ, Cruchaga C, Goate A, Jack CR, Karch C, Klunk W, Koeppe RA, Marcus DS, Mayeux R, McDade E, Noble JM, Ringman J, Saykin AJ, Thompson PM, Xiong C, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Benzinger TLS, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 30417072; PMCID: PMC6215983.
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Relationship between physical activity, cognition, and Alzheimer pathology in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2018 11; 14(11):1427-1437.
Müller S, Preische O, Sohrabi HR, Gräber S, Jucker M, Ringman JM, Martins RN, McDade E, Schofield PR, Ghetti B, Rossor M, Fox NN, Graff-Radford NR, Levin J, Danek A, Vöglein J, Salloway S, Xiong C, Benzinger T, Buckles V, Masters CL, Sperling R, Bateman RJ, Morris JC, Laske C, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN). PMID: 30266303; PMCID: PMC6322213.
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27 Fields:
Longitudinal cognitive and biomarker changes in dominantly inherited Alzheimer disease. Neurology. 2018 10 02; 91(14):e1295-e1306.
McDade E, Wang G, Gordon BA, Hassenstab J, Benzinger TLS, Buckles V, Fagan AM, Holtzman DM, Cairns NJ, Goate AM, Marcus DS, Morris JC, Paumier K, Xiong C, Allegri R, Berman SB, Klunk W, Noble J, Ringman J, Ghetti B, Farlow M, Sperling RA, Chhatwal J, Salloway S, Graff-Radford NR, Schofield PR, Masters C, Rossor MN, Fox NC, Levin J, Jucker M, Bateman RJ, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 30217935; PMCID: PMC6177272.
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141 Fields:
White matter hyperintensities and the mediating role of cerebral amyloid angiopathy in dominantly-inherited Alzheimer's disease. PLoS One. 2018; 13(5):e0195838.
Lee S, Zimmerman ME, Narkhede A, Nasrabady SE, Tosto G, Meier IB, Benzinger TLS, Marcus DS, Fagan AM, Fox NC, Cairns NJ, Holtzman DM, Buckles V, Ghetti B, McDade E, Martins RN, Saykin AJ, Masters CL, Ringman JM, F?rster S, Schofield PR, Sperling RA, Johnson KA, Chhatwal JP, Salloway S, Correia S, Jack CR, Weiner M, Bateman RJ, Morris JC, Mayeux R, Brickman AM, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 29742105; PMCID: PMC5942789.
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Preferential degradation of cognitive networks differentiates Alzheimer's disease from ageing. Brain. 2018 05 01; 141(5):1486-1500.
Chhatwal JP, Schultz AP, Johnson KA, Hedden T, Jaimes S, Benzinger TLS, Jack C, Ances BM, Ringman JM, Marcus DS, Ghetti B, Farlow MR, Danek A, Levin J, Yakushev I, Laske C, Koeppe RA, Galasko DR, Xiong C, Masters CL, Schofield PR, Kinnunen KM, Salloway S, Martins RN, McDade E, Cairns NJ, Buckles VD, Morris JC, Bateman R, Sperling RA, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 29522171; PMCID: PMC5917745.
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Impairment of memory generalization in preclinical autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease mutation carriers. Neurobiol Aging. 2018 05; 65:149-157.
Petok JR, Myers CE, Pa J, Hobel Z, Wharton DM, Medina LD, Casado M, Coppola G, Gluck MA, Ringman JM. PMID: 29494861; PMCID: PMC5871602.
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A probabilistic atlas of human brainstem pathways based on connectome imaging data. Neuroimage. 2018 04 01; 169:227-239.
Tang Y, Sun W, Toga AW, Ringman JM, Shi Y. PMID: 29253653; PMCID: PMC5856609.
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Regional association of pCASL-MRI with FDG-PET and PiB-PET in people at risk for autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Neuroimage Clin. 2018; 17:751-760.
Yan L, Liu CY, Wong KP, Huang SC, Mack WJ, Jann K, Coppola G, Ringman JM, Wang DJJ. PMID: 29527482; PMCID: PMC5842754.
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Attitudes toward clinical trials across the Alzheimer's disease spectrum. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2017 Oct 04; 9(1):81.
Nuño MM, Gillen DL, Dosanjh KK, Brook J, Elashoff D, Ringman JM, Grill JD. PMID: 28978335; PMCID: PMC5628443.
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A novel PSEN1 (S230N) mutation causing early-onset Alzheimer's Disease associated with prosopagnosia, hoarding, and Parkinsonism. Neurosci Lett. 2017 Sep 14; 657:11-15.
Ringman JM, Casado M, Van Berlo V, Pa J, Joseph-Mathurin N, Fagan AM, Benzinger T, Bateman RJ, Morris JC. PMID: 28764909; PMCID: PMC5731478.
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Presymptomatic atrophy in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: A serial magnetic resonance imaging study. Alzheimers Dement. 2018 01; 14(1):43-53.
Kinnunen KM, Cash DM, Poole T, Frost C, Benzinger TLS, Ahsan RL, Leung KK, Cardoso MJ, Modat M, Malone IB, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Marcus DS, Goate A, Salloway SP, Correia S, Sperling RA, Chhatwal JP, Mayeux RP, Brickman AM, Martins RN, Farlow MR, Ghetti B, Saykin AJ, Jack CR, Schofield PR, McDade E, Weiner MW, Ringman JM, Thompson PM, Masters CL, Rowe CC, Rossor MN, Ourselin S, Fox NC, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN). PMID: 28738187; PMCID: PMC5751893.
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Rare coding variants in PLCG2, ABI3, and TREM2 implicate microglial-mediated innate immunity in Alzheimer's disease. Nat Genet. 2017 09; 49(9):1373-1384.
Sims R, van der Lee SJ, Naj AC, Bellenguez C, Badarinarayan N, Jakobsdottir J, Kunkle BW, Boland A, Raybould R, Bis JC, Martin ER, Grenier-Boley B, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Chouraki V, Kuzma AB, Sleegers K, Vronskaya M, Ruiz A, Graham RR, Olaso R, Hoffmann P, Grove ML, Vardarajan BN, Hiltunen M, Nöthen MM, White CC, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Epelbaum J, Maier W, Choi SH, Beecham GW, Dulary C, Herms S, Smith AV, Funk CC, Derbois C, Forstner AJ, Ahmad S, Li H, Bacq D, Harold D, Satizabal CL, Valladares O, Squassina A, Thomas R, Brody JA, Qu L, Sánchez-Juan P, Morgan T, Wolters FJ, Zhao Y, Garcia FS, Denning N, Fornage M, Malamon J, Naranjo MCD, Majounie E, Mosley TH, Dombroski B, Wallon D, Lupton MK, Dupuis J, Whitehead P, Fratiglioni L, Medway C, Jian X, Mukherjee S, Keller L, Brown K, Lin H, Cantwell LB, Panza F, McGuinness B, Moreno-Grau S, Burgess JD, Solfrizzi V, Proitsi P, Adams HH, Allen M, Seripa D, Pastor P, Cupples LA, Price ND, Hannequin D, Frank-García A, Levy D, Chakrabarty P, Caffarra P, Giegling I, Beiser AS, Giedraitis V, Hampel H, Garcia ME, Wang X, Lannfelt L, Mecocci P, Eiriksdottir G, Crane PK, Pasquier F, Boccardi V, Henández I, Barber RC, Scherer M, Tarraga L, Adams PM, Leber M, Chen Y, Albert MS, Riedel-Heller S, Emilsson V, Beekly D, Braae A, Schmidt R, Blacker D, Masullo C, Schmidt H, Doody RS, Spalletta G, Longstreth WT, Fairchild TJ, Bossù P, Lopez OL, Frosch MP, Sacchinelli E, Ghetti B, Yang Q, Huebinger RM, Jessen F, Li S, Kamboh MI, Morris J, Sotolongo-Grau O, Katz MJ, Corcoran C, Dunstan M, Braddel A, Thomas C, Meggy A, Marshall R, Gerrish A, Chapman J, Aguilar M, Taylor S, Hill M, Fairén MD, Hodges A, Vellas B, Soininen H, Kloszewska I, Daniilidou M, Uphill J, Patel Y, Hughes JT, Lord J, Turton J, Hartmann AM, Cecchetti R, Fenoglio C, Serpente M, Arcaro M, Caltagirone C, Orfei MD, Ciaramella A, Pichler S, Mayhaus M, Gu W, Lleó A, Fortea J, Blesa R, Barber IS, Brookes K, Cupidi C, Maletta RG, Carrell D, Sorbi S, Moebus S, Urbano M, Pilotto A, Kornhuber J, Bosco P, Todd S, Craig D, Johnston J, Gill M, Lawlor B, Lynch A, Fox NC, Hardy J, ARUK Consortium, Albin RL, Apostolova LG, Arnold SE, Asthana S, Atwood CS, Baldwin CT, Barnes LL, Barral S, Beach TG, Becker JT, Bigio EH, Bird TD, Boeve BF, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Burke JR, Burns JM, Buxbaum JD, Cairns NJ, Cao C, Carlson CS, Carlsson CM, Carney RM, Carrasquillo MM, Carroll SL, Diaz CC, Chui HC, Clark DG, Cribbs DH, Crocco EA, DeCarli C, Dick M, Duara R, Evans DA, Faber KM, Fallon KB, Fardo DW, Farlow MR, Ferris S, Foroud TM, Galasko DR, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Gilbert JR, Graff-Radford NR, Green RC, Growdon JH, Hamilton RL, Harrell LE, Honig LS, Huentelman MJ, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Jarvik GP, Abner E, Jin LW, Jun G, Karydas A, Kaye JA, Kim R, Kowall NW, Kramer JH, LaFerla FM, Lah JJ, Leverenz JB, Levey AI, Li G, Lieberman AP, Lunetta KL, Lyketsos CG, Marson DC, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McKee AC, Mesulam M, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Morris JC, Murrell JR, Myers AJ, O'Bryant S, Olichney JM, Pankratz VS, Parisi JE, Paulson HL, Perry W, Peskind E, Pierce A, Poon WW, Potter H, Quinn JF, Raj A, Raskind M, Reisberg B, Reitz C, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rogaeva E, Rosen HJ, Rosenberg RN, et al. PMID: 28714976; PMCID: PMC5669039.
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477 Fields:
Neuropsychological Profiles Differentiate Alzheimer Disease from Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Dementia in an Autopsy-Defined Cohort. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2017; 44(1-2):1-11.
Ramirez-Gomez L, Zheng L, Reed B, Kramer J, Mungas D, Zarow C, Vinters H, Ringman JM, Chui H. PMID: 28595184; PMCID: PMC5789445.
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Alzheimer and the Dementias. Neurol Clin. 2017 05; 35(2):ix-x.
Ringman JM. PMID: 28410664.
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Update on Alzheimer's and the Dementias: Introduction. Neurol Clin. 2017 May; 35(2):171-174.
Ringman JM. PMID: 28410654; PMCID: PMC5779617.
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Decreased body mass index in the preclinical stage of autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Sci Rep. 2017 04 27; 7(1):1225.
Müller S, Preische O, Sohrabi HR, Gräber S, Jucker M, Dietzsch J, Ringman JM, Martins RN, McDade E, Schofield PR, Ghetti B, Rossor M, Graff-Radford NR, Levin J, Galasko D, Quaid KA, Salloway S, Xiong C, Benzinger T, Buckles V, Masters CL, Sperling R, Bateman RJ, Morris JC, Laske C. PMID: 28450713; PMCID: PMC5430642.
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Patient and caregiver reactions to clinical amyloid imaging. Alzheimers Dement. 2017 Aug; 13(8):924-932.
Grill JD, Cox CG, Kremen S, Mendez MF, Teng E, Shapira J, Ringman JM, Apostolova LG. PMID: 28174068; PMCID: PMC5544590.
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Two Novel Mutations in the First Transmembrane Domain of Presenilin1 Cause Young-Onset Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2017; 58(4):1035-1041.
Liu CY, Ohki Y, Tomita T, Osawa S, Reed BR, Jagust W, Van Berlo V, Jin LW, Chui HC, Coppola G, Ringman JM. PMID: 28550247.
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Critical review of the Appropriate Use Criteria for amyloid imaging: Effect on diagnosis and patient care. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2016; 5:15-22.
Apostolova LG, Haider JM, Goukasian N, Rabinovici GD, Chételat G, Ringman JM, Kremen S, Grill JD, Restrepo L, Mendez MF, Silverman DH. PMID: 28054024; PMCID: PMC5198877.
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A comparison of theoretical and statistically derived indices for predicting cognitive decline. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2017; 6:171-181.
Wilhalme H, Goukasian N, De Leon F, He A, Hwang KS, Woo E, Elashoff D, Zhou Y, Ringman JM, Apostolova LG. PMID: 28275699; PMCID: PMC5328960.
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Neurological manifestations of autosomal dominant familial Alzheimer's disease: a comparison of the published literature with the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network observational study (DIAN-OBS). Lancet Neurol. 2016 Dec; 15(13):1317-1325.
Tang M, Ryman DC, McDade E, Jasielec MS, Buckles VD, Cairns NJ, Fagan AM, Goate A, Marcus DS, Xiong C, Allegri RF, Chhatwal JP, Danek A, Farlow MR, Fox NC, Ghetti B, Graff-Radford NR, Laske C, Martins RN, Masters CL, Mayeux RP, Ringman JM, Rossor MN, Salloway SP, Schofield PR, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN). PMID: 27777020; PMCID: PMC5116769.
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Correction: Quantitative Amyloid Imaging in Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer's Disease: Results from the DIAN Study Group. PLoS One. 2016; 11(9):e0163669.
Su Y, Blazey TM, Owen CJ, Christensen JJ, Friedrichsen K, Joseph-Mathurin N, Wang Q, Hornbeck RC, Ances BM, Snyder AZ, Cash LA, Koeppe RA, Klunk WE, Galasko D, Brickman AM, McDade E, Ringman JM, Thompson PM, Saykin AJ, Ghetti B, Sperling RA, Johnson KA, Salloway SP, Schofield PR, Masters CL, Villemagne VL, Fox NC, Förster S, Chen K, Reiman EM, Xiong C, Marcus DS, Weiner MW, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Benzinger TL, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 27649320; PMCID: PMC5029931.
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Are Late-Onset Autosomal Dominant and Sporadic Alzheimer Disease "Separate but Equal"? JAMA Neurol. 2016 09 01; 73(9):1060-1.
Ringman JM. PMID: 27455517.
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BDNF Val66Met moderates memory impairment, hippocampal function and tau in preclinical autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Brain. 2016 10; 139(Pt 10):2766-2777.
Lim YY, Hassenstab J, Cruchaga C, Goate A, Fagan AM, Benzinger TL, Maruff P, Snyder PJ, Masters CL, Allegri R, Chhatwal J, Farlow MR, Graff-Radford NR, Laske C, Levin J, McDade E, Ringman JM, Rossor M, Salloway S, Schofield PR, Holtzman DM, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 27521573; PMCID: PMC5815565.
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Widespread white matter and conduction defects in PSEN1-related spastic paraparesis. Neurobiol Aging. 2016 11; 47:201-209.
Soosman SK, Joseph-Mathurin N, Braskie MN, Bordelon YM, Wharton D, Casado M, Coppola G, McCallum H, Nuwer M, Coutin-Churchman P, Apostolova LG, Benzinger T, Ringman JM. PMID: 27614114; PMCID: PMC5075491.
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11 Fields:
White matter hyperintensities are a core feature of Alzheimer's disease: Evidence from the dominantly inherited Alzheimer network. Ann Neurol. 2016 Jun; 79(6):929-39.
Lee S, Viqar F, Zimmerman ME, Narkhede A, Tosto G, Benzinger TL, Marcus DS, Fagan AM, Goate A, Fox NC, Cairns NJ, Holtzman DM, Buckles V, Ghetti B, McDade E, Martins RN, Saykin AJ, Masters CL, Ringman JM, Ryan NS, Förster S, Laske C, Schofield PR, Sperling RA, Salloway S, Correia S, Jack C, Weiner M, Bateman RJ, Morris JC, Mayeux R, Brickman AM, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 27016429; PMCID: PMC4884146.
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Improvement of Dream Enactment Behavior Associated With Levetiracetam Treatment in Dementia With Lewy Bodies. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2016 Apr-Jun; 30(2):175-7.
Batalini F, Avidan A, Moseley BD, Ringman JM. PMID: 26485499; PMCID: PMC4834282.
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Quantitative Amyloid Imaging in Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer's Disease: Results from the DIAN Study Group. PLoS One. 2016; 11(3):e0152082.
Su Y, Blazey TM, Owen CJ, Christensen JJ, Friedrichsen K, Joseph-Mathurin N, Wang Q, Hornbeck RC, Ances BM, Snyder AZ, Cash LA, Koeppe RA, Klunk WE, Galasko D, Brickman AM, McDade E, Ringman JM, Thompson PM, Saykin AJ, Ghetti B, Sperling RA, Johnson KA, Salloway SP, Schofield PR, Masters CL, Villemagne VL, Fox NC, Förster S, Chen K, Reiman EM, Xiong C, Marcus DS, Weiner MW, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Benzinger TL, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 27010959; PMCID: PMC4807073.
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Neuropathology of Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer Disease in the National Alzheimer Coordinating Center Database. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2016 Mar; 75(3):284-90.
Ringman JM, Monsell S, Ng DW, Zhou Y, Nguyen A, Coppola G, Van Berlo V, Mendez MF, Tung S, Weintraub S, Mesulam MM, Bigio EH, Gitelman DR, Fisher-Hubbard AO, Albin RL, Vinters HV. PMID: 26888304; PMCID: PMC4934612.
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Impairments in the Face-Processing Network in Developmental Prosopagnosia and Semantic Dementia. Cogn Behav Neurol. 2015 Dec; 28(4):188-97.
Mendez MF, Ringman JM, Shapira JS. PMID: 26705265; PMCID: PMC4692170.
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Daily Activity Abilities in MCI, Alzheimer's Disease, and Healthy Controls. GeroPsych (Bern). 2015 Dec; 28(4):191-200.
Avila J, Flowers A, Scott TM, Quilici J, Apostolova LG, Woo E, Ringman J, Razani J. PMID: 27366145; PMCID: PMC4922896.
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Assessing intracranial vascular compliance using dynamic arterial spin labeling. Neuroimage. 2016 Jan 01; 124(Pt A):433-441.
Yan L, Liu CY, Smith RX, Jog M, Langham M, Krasileva K, Chen Y, Ringman JM, Wang DJJ. PMID: 26364865; PMCID: PMC4651759.
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Cerebral amyloidosis associated with cognitive decline in autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease. Neurology. 2015 Sep 01; 85(9):790-8.
Wang F, Gordon BA, Ryman DC, Ma S, Xiong C, Hassenstab J, Goate A, Fagan AM, Cairns NJ, Marcus DS, McDade E, Ringman JM, Graff-Radford NR, Ghetti B, Farlow MR, Sperling R, Salloway S, Schofield PR, Masters CL, Martins RN, Rossor MN, Jucker M, Danek A, Förster S, Lane CA, Morris JC, Benzinger TL, Bateman RJ, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 26245925; PMCID: PMC4553024.
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A survey of attitudes toward clinical trials and genetic disclosure in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2015; 7(1):50.
Grill JD, Bateman RJ, Buckles V, Oliver A, Morris JC, Masters CL, Klunk WE, Ringman JM, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network. PMID: 26203303; PMCID: PMC4511231.
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A multiancestral genome-wide exome array study of Alzheimer disease, frontotemporal dementia, and progressive supranuclear palsy. JAMA Neurol. 2015 Apr; 72(4):414-22.
Chen JA, Wang Q, Davis-Turak J, Li Y, Karydas AM, Hsu SC, Sears RL, Chatzopoulou D, Huang AY, Wojta KJ, Klein E, Lee J, Beekly DL, Boxer A, Faber KM, Haase CM, Miller J, Poon WW, Rosen A, Rosen H, Sapozhnikova A, Shapira J, Varpetian A, Foroud TM, Levenson RW, Levey AI, Kukull WA, Mendez MF, Ringman J, Chui H, Cotman C, DeCarli C, Miller BL, Geschwind DH, Coppola G. PMID: 25706306; PMCID: PMC4397175.
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Use of the MoCA in Detecting Early Alzheimer's Disease in a Spanish-Speaking Population with Varied Levels of Education. Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra. 2015 Jan-Apr; 5(1):85-95.
Zhou Y, Ortiz F, Nuñez C, Elashoff D, Woo E, Apostolova LG, Wolf S, Casado M, Caceres N, Panchal H, Ringman JM. PMID: 25873930; PMCID: PMC4376923.
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Factors associated with the onset and persistence of post-lumbar puncture headache. JAMA Neurol. 2015 Mar; 72(3):325-32.
Monserrate AE, Ryman DC, Ma S, Xiong C, Noble JM, Ringman JM, Morris JC, Danek A, Müller-Sarnowski F, Clifford DB, McDade EM, Brooks WS, Darby DG, Masters CL, Weston PS, Farlow MR, Graff-Radford NR, Salloway SP, Fagan AM, Oliver A, Bateman RJ, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 25622095; PMCID: PMC4364538.
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Early behavioural changes in familial Alzheimer's disease in the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. Brain. 2015 Apr; 138(Pt 4):1036-45.
Ringman JM, Liang LJ, Zhou Y, Vangala S, Teng E, Kremen S, Wharton D, Goate A, Marcus DS, Farlow M, Ghetti B, McDade E, Masters CL, Mayeux RP, Rossor M, Salloway S, Schofield PR, Cummings JL, Buckles V, Bateman R, Morris JC, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 25688083; PMCID: PMC4963801.
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Rarity of the Alzheimer disease-protective APP A673T variant in the United States. JAMA Neurol. 2015 Feb; 72(2):209-16.
Wang LS, Naj AC, Graham RR, Crane PK, Kunkle BW, Cruchaga C, Murcia JD, Cannon-Albright L, Baldwin CT, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Kukull WA, Faber KM, Schupf N, Norton MC, Tschanz JT, Munger RG, Corcoran CD, Rogaeva E, Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium, Lin CF, Dombroski BA, Cantwell LB, Partch A, Valladares O, Hakonarson H, St George-Hyslop P, Green RC, Goate AM, Foroud TM, Carney RM, Larson EB, Behrens TW, Kauwe JS, Haines JL, Farrer LA, Pericak-Vance MA, Mayeux R, Schellenberg GD, National Institute on Aging-Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease (NIA-LOAD) Family Study, Albert MS, Albin RL, Apostolova LG, Arnold SE, Barber R, Barmada M, Barnes LL, Beach TG, Becker JT, Beecham GW, Beekly D, Bennett DA, Bigio EH, Bird TD, Blacker D, Boeve BF, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Burke JR, Buxbaum JD, Cairns NJ, Cao C, Carlson CS, Carroll SL, Chui HC, Clark DG, Cribbs DH, Crocco EA, DeCarli C, DeKosky ST, Demirci FY, Dick M, Dickson DW, Duara R, Ertekin-Taner N, Fallon KB, Farlow MR, Ferris S, Frosch MP, Galasko DR, Ganguli M, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Ghetti B, Gilbert JR, Glass JD, Graff-Radford NR, Growdon JH, Hamilton RL, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Harrell LE, Head E, Honig LS, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Jarvik GP, Jicha GA, Jin LW, Jun G, Jun G, Kamboh MI, Karydas A, Kaye JA, Kim R, Koo EH, Kowall NW, Kramer JH, LaFerla FM, Lah JJ, Leverenz JB, Levey AI, Li G, Lieberman AP, Lopez OL, Lunetta KL, Lyketsos CG, Mack WJ, Marson DC, Martin ER, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McKee AC, Mesulam WM, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Montine TJ, Morris JC, Murrell JR, Olichney JM, Parisi JE, Perry W, Peskind E, Petersen RC, Pierce A, Poon WW, Potter H, Quinn JF, Raj A, Raskind M, Reiman EM, Reisberg B, Reitz C, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rosen HJ, Rosenberg RN, Sano M, Saykin AJ, Schneider JA, Schneider LS, Seeley WW, Smith AG, Sonnen JA, Spina S, Stern RA, Tanzi RE, Thornton-Wells TA, Trojanowski JQ, Troncoso JC, Tsuang DW, Van Deerlin VM, Van Eldik LJ, Vardarajan BN, Vinters HV, Vonsattel JP, Weintraub S, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Williamson J, Wishnek S, Woltjer RL, Wright CB, Younkin SG, Yu CE, Yu L. PMID: 25531812; PMCID: PMC4324097.
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Conceptualization and assessment of vulnerability in a complex international Alzheimer's research study. Am J Bioeth. 2015; 15(4):87-9.
Korenman S, Finder SG, Ringman JM. PMID: 25856620.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Effect of potent γ-secretase modulator in human neurons derived from multiple presenilin 1-induced pluripotent stem cell mutant carriers. JAMA Neurol. 2014 Dec; 71(12):1481-9.
Liu Q, Waltz S, Woodruff G, Ouyang J, Israel MA, Herrera C, Sarsoza F, Tanzi RE, Koo EH, Ringman JM, Goldstein LS, Wagner SL, Yuan SH. PMID: 25285942; PMCID: PMC4374637.
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Genetic heterogeneity in Alzheimer disease and implications for treatment strategies. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2014 Nov; 14(11):499.
Ringman JM, Goate A, Masters CL, Cairns NJ, Danek A, Graff-Radford N, Ghetti B, Morris JC, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 25217249; PMCID: PMC4162987.
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44 Fields:
Effects of multiple genetic loci on age at onset in late-onset Alzheimer disease: a genome-wide association study. JAMA Neurol. 2014 Nov; 71(11):1394-404.
Naj AC, Jun G, Reitz C, Kunkle BW, Perry W, Park YS, Beecham GW, Rajbhandary RA, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Wang LS, Kauwe JS, Huentelman MJ, Myers AJ, Bird TD, Boeve BF, Baldwin CT, Jarvik GP, Crane PK, Rogaeva E, Barmada MM, Demirci FY, Cruchaga C, Kramer PL, Ertekin-Taner N, Hardy J, Graff-Radford NR, Green RC, Larson EB, St George-Hyslop PH, Buxbaum JD, Evans DA, Schneider JA, Lunetta KL, Kamboh MI, Saykin AJ, Reiman EM, De Jager PL, Bennett DA, Morris JC, Montine TJ, Goate AM, Blacker D, Tsuang DW, Hakonarson H, Kukull WA, Foroud TM, Martin ER, Haines JL, Mayeux RP, Farrer LA, Schellenberg GD, Pericak-Vance MA, Alzheimer Disease Genetics Consortium, Albert MS, Albin RL, Apostolova LG, Arnold SE, Barber R, Barnes LL, Beach TG, Becker JT, Beekly D, Bigio EH, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Burke JR, Cairns NJ, Cantwell LB, Cao C, Carlson CS, Carney RM, Carrasquillo MM, Carroll SL, Chui HC, Clark DG, Corneveaux J, Cribbs DH, Crocco EA, DeCarli C, DeKosky ST, Dick M, Dickson DW, Duara R, Faber KM, Fallon KB, Farlow MR, Ferris S, Frosch MP, Galasko DR, Ganguli M, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Ghetti B, Gilbert JR, Glass JD, Growdon JH, Hamilton RL, Harrell LE, Head E, Honig LS, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Jicha GA, Jin LW, Karydas A, Kaye JA, Kim R, Koo EH, Kowall NW, Kramer JH, LaFerla FM, Lah JJ, Leverenz JB, Levey AI, Li G, Lieberman AP, Lin CF, Lopez OL, Lyketsos CG, Mack WJ, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McKee AC, Mesulam M, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Murrell JR, Olichney JM, Pankratz VS, Parisi JE, Paulson HL, Peskind E, Petersen RC, Pierce A, Poon WW, Potter H, Quinn JF, Raj A, Raskind M, Reisberg B, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rosen HJ, Rosenberg RN, Sano M, Schneider LS, Seeley WW, Smith AG, Sonnen JA, Spina S, Stern RA, Tanzi RE, Thornton-Wells TA, Trojanowski JQ, Troncoso JC, Valladares O, Van Deerlin VM, Van Eldik LJ, Vardarajan BN, Vinters HV, Vonsattel JP, Weintraub S, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Williamson J, Wishnek S, Woltjer RL, Wright CB, Younkin SG, Yu CE, Yu L. PMID: 25199842; PMCID: PMC4314944.
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Donepezil treatment in ethnically diverse patients with Alzheimer disease. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2015 Apr; 23(4):384-390.
Tinklenberg JR, Kraemer HC, Yaffe K, O'Hara R, Ringman JM, Ashford JW, Yesavage JA, Taylor JL, California Alzheimer's Disease Centers. PMID: 25747405; PMCID: PMC4874327.
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Functional connectivity in autosomal dominant and late-onset Alzheimer disease. JAMA Neurol. 2014 Sep; 71(9):1111-22.
Thomas JB, Brier MR, Bateman RJ, Snyder AZ, Benzinger TL, Xiong C, Raichle M, Holtzman DM, Sperling RA, Mayeux R, Ghetti B, Ringman JM, Salloway S, McDade E, Rossor MN, Ourselin S, Schofield PR, Masters CL, Martins RN, Weiner MW, Thompson PM, Fox NC, Koeppe RA, Jack CR, Mathis CA, Oliver A, Blazey TM, Moulder K, Buckles V, Hornbeck R, Chhatwal J, Schultz AP, Goate AM, Fagan AM, Cairns NJ, Marcus DS, Morris JC, Ances BM. PMID: 25069482; PMCID: PMC4240274.
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Age effects on cortical thickness in cognitively normal elderly individuals. Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra. 2014 May; 4(2):221-7.
Hurtz S, Woo E, Kebets V, Green AE, Zoumalan C, Wang B, Ringman JM, Thompson PM, Apostolova LG. PMID: 25177330; PMCID: PMC4132234.
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Clinical predictors of severe cerebral amyloid angiopathy and influence of APOE genotype in persons with pathologically verified Alzheimer disease. JAMA Neurol. 2014 Jul 01; 71(7):878-83.
Ringman JM, Sachs MC, Zhou Y, Monsell SE, Saver JL, Vinters HV. PMID: 24797962; PMCID: PMC4101018.
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Symptom onset in autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurology. 2014 Jul 15; 83(3):253-60.
Ryman DC, Acosta-Baena N, Aisen PS, Bird T, Danek A, Fox NC, Goate A, Frommelt P, Ghetti B, Langbaum JB, Lopera F, Martins R, Masters CL, Mayeux RP, McDade E, Moreno S, Reiman EM, Ringman JM, Salloway S, Schofield PR, Sperling R, Tariot PN, Xiong C, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 24928124; PMCID: PMC4117367.
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Neuropathologic correlates of trial-related instruments for Alzheimer's disease. Am J Neurodegener Dis. 2014; 3(1):45-9.
Cummings JL, Ringman J, Vinters HV. PMID: 24754002; PMCID: PMC3986610.
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Longitudinal change in CSF biomarkers in autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease. Sci Transl Med. 2014 Mar 05; 6(226):226ra30.
Fagan AM, Xiong C, Jasielec MS, Bateman RJ, Goate AM, Benzinger TL, Ghetti B, Martins RN, Masters CL, Mayeux R, Ringman JM, Rossor MN, Salloway S, Schofield PR, Sperling RA, Marcus D, Cairns NJ, Buckles VD, Ladenson JH, Morris JC, Holtzman DM, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 24598588; PMCID: PMC4038930.
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The "Alzheimer's type" profile of semantic clustering in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2014 Apr; 20(4):402-12.
McLaughlin PM, Wright MJ, Larocca M, Nguyen PT, Teng E, Apostolova LG, Ringman JM, Zhou Y, Cummings JL, Woo E. PMID: 24521694; PMCID: PMC4086918.
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Younger age of dementia diagnosis in a Hispanic population in southern California. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2014 Jun; 29(6):586-93.
Fitten LJ, Ortiz F, Fairbanks L, Bartzokis G, Lu P, Klein E, Coppola G, Ringman J. PMID: 24478258; PMCID: PMC4013239.
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A novel PSEN1 mutation (I238M) associated with early-onset Alzheimer's disease in an African-American woman. J Alzheimers Dis. 2014; 40(2):271-5.
Ting SK, Benzinger T, Kepe V, Fagan A, Coppola G, Porter V, Hecimovic S, Chakraverty S, Alvarez-Retuerto AI, Goate A, Ringman JM. PMID: 24413619; PMCID: PMC3972314.
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Regional variability of imaging biomarkers in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Nov 19; 110(47):E4502-9.
Benzinger TL, Blazey T, Jack CR, Koeppe RA, Su Y, Xiong C, Raichle ME, Snyder AZ, Ances BM, Bateman RJ, Cairns NJ, Fagan AM, Goate A, Marcus DS, Aisen PS, Christensen JJ, Ercole L, Hornbeck RC, Farrar AM, Aldea P, Jasielec MS, Owen CJ, Xie X, Mayeux R, Brickman A, McDade E, Klunk W, Mathis CA, Ringman J, Thompson PM, Ghetti B, Saykin AJ, Sperling RA, Johnson KA, Salloway S, Correia S, Schofield PR, Masters CL, Rowe C, Villemagne VL, Martins R, Ourselin S, Rossor MN, Fox NC, Cash DM, Weiner MW, Holtzman DM, Buckles VD, Moulder K, Morris JC. PMID: 24194552; PMCID: PMC3839740.
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The pattern of atrophy in familial Alzheimer disease: volumetric MRI results from the DIAN study. Neurology. 2013 Oct 15; 81(16):1425-33.
Cash DM, Ridgway GR, Liang Y, Ryan NS, Kinnunen KM, Yeatman T, Malone IB, Benzinger TL, Jack CR, Thompson PM, Ghetti BF, Saykin AJ, Masters CL, Ringman JM, Salloway SP, Schofield PR, Sperling RA, Cairns NJ, Marcus DS, Xiong C, Bateman RJ, Morris JC, Rossor MN, Ourselin S, Fox NC, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN). PMID: 24049139; PMCID: PMC3806583.
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Reliability of two-dimensional and three-dimensional pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI in elderly populations: comparison with 15O-water positron emission tomography. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2014 Apr; 39(4):931-9.
Kilroy E, Apostolova L, Liu C, Yan L, Ringman J, Wang DJ. PMID: 24038544; PMCID: PMC3866214.
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Impaired default network functional connectivity in autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease. Neurology. 2013 Aug 20; 81(8):736-44.
Chhatwal JP, Schultz AP, Johnson K, Benzinger TL, Jack C, Ances BM, Sullivan CA, Salloway SP, Ringman JM, Koeppe RA, Marcus DS, Thompson P, Saykin AJ, Correia S, Schofield PR, Rowe CC, Fox NC, Brickman AM, Mayeux R, McDade E, Bateman R, Fagan AM, Goate AM, Xiong C, Buckles VD, Morris JC, Sperling RA. PMID: 23884042; PMCID: PMC3776464.
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The impact of the availability of prevention studies on the desire to undergo predictive testing in persons at risk for autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Contemp Clin Trials. 2013 Sep; 36(1):256-62.
Hooper M, Grill JD, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Medina LD, Fox M, Alvarez-Retuerto AI, Wharton D, Brook J, Ringman JM. PMID: 23876673; PMCID: PMC3858206.
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Similar verbal fluency patterns in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2013 Aug; 28(5):400-10.
Teng E, Leone-Friedman J, Lee GJ, Woo S, Apostolova LG, Harrell S, Ringman JM, Lu PH. PMID: 23752677; PMCID: PMC3711375.
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Relation between variants in the neurotrophin receptor gene, NTRK3, and white matter integrity in healthy young adults. Neuroimage. 2013 Nov 15; 82:146-53.
Braskie MN, Kohannim O, Jahanshad N, Chiang MC, Barysheva M, Toga AW, Ringman JM, Montgomery GW, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Martin NG, Wright MJ, Thompson PM. PMID: 23727532; PMCID: PMC3948328.
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New genes and new insights from old genes: update on Alzheimer disease. Continuum (Minneap Minn). 2013 Apr; 19(2 Dementia):358-71.
Ringman JM, Coppola G. PMID: 23558482; PMCID: PMC3915548.
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Effects of intensive cognitive-behavioral therapy on cingulate neurochemistry in obsessive-compulsive disorder. J Psychiatr Res. 2013 Apr; 47(4):494-504.
O'Neill J, Gorbis E, Feusner JD, Yip JC, Chang S, Maidment KM, Levitt JG, Salamon N, Ringman JM, Saxena S. PMID: 23290560; PMCID: PMC3672238.
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1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and resolvin D1 retune the balance between amyloid-β phagocytosis and inflammation in Alzheimer's disease patients. J Alzheimers Dis. 2013; 34(1):155-70.
Mizwicki MT, Liu G, Fiala M, Magpantay L, Sayre J, Siani A, Mahanian M, Weitzman R, Hayden EY, Rosenthal MJ, Nemere I, Ringman J, Teplow DB. PMID: 23186989; PMCID: PMC4040018.
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Conformation-dependent oligomers in cerebrospinal fluid of presymptomatic familial Alzheimer's disease mutation carriers. Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra. 2012 Jan; 2(1):652-7.
Ringman JM, Tomic JL, Coppola G, Elashoff D, Gylys KH, Glabe CG. PMID: 23341831; PMCID: PMC3551434.
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Complexity and synchronicity of resting state blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) functional MRI in normal aging and cognitive decline. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2013 Jul; 38(1):36-45.
Liu CY, Krishnan AP, Yan L, Smith RX, Kilroy E, Alger JR, Ringman JM, Wang DJ. PMID: 23225622; PMCID: PMC3610850.
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Oral curcumin for Alzheimer's disease: tolerability and efficacy in a 24-week randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2012; 4(5):43.
Ringman JM, Frautschy SA, Teng E, Begum AN, Bardens J, Beigi M, Gylys KH, Badmaev V, Heath DD, Apostolova LG, Porter V, Vanek Z, Marshall GA, Hellemann G, Sugar C, Masterman DL, Montine TJ, Cummings JL, Cole GM. PMID: 23107780; PMCID: PMC3580400.
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Regional brain volume differences in symptomatic and presymptomatic carriers of familial Alzheimer's disease mutations. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2013 Feb; 84(2):154-62.
Lee GJ, Lu PH, Medina LD, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Melchor S, Coppola G, Braskie MN, Hua X, Apostolova LG, Leow AD, Thompson PM, Ringman JM. PMID: 23085935; PMCID: PMC3779052.
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Developing an international network for Alzheimer research: The Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. Clin Investig (Lond). 2012 Oct 01; 2(10):975-984.
Morris JC, Aisen PS, Bateman RJ, Benzinger TL, Cairns NJ, Fagan AM, Ghetti B, Goate AM, Holtzman DM, Klunk WE, McDade E, Marcus DS, Martins RN, Masters CL, Mayeux R, Oliver A, Quaid K, Ringman JM, Rossor MN, Salloway S, Schofield PR, Selsor NJ, Sperling RA, Weiner MW, Xiong C, Moulder KL, Buckles VD. PMID: 23139856; PMCID: PMC3489185.
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Agitation and psychosis associated with dementia with lewy bodies exacerbated by modafinil use. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2012 Nov; 27(7):468-73.
Prado E, Paholpak P, Ngo M, Porter V, Apostolova LG, Marrocos R, Ringman JM. PMID: 22892657; PMCID: PMC4005870.
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Memory performance and fMRI signal in presymptomatic familial Alzheimer's disease. Hum Brain Mapp. 2013 Dec; 34(12):3308-19.
Braskie MN, Medina LD, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Geschwind DH, Macias-Islas MA, Thompson PM, Cummings JL, Bookheimer SY, Ringman JM. PMID: 22806961; PMCID: PMC3812259.
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Clinical and biomarker changes in dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease. N Engl J Med. 2012 Aug 30; 367(9):795-804.
Bateman RJ, Xiong C, Benzinger TL, Fagan AM, Goate A, Fox NC, Marcus DS, Cairns NJ, Xie X, Blazey TM, Holtzman DM, Santacruz A, Buckles V, Oliver A, Moulder K, Aisen PS, Ghetti B, Klunk WE, McDade E, Martins RN, Masters CL, Mayeux R, Ringman JM, Rossor MN, Schofield PR, Sperling RA, Salloway S, Morris JC, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. PMID: 22784036; PMCID: PMC3474597.
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1701 Fields:
Antioxidants for Alzheimer disease: a randomized clinical trial with cerebrospinal fluid biomarker measures. Arch Neurol. 2012 Jul; 69(7):836-41.
Galasko DR, Peskind E, Clark CM, Quinn JF, Ringman JM, Jicha GA, Cotman C, Cottrell B, Montine TJ, Thomas RG, Aisen P, Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study. PMID: 22431837; PMCID: PMC3661272.
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Novel late-onset Alzheimer disease loci variants associate with brain gene expression. Neurology. 2012 Jul 17; 79(3):221-8.
Allen M, Zou F, Chai HS, Younkin CS, Crook J, Pankratz VS, Carrasquillo MM, Rowley CN, Nair AA, Middha S, Maharjan S, Nguyen T, Ma L, Malphrus KG, Palusak R, Lincoln S, Bisceglio G, Georgescu C, Schultz D, Rakhshan F, Kolbert CP, Jen J, Haines JL, Mayeux R, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Schellenberg GD, Petersen RC, Graff-Radford NR, Dickson DW, Younkin SG, Ertekin-Taner N, Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC), Apostolova LG, Arnold SE, Baldwin CT, Barber R, Barmada MM, Beach T, Beecham GW, Beekly D, Bennett DA, Bigio EH, Bird TD, Blacker D, Boeve BF, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Burke JR, Buros J, Buxbaum JD, Cairns NJ, Cantwell LB, Cao C, Carlson CS, Carney RM, Carroll SL, Chui HC, Clark DG, Corneveaux J, Cotman CW, Crane PK, Cruchaga C, Cummings JL, De Jager PL, DeCarli C, DeKosky ST, Demirci FY, Diaz-Arrastia R, Dick M, Dombroski BA, Duara R, Ellis WD, Evans D, Faber KM, Fallon KB, Farlow MR, Ferris S, Foroud TM, Frosch M, Galasko DR, Gallins PJ, Ganguli M, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Ghetti B, Gilbert JR, Gilman S, Giordani B, Glass JD, Goate AM, Green RC, Growdon JH, Hakonarson H, Hamilton RL, Hardy J, Harrell LE, Head E, Honig LS, Huentelman MJ, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Jarvik GP, Jicha GA, Jin LW, Jun G, Kamboh MI, Karlawish J, Karydas A, Kauwe JS, Kaye JA, Kennedy N, Kim R, Koo EH, Kowall NW, Kramer P, Kukull WA, Lah JJ, Larson EB, Levey AI, Lieberman AP, Lopez OL, Lunetta KL, Mack WJ, Marson DC, Martin ER, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McKee AC, Mesulam M, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Montine TJ, Morris JC, Myers AJ, Naj AC, Nowotny P, Parisi JE, Perl DP, Peskind E, Poon WW, Potter H, Quinn JF, Raj A, Rajbhandary RA, Raskind M, Reiman EM, Reisberg B, Reitz C, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rogaeva E, Rosenberg RN, Sano M, Saykin AJ, Schneider JA, Schneider LS, Seeley W, Shelanski ML, Slifer MA, Smith CD, Sonnen JA, Spina S, St George-Hyslop P, Stern RA, Tanzi RE, Trojanowski JQ, Troncoso JC, Tsuang DW, Van Deerlin VM, Vardarajan BN, Vinters HV, Vonsattel JP, Wang LS, Weintraub S, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Williamson J, Woltjer RL. PMID: 22722634; PMCID: PMC3398432.
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The exception makes the rule: not all Aβ plaques are created equal. Neurology. 2012 Jul 17; 79(3):206-7.
Ringman JM, Teplow DB, Villemagne VL. PMID: 22700807.
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Plasma signaling proteins in persons at genetic risk for Alzheimer disease: influence of APOE genotype. Arch Neurol. 2012 Jun; 69(6):757-64.
Ringman JM, Elashoff D, Geschwind DH, Welsh BT, Gylys KH, Lee C, Cummings JL, Cole GM. PMID: 22689192; PMCID: PMC3668092.
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Plasma methionine sulfoxide in persons with familial Alzheimer's disease mutations. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2012; 33(4):219-25.
Ringman JM, Fithian AT, Gylys K, Cummings JL, Coppola G, Elashoff D, Pratico D, Moskovitz J, Bitan G. PMID: 22584618; PMCID: PMC3568669.
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Evidence for a role of the rare p.A152T variant in MAPT in increasing the risk for FTD-spectrum and Alzheimer's diseases. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Aug 01; 21(15):3500-12.
Coppola G, Chinnathambi S, Lee JJ, Dombroski BA, Baker MC, Soto-Ortolaza AI, Lee SE, Klein E, Huang AY, Sears R, Lane JR, Karydas AM, Kenet RO, Biernat J, Wang LS, Cotman CW, Decarli CS, Levey AI, Ringman JM, Mendez MF, Chui HC, Le Ber I, Brice A, Lupton MK, Preza E, Lovestone S, Powell J, Graff-Radford N, Petersen RC, Boeve BF, Lippa CF, Bigio EH, Mackenzie I, Finger E, Kertesz A, Caselli RJ, Gearing M, Juncos JL, Ghetti B, Spina S, Bordelon YM, Tourtellotte WW, Frosch MP, Vonsattel JP, Zarow C, Beach TG, Albin RL, Lieberman AP, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ, Van Deerlin VM, Bird TD, Galasko DR, Masliah E, White CL, Troncoso JC, Hannequin D, Boxer AL, Geschwind MD, Kumar S, Mandelkow EM, Wszolek ZK, Uitti RJ, Dickson DW, Haines JL, Mayeux R, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium, Ross OA, Rademakers R, Schellenberg GD, Miller BL, Mandelkow E, Geschwind DH. PMID: 22556362; PMCID: PMC3392107.
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Relationship of a variant in the NTRK1 gene to white matter microstructure in young adults. J Neurosci. 2012 Apr 25; 32(17):5964-72.
Braskie MN, Jahanshad N, Stein JL, Barysheva M, Johnson K, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Martin NG, Wright MJ, Ringman JM, Toga AW, Thompson PM. PMID: 22539856; PMCID: PMC3393752.
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Estimating sample sizes for predementia Alzheimer's trials based on the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Neurobiol Aging. 2013 Jan; 34(1):62-72.
Grill JD, Di L, Lu PH, Lee C, Ringman J, Apostolova LG, Chow N, Kohannim O, Cummings JL, Thompson PM, Elashoff D, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 22503160; PMCID: PMC3412892.
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Comparison of clinical characteristics between familial and non-familial early onset Alzheimer's disease. J Neurol. 2012 10; 259(10):2182-8.
Karve SJ, Ringman JM, Lee AS, Juarez KO, Mendez MF. PMID: 22460587; PMCID: PMC3442121.
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Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers and proximity to diagnosis in preclinical familial Alzheimer's disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2012; 33(1):1-5.
Ringman JM, Coppola G, Elashoff D, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Medina LD, Gylys K, Cummings JL, Cole GM. PMID: 22343824; PMCID: PMC3696356.
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Proteomic changes in cerebrospinal fluid of presymptomatic and affected persons carrying familial Alzheimer disease mutations. Arch Neurol. 2012 Jan; 69(1):96-104.
Ringman JM, Schulman H, Becker C, Jones T, Bai Y, Immermann F, Cole G, Sokolow S, Gylys K, Geschwind DH, Cummings JL, Wan HI. PMID: 22232349; PMCID: PMC3632731.
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Cortical and hippocampal atrophy in patients with autosomal dominant familial Alzheimer's disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2011; 32(2):118-25.
Apostolova LG, Hwang KS, Medina LD, Green AE, Braskie MN, Dutton RA, Lai J, Geschwind DH, Cummings JL, Thompson PM, Ringman JM. PMID: 21952501; PMCID: PMC3222115.
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Propositional density and apolipoprotein E genotype among persons at risk for familial Alzheimer's disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2011; 32(3):188-92.
Medina LD, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Geschwind DH, Gilbert PE, Liang LJ, Cummings JL, Ringman JM. PMID: 22134129; PMCID: PMC3542946.
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Should persons with autosomal dominant AD be included in clinical trials? Alzheimers Res Ther. 2011 May 23; 3(3):18.
Grill JD, Ringman JM. PMID: 21609419; PMCID: PMC3226307.
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Common Alzheimer's disease risk variant within the CLU gene affects white matter microstructure in young adults. J Neurosci. 2011 May 04; 31(18):6764-70.
Braskie MN, Jahanshad N, Stein JL, Barysheva M, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Martin NG, Wright MJ, Ringman JM, Toga AW, Thompson PM. PMID: 21543606; PMCID: PMC3176803.
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Common variants at MS4A4/MS4A6E, CD2AP, CD33 and EPHA1 are associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Nat Genet. 2011 May; 43(5):436-41.
Naj AC, Jun G, Beecham GW, Wang LS, Vardarajan BN, Buros J, Gallins PJ, Buxbaum JD, Jarvik GP, Crane PK, Larson EB, Bird TD, Boeve BF, Graff-Radford NR, De Jager PL, Evans D, Schneider JA, Carrasquillo MM, Ertekin-Taner N, Younkin SG, Cruchaga C, Kauwe JS, Nowotny P, Kramer P, Hardy J, Huentelman MJ, Myers AJ, Barmada MM, Demirci FY, Baldwin CT, Green RC, Rogaeva E, St George-Hyslop P, Arnold SE, Barber R, Beach T, Bigio EH, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Burke JR, Cairns NJ, Carlson CS, Carney RM, Carroll SL, Chui HC, Clark DG, Corneveaux J, Cotman CW, Cummings JL, DeCarli C, DeKosky ST, Diaz-Arrastia R, Dick M, Dickson DW, Ellis WG, Faber KM, Fallon KB, Farlow MR, Ferris S, Frosch MP, Galasko DR, Ganguli M, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Ghetti B, Gilbert JR, Gilman S, Giordani B, Glass JD, Growdon JH, Hamilton RL, Harrell LE, Head E, Honig LS, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Jicha GA, Jin LW, Johnson N, Karlawish J, Karydas A, Kaye JA, Kim R, Koo EH, Kowall NW, Lah JJ, Levey AI, Lieberman AP, Lopez OL, Mack WJ, Marson DC, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McKee AC, Mesulam M, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Parisi JE, Perl DP, Peskind E, Petersen RC, Poon WW, Quinn JF, Rajbhandary RA, Raskind M, Reisberg B, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rosenberg RN, Sano M, Schneider LS, Seeley W, Shelanski ML, Slifer MA, Smith CD, Sonnen JA, Spina S, Stern RA, Tanzi RE, Trojanowski JQ, Troncoso JC, Van Deerlin VM, Vinters HV, Vonsattel JP, Weintraub S, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Williamson J, Woltjer RL, Cantwell LB, Dombroski BA, Beekly D, Lunetta KL, Martin ER, Kamboh MI, Saykin AJ, Reiman EM, Bennett DA, Morris JC, Montine TJ, Goate AM, Blacker D, Tsuang DW, Hakonarson H, Kukull WA, Foroud TM, Haines JL, Mayeux R, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Schellenberg GD. PMID: 21460841; PMCID: PMC3090745.
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Neuroimaging measures as endophenotypes in Alzheimer's disease. Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2011 Mar 31; 2011:490140.
Braskie MN, Ringman JM, Thompson PM. PMID: 21547229; PMCID: PMC3087508.
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Setting the stage for prevention of familial Alzheimer's disease. Lancet Neurol. 2011 Mar; 10(3):200-1.
Ringman JM. PMID: 21296021.
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Autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease: a review and proposal for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2011 Jan 06; 3(1):1.
Bateman RJ, Aisen PS, De Strooper B, Fox NC, Lemere CA, Ringman JM, Salloway S, Sperling RA, Windisch M, Xiong C. PMID: 21211070; PMCID: PMC3109410.
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An update on the diagnosis and management of dementing conditions. Rev Neurol Dis. 2011; 8(3-4):e68-87.
Maalouf M, Ringman JM, Shi J. PMID: 22249572; PMCID: PMC4096631.
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Increased fMRI signal with age in familial Alzheimer's disease mutation carriers. Neurobiol Aging. 2012 Feb; 33(2):424.e11-21.
Braskie MN, Medina LD, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Geschwind DH, Macias-Islas MA, Cummings JL, Bookheimer SY, Ringman JM. PMID: 21129823; PMCID: PMC3097258.
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Biochemical, neuropathological, and neuroimaging characteristics of early-onset Alzheimer's disease due to a novel PSEN1 mutation. Neurosci Lett. 2011 Jan 10; 487(3):287-92.
Ringman JM, Gylys KH, Medina LD, Fox M, Kepe V, Flores DL, Apostolova LG, Barrio JR, Small G, Silverman DH, Siu E, Cederbaum S, Hecimovic S, Malnar M, Chakraverty S, Goate AM, Bird TD, Leverenz JB. PMID: 21094210; PMCID: PMC3034479.
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The use of profanity during letter fluency tasks in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer disease. Cogn Behav Neurol. 2010 Sep; 23(3):159-64.
Ringman JM, Kwon E, Flores DL, Rotko C, Mendez MF, Lu P. PMID: 20829665; PMCID: PMC3594691.
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Effects of risk genes on BOLD activation in presymptomatic carriers of familial Alzheimer's disease mutations during a novelty encoding task. Cereb Cortex. 2011 Apr; 21(4):877-83.
Ringman JM, Medina LD, Braskie M, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Geschwind DH, Macias-Islas MA, Cummings JL, Bookheimer S. PMID: 20729396; PMCID: PMC3059887.
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Distinct cerebrospinal fluid amyloid beta peptide signatures in sporadic and PSEN1 A431E-associated familial Alzheimer's disease. Mol Neurodegener. 2010 Jan 14; 5:2.
Portelius E, Andreasson U, Ringman JM, Buerger K, Daborg J, Buchhave P, Hansson O, Harmsen A, Gustavsson MK, Hanse E, Galasko D, Hampel H, Blennow K, Zetterberg H. PMID: 20145736; PMCID: PMC2818651.
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Insensitivity of visual assessment of hippocampal atrophy in familial Alzheimer's disease. J Neurol. 2010 May; 257(5):839-42.
Ringman JM, Pope W, Salamon N. PMID: 20047059; PMCID: PMC2864895.
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Mary S. Easton Center of Alzheimer's Disease Research at UCLA: advancing the therapeutic imperative. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010; 19(2):375-88.
Cummings JL, Ringman J, Metz K. PMID: 20110588; PMCID: PMC2855886.
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Current concepts of mild cognitive impairment and their applicability to persons at-risk for familial Alzheimer's disease. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2009 Aug; 6(4):341-6.
Ringman JM, Medina LD, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Chavez M, Lu P, Cummings JL. PMID: 19689233; PMCID: PMC2887763.
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Reduction of SorLA/LR11, a sorting protein limiting beta-amyloid production, in Alzheimer disease cerebrospinal fluid. Arch Neurol. 2009 Apr; 66(4):448-57.
Ma QL, Galasko DR, Ringman JM, Vinters HV, Edland SD, Pomakian J, Ubeda OJ, Rosario ER, Teter B, Frautschy SA, Cole GM. PMID: 19364929; PMCID: PMC2742778.
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Commentary on "a roadmap for the prevention of dementia II: Leon Thal Symposium 2008." Prevention trials in persons at risk for dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease: opportunities and challenges. Alzheimers Dement. 2009 Mar; 5(2):166-71.
Ringman JM, Grill J, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Chavez M, Xiong C. PMID: 19328453; PMCID: PMC2746429.
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Diagnosing depression in Alzheimer disease with the national institute of mental health provisional criteria. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2008 Jun; 16(6):469-77.
Teng E, Ringman JM, Ross LK, Mulnard RA, Dick MB, Bartzokis G, Davies HD, Galasko D, Hewett L, Mungas D, Reed BR, Schneider LS, Segal-Gidan F, Yaffe K, Cummings JL, Alzheimer's Disease Research Centers of California-Depression in Alzheimer's Disease Investigators. PMID: 18515691; PMCID: PMC2989660.
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Myopathy associated with chronic orlistat consumption: a case report. Neuromuscul Disord. 2008 May; 18(5):410-2.
Ringman JM, Mozaffar T. PMID: 18430571.
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Increased prevalence of significant recurrent headache in preclinical familial Alzheimer's disease mutation carriers. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2008; 25(4):380-4.
Ringman JM, Romano JD, Medina LD, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Schaffer B, Varpetian A, Ortiz F, Fitten LJ, Cummings JL, Baloh RW. PMID: 18376127.
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Mosaicism for trisomy 21 in a patient with young-onset dementia: a case report and brief literature review. Arch Neurol. 2008 Mar; 65(3):412-5.
Ringman JM, Rao PN, Lu PH, Cederbaum S. PMID: 18332257.
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Children of persons with Alzheimer disease: what does the future hold? Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2008 Jan-Mar; 22(1):6-20.
Jarvik L, LaRue A, Blacker D, Gatz M, Kawas C, McArdle JJ, Morris JC, Mortimer JA, Ringman JM, Ercoli L, Freimer N, Gokhman I, Manly JJ, Plassman BL, Rasgon N, Roberts JS, Sunderland T, Swan GE, Wolf PA, Zonderman AB. PMID: 18317242; PMCID: PMC3377487.
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The Huntington disease of woody guthrie: another man done gone. Cogn Behav Neurol. 2007 Dec; 20(4):238-43.
Ringman JM. PMID: 18091075.
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Innate immunity and transcription of MGAT-III and Toll-like receptors in Alzheimer's disease patients are improved by bisdemethoxycurcumin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Jul 31; 104(31):12849-54.
Fiala M, Liu PT, Espinosa-Jeffrey A, Rosenthal MJ, Bernard G, Ringman JM, Sayre J, Zhang L, Zaghi J, Dejbakhsh S, Chiang B, Hui J, Mahanian M, Baghaee A, Hong P, Cashman J. PMID: 17652175; PMCID: PMC1937555.
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Diffusion tensor imaging in preclinical and presymptomatic carriers of familial Alzheimer's disease mutations. Brain. 2007 Jul; 130(Pt 7):1767-76.
Ringman JM, O'Neill J, Geschwind D, Medina L, Apostolova LG, Rodriguez Y, Schaffer B, Varpetian A, Tseng B, Ortiz F, Fitten J, Cummings JL, Bartzokis G. PMID: 17522104.
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Performance on MMSE sub-items and education level in presenilin-1 mutation carriers without dementia. Int Psychogeriatr. 2007 Apr; 19(2):323-32.
Ringman JM, Rodriguez Y, Diaz-Olavarrieta C, Chavez M, Thompson M, Fairbanks L, Paz F, Varpetian A, Chaparro H, Macias-Islas MA, Murrell J, Ghetti B, Kawas C. PMID: 16805926; PMCID: PMC3373254.
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An experimental approach to detecting dementia in Down syndrome: a paradigm for Alzheimer's disease. Brain Cogn. 2007 Jun; 64(1):92-103.
Nelson LD, Scheibel KE, Ringman JM, Sayre JW. PMID: 17383786.
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Serendipitous improvement in the Yips associated with memantine use. Mov Disord. 2007 Mar 15; 22(4):598-9.
Ringman JM. PMID: 17266082.
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Visualizing language deterioration in progressive aphasias. Neurology. 2006 Nov 28; 67(10):1738-9.
Ringman JM, Hillis A. PMID: 17130401.
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Donepezil improves cognitive function and reduces decline in activities of daily living in people with severe Alzheimer's disease. Evid Based Ment Health. 2006 Nov; 9(4):104.
Ringman JM. PMID: 17065301.
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The A431E mutation in PSEN1 causing familial Alzheimer's disease originating in Jalisco State, Mexico: an additional fifteen families. Neurogenetics. 2006 Nov; 7(4):277-9.
Murrell J, Ghetti B, Cochran E, Macias-Islas MA, Medina L, Varpetian A, Cummings JL, Mendez MF, Kawas C, Chui H, Ringman JM. PMID: 16897084; PMCID: PMC3378247.
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The Thr354Ile substitution in PSEN1:: disease-causing mutation or polymorphism? Neurology. 2006 Jun 27; 66(12):1955-6.
Lee P, Medina L, Ringman JM. PMID: 16801675.
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Family history of dementia in early-onset versus very late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2006 Jun; 21(6):597-8.
McMurtray AM, Ringman J, Chao SZ, Licht E, Saul RE, Mendez MF. PMID: 16783800.
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Current and emerging pharmacological treatment options for dementia. Behav Neurol. 2006; 17(1):5-16.
Ringman JM, Cummings JL. PMID: 16720956; PMCID: PMC5471530.
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What the study of persons at risk for familial Alzheimer's disease can tell us about the earliest stages of the disorder: a review. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol. 2005 Dec; 18(4):228-33.
Ringman JM. PMID: 16306245.
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Earlier Alzheimer onset in Latino persons: ethnic difference vs selection bias. Arch Neurol. 2005 Nov; 62(11):1786-7.
Ringman JM, Flores DL. PMID: 16286560.
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Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and amobarbital resistance. Epilepsia. 2005 Aug; 46(8):1333.
Ringman JM, Grant AC. PMID: 16060953.
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Ineffective phagocytosis of amyloid-beta by macrophages of Alzheimer's disease patients. J Alzheimers Dis. 2005 Jun; 7(3):221-32; discussion 255-62.
Fiala M, Lin J, Ringman J, Kermani-Arab V, Tsao G, Patel A, Lossinsky AS, Graves MC, Gustavson A, Sayre J, Sofroni E, Suarez T, Chiappelli F, Bernard G. PMID: 16006665.
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A potential role of the curry spice curcumin in Alzheimer's disease. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2005 Apr; 2(2):131-6.
Ringman JM, Frautschy SA, Cole GM, Masterman DL, Cummings JL. PMID: 15974909; PMCID: PMC1702408.
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Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke (MELAS). Rev Neurol Dis. 2005; 2(1):30-4.
Matsumoto J, Saver JL, Brennan KC, Ringman JM. PMID: 16400302.
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Spasmodic dysphonia in a patient with the A to G transition at nucleotide 8344 in mitochondrial DNA. Mov Disord. 2003 Jun; 18(6):716-8.
Peng Y, Crumley R, Ringman JM. PMID: 12784281.
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The prevalence and correlates of neuropsychiatric symptoms in a population with Parkinson's disease in Mexico. Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychol Behav Neurol. 2002 Jun; 15(2):99-105.
Ringman JM, Diaz-Olavarrieta C, Rodriguez Y, Fairbanks L, Cummings JL. PMID: 12050472.
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