Robust Cortical Thickness Morphometry of Neonatal Brain and Systematic Evaluation Using Multi-Site MRI Datasets. Front Neurosci. 2021; 15:650082.
Liu M, Lepage C, Kim SY, Jeon S, Kim SH, Simon JP, Tanaka N, Yuan S, Islam T, Peng B, Arutyunyan K, Surento W, Kim J, Jahanshad N, Styner MA, Toga AW, Barkovich AJ, Xu D, Evans AC, Kim H. PMID: 33815050; PMCID: PMC8010150.
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Retrospective motion artifact correction of structural MRI images using deep learning improves the quality of cortical surface reconstructions. Neuroimage. 2021 04 15; 230:117756.
Duffy BA, Zhao L, Sepehrband F, Min J, Wang DJ, Shi Y, Toga AW, Kim H, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 33460797; PMCID: PMC8044025.
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Disruption and Compensation of Sulcation-based Covariance Networks in Neonatal Brain Growth after Perinatal Injury. Cereb Cortex. 2020 11 03; 30(12):6238-6253.
Kim SY, Liu M, Hong SJ, Toga AW, Barkovich AJ, Xu D, Kim H. PMID: 32656563; PMCID: PMC7609941.
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Cortical reorganization following auditory deprivation predicts cochlear implant performance in postlingually deaf adults. Hum Brain Mapp. 2021 01; 42(1):233-244.
Sun Z, Seo JW, Park HJ, Lee JY, Kwak MY, Kim Y, Lee JY, Park JW, Kang WS, Ahn JH, Chung JW, Kim H. PMID: 33022826; PMCID: PMC7721232.
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The ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Working Group: Big data neuroimaging to study brain-behavior relationships after stroke. Hum Brain Mapp. 2022 01; 43(1):129-148.
Liew SL, Zavaliangos-Petropulu A, Jahanshad N, Lang CE, Hayward KS, Lohse KR, Juliano JM, Assogna F, Baugh LA, Bhattacharya AK, Bigjahan B, Borich MR, Boyd LA, Brodtmann A, Buetefisch CM, Byblow WD, Cassidy JM, Conforto AB, Craddock RC, Dimyan MA, Dula AN, Ermer E, Etherton MR, Fercho KA, Gregory CM, Hadidchi S, Holguin JA, Hwang DH, Jung S, Kautz SA, Khlif MS, Khoshab N, Kim B, Kim H, Kuceyeski A, Lotze M, MacIntosh BJ, Margetis JL, Mohamed FB, Piras F, Ramos-Murguialday A, Richard G, Roberts P, Robertson AD, Rondina JM, Rost NS, Sanossian N, Schweighofer N, Seo NJ, Shiroishi MS, Soekadar SR, Spalletta G, Stinear CM, Suri A, Tang WKW, Thielman GT, Vecchio D, Villringer A, Ward NS, Werden E, Westlye LT, Winstein C, Wittenberg GF, Wong KA, Yu C, Cramer SC, Thompson PM. PMID: 32310331; PMCID: PMC8675421.
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White matter tract-specific alterations in male patients with untreated obstructive sleep apnea are associated with worse cognitive function. Sleep. 2020 03 12; 43(3).
Koo DL, Kim HR, Kim H, Seong JK, Joo EY. PMID: 31848608; PMCID: PMC7066490.
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19 Fields:
A five-year longitudinal study reveals progressive cortical thinning in narcolepsy and faster cortical thinning in relation to early-onset. Brain Imaging Behav. 2020 Feb; 14(1):200-212.
Jeon S, Cho JW, Kim H, Evans AC, Hong SB, Joo EY. PMID: 30392082; PMCID: PMC7938668.
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Imputation Strategy for Reliable Regional MRI Morphological Measurements. Neuroinformatics. 2020 01; 18(1):59-70.
Sta Cruz S, Dinov ID, Herting MM, González-Zacarías C, Kim H, Toga AW, Sepehrband F. PMID: 31054076; PMCID: PMC6829024.
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Beyond sleepy: structural and functional changes of the default-mode network in idiopathic hypersomnia. Sleep. 2019 10 21; 42(11).
Pomares FB, Boucetta S, Lachapelle F, Steffener J, Montplaisir J, Cha J, Kim H, Dang-Vu TT. PMID: 31328786; PMCID: PMC6802570.
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Age-Related Differences in Brain Morphology and the Modifiers in Middle-Aged and Older Adults. Cereb Cortex. 2019 09 13; 29(10):4169-4193.
Zhao L, Matloff W, Ning K, Kim H, Dinov ID, Toga AW. PMID: 30535294; PMCID: PMC6931275.
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The LONI QC System: A Semi-Automated, Web-Based and Freely-Available Environment for the Comprehensive Quality Control of Neuroimaging Data. Front Neuroinform. 2019; 13:60.
Kim H, Irimia A, Hobel SM, Pogosyan M, Tang H, Petrosyan P, Blanco REC, Duffy BA, Zhao L, Crawford KL, Liew SL, Clark K, Law M, Mukherjee P, Manley GT, Van Horn JD, Toga AW. PMID: 31555116; PMCID: PMC6722229.
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A comparison of automated lesion segmentation approaches for chronic stroke T1-weighted MRI data. Hum Brain Mapp. 2019 11 01; 40(16):4669-4685.
Ito KL, Kim H, Liew SL. PMID: 31350795; PMCID: PMC6851560.
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Cochlear Implantation in Postlingually Deaf Adults is Time-sensitive Towards Positive Outcome: Prediction using Advanced Machine Learning Techniques. Sci Rep. 2018 12 20; 8(1):18004.
Kim H, Kang WS, Park HJ, Lee JY, Park JW, Kim Y, Seo JW, Kwak MY, Kang BC, Yang CJ, Duffy BA, Cho YS, Lee SY, Suh MW, Moon IJ, Ahn JH, Cho YS, Oh SH, Chung JW. PMID: 30573747; PMCID: PMC6301958.
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Multi-Template Mesiotemporal Lobe Segmentation: Effects of Surface and Volume Feature Modeling. Front Neuroinform. 2018; 12:39.
Kim H, Caldairou B, Bernasconi A, Bernasconi N. PMID: 30050423; PMCID: PMC6052096.
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Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2018). Retrospective correction of motion artifact affected structural MRI images using deep learning of simulated motion. 2018; (accepted).
Ben A Duffy, Wenlu Zhang, Haoteng Tang, Lu Zhao, Meng Law, Arthur W Toga, Hosung Kim. . View Publication.
A large, open source dataset of stroke anatomical brain images and manual lesion segmentations. Sci Data. 2018 02 20; 5:180011.
Liew SL, Anglin JM, Banks NW, Sondag M, Ito KL, Kim H, Chan J, Ito J, Jung C, Khoshab N, Lefebvre S, Nakamura W, Saldana D, Schmiesing A, Tran C, Vo D, Ard T, Heydari P, Kim B, Aziz-Zadeh L, Cramer SC, Liu J, Soekadar S, Nordvik JE, Westlye LT, Wang J, Winstein C, Yu C, Ai L, Koo B, Craddock RC, Milham M, Lakich M, Pienta A, Stroud A. PMID: 29461514; PMCID: PMC5819480.
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Surface-based morphometry reveals caudate subnuclear structural damage in patients with premotor Huntington disease. Brain Imaging Behav. 2017 Oct; 11(5):1365-1372.
Kim H, Kim JH, Possin KL, Winer J, Geschwind MD, Xu D, Hess CP. PMID: 27730480; PMCID: PMC5792064.
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5 Fields:
Surface–wise texture patch analysis of combined MRi andPET to detect MRI-negative focal cortical dysplasias. Med. Image. Comp. Comp. Assist. Interv. 2017; 10433:212-220.
Kim H, Tan Y-L, Lee S, Barkovich AJ, Xu D, Knowlton R.
The association between cardiac physiology, acquired brain injury, and postnatal brain growth in critical congenital heart disease. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2018 01; 155(1):291-300.e3.
Peyvandi S, Kim H, Lau J, Barkovich AJ, Campbell A, Miller S, Xu D, McQuillen P. PMID: 28918207; PMCID: PMC5732841.
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Semi-automated Robust Quantification of Lesions (SRQL) Toolbox. Research Ideas and Outcomes. 2017; 3:e13395 .
Ito KL, Anglin J, Kim H, Liew S-L.
Egocentric and allocentric visuospatial working memory in premotor Huntington's disease: A double dissociation with caudate and hippocampal volumes. Neuropsychologia. 2017 Jul 01; 101:57-64.
Possin KL, Kim H, Geschwind MD, Moskowitz T, Johnson ET, Sha SJ, Apple A, Xu D, Miller BL, Finkbeiner S, Hess CP, Kramer JH. PMID: 28427989; PMCID: PMC5765862.
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Intraoperative Neuromonitoring Alarms: Relationship of the Surgeon's Decision to Intervene (or Not) and Clinical Outcomes in a Subset of Spinal Surgical Patients with a New Postoperative Neurological Deficit. Neurodiagn J. 2017; 57(4):276-287.
Tamkus A, Rice KS, Kim HL. PMID: 29236604.
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Morphological alterations in amygdalo-hippocampal substructures in narcolepsy patients with cataplexy. Brain Imaging Behav. 2016 12; 10(4):984-994.
Kim H, Suh S, Joo EY, Hong SB. PMID: 26446435.
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Multi-template Mesiotemporal Lobe Segmentation: Effects of Surface and Volume Feature Modeling. Neuroinformatics. 2016; in revision.
Kim H, Caldairou B, Bernasconi A, Bernasconi N.
Microstructure of the Default Mode Network in Preterm Infants. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2017 Feb; 38(2):343-348.
Cui J, Tymofiyeva O, Desikan R, Flynn T, Kim H, Gano D, Hess CP, Ferriero DM, Barkovich AJ, Xu D. PMID: 28059709; PMCID: PMC5309151.
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Extensive migration of young neurons into the infant human frontal lobe. Science. 2016 Oct 07; 354(6308).
Paredes MF, James D, Gil-Perotin S, Kim H, Cotter JA, Ng C, Sandoval K, Rowitch DH, Xu D, McQuillen PS, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Huang EJ, Alvarez-Buylla A. PMID: 27846470; PMCID: PMC5436574.
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153 Fields:
A Surface Patch-Based Segmentation Method for Hippocampal Subfields. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2016. 2016; 9901.
Caldairou B, Bernhardt BC, Kulaga-Yoskovitz J, Kim H, Bernasconi N, Bernasconi A .
Brain Injury in the Preterm and Term Neonate. Current Radiology Reports. 2016; 4(39).
Ho ML, Patton, AC, DeLong DR, Kim H, Gilbertson JR, Felmlee J, Watson RE.
NEOCIVET: Towards accurate morphometry of neonatal gyrification and clinical applications in preterm newborns. Neuroimage. 2016 Sep; 138:28-42.
Kim H, Lepage C, Maheshwary R, Jeon S, Evans AC, Hess CP, Barkovich AJ, Xu D. PMID: 27184202; PMCID: PMC4982765.
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Cortical Thinning and Altered Cortico-Cortical Structural Covariance of the Default Mode Network in Patients with Persistent Insomnia Symptoms. Sleep. 2016 Jan 01; 39(1):161-71.
Suh S, Kim H, Dang-Vu TT, Joo E, Shin C. PMID: 26414892; PMCID: PMC4678334.
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Pyruvate to Lactate Metabolic Changes during Neurodevelopment Measured Dynamically Using Hyperpolarized 13C Imaging in Juvenile Murine Brain. Dev Neurosci. 2016; 38(1):34-40.
Chen Y, Kim H, Bok R, Sukumar S, Mu X, Sheldon RA, Barkovich AJ, Ferriero DM, Xu D. PMID: 26550989; PMCID: PMC4732911.
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Effects of long-term treatment on brain volume in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Hum Brain Mapp. 2016 Jan; 37(1):395-409.
Kim H, Joo E, Suh S, Kim JH, Kim ST, Hong SB. PMID: 26503297; PMCID: PMC4715739.
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31 Fields:
NEOCIVET: Extraction of cortical surface and analysis of neonatal gyrification using a modified CIVET pipeline. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. 2015; 9351:571-9.
Kim H, Lepage C, Evans AC, Barkovich AJ, Xu D.
Accurate cortical tissue classification on MRI by modeling cortical folding patterns. Hum Brain Mapp. 2015 Sep; 36(9):3563-74.
Kim H, Caldairou B, Hwang JW, Mansi T, Hong SJ, Bernasconi N, Bernasconi A. PMID: 26037453; PMCID: PMC6869288.
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Hippocampal substructural vulnerability to sleep disturbance and cognitive impairment in patients with chronic primary insomnia: magnetic resonance imaging morphometry. Sleep. 2014 Jul 01; 37(7):1189-98.
Joo EY, Kim H, Suh S, Hong SB. PMID: 25061247; PMCID: PMC4098804.
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83 Fields:
Automated detection of cortical dysplasia type II in MRI-negative epilepsy. Neurology. 2014 Jul 01; 83(1):48-55.
Hong SJ, Kim H, Schrader D, Bernasconi N, Bernhardt BC, Bernasconi A. PMID: 24898923; PMCID: PMC4114179.
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73 Fields:
Multivariate hippocampal subfield analysis of local MRI intensity and volume: application to temporal lobe epilepsy. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2014; 17(Pt 2):170-8.
Kim H, Bernhardt BC, Kulaga-Yoskovitz J, Caldairou B, Bernasconi A, Bernasconi N. PMID: 25485376.
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Patterns of subregional mesiotemporal disease progression in temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology. 2013 Nov 19; 81(21):1840-7.
Bernhardt BC, Kim H, Bernasconi N. PMID: 24142475; PMCID: PMC3821710.
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Disentangling hippocampal shape anomalies in epilepsy. Front Neurol. 2013; 4:131.
Kim H, Mansi T, Bernasconi N. PMID: 24062718; PMCID: PMC3769634.
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Spatial patterns of water diffusion along white matter tracts in temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology. 2012 Jul 31; 79(5):455-62.
Concha L, Kim H, Bernasconi A, Bernhardt BC, Bernasconi N. PMID: 22815555; PMCID: PMC3405250.
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59 Fields:
Surface-based multi-template automated hippocampal segmentation: application to temporal lobe epilepsy. Med Image Anal. 2012 Oct; 16(7):1445-55.
Kim H, Mansi T, Bernasconi N, Bernasconi A. PMID: 22613821.
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Mapping thalamocortical network pathology in temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology. 2012 Jan 10; 78(2):129-36.
Bernhardt BC, Bernasconi N, Kim H, Bernasconi A. PMID: 22205759.
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56 Fields:
Automatic hippocampal segmentation in temporal lobe epilepsy: impact of developmental abnormalities. Neuroimage. 2012 Feb 15; 59(4):3178-86.
Kim H, Chupin M, Colliot O, Bernhardt BC, Bernasconi N, Bernasconi A. PMID: 22155377.
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Robust surface-based multi-template automated algorithm to segment healthy and pathological hippocampi. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2011; 14(Pt 3):445-53.
Kim H, Mansi T, Bernasconi N, Bernasconi A. PMID: 22003730.
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Vertex-wise shape analysis of the hippocampus: disentangling positional differences from volume changes. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2011; 14(Pt 2):352-9.
Kim H, Mansi T, Bernasconi A, Bernasconi N. PMID: 21995048.
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Increased temporolimbic cortical folding complexity in temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology. 2011 Jan 11; 76(2):138-44.
Voets NL, Bernhardt BC, Kim H, Yoon U, Bernasconi N. PMID: 21148116; PMCID: PMC3030232.
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Multidimensional classification of hippocampal shape features discriminates Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment from normal aging. Neuroimage. 2009 Oct 01; 47(4):1476-86.
Gerardin E, Chételat G, Chupin M, Cuingnet R, Desgranges B, Kim HS, Niethammer M, Dubois B, Lehéricy S, Garnero L, Eustache F, Colliot O, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. PMID: 19463957; PMCID: PMC3001345.
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115 Fields:
Longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of atrophy in pharmacoresistant temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology. 2009 May 19; 72(20):1747-54.
Bernhardt BC, Worsley KJ, Kim H, Evans AC, Bernasconi A, Bernasconi N. PMID: 19246420; PMCID: PMC2827310.
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107 Fields:
Temporal lobe epilepsy: differential pattern of damage in temporopolar cortex and white matter. Hum Brain Mapp. 2008 Aug; 29(8):931-44.
Sankar T, Bernasconi N, Kim H, Bernasconi A. PMID: 17636561; PMCID: PMC6870675.
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Basal temporal sulcal morphology in healthy controls and patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology. 2008 May 27; 70(22 Pt 2):2159-65.
Kim H, Bernasconi N, Bernhardt B, Colliot O, Bernasconi A. PMID: 18505994.
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16 Fields:
Surface-based vector analysis using heat equation interpolation: a new approach to quantify local hippocampal volume changes. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2008; 11(Pt 1):1008-15.
Kim H, Besson P, Colliot O, Bernasconi A, Bernasconi N. PMID: 18979844.
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Absence of seizures despite high prevalence of epileptiform EEG abnormalities in children with autism monitored in a tertiary care center. Epilepsia. 2006 Feb; 47(2):394-8.
Kim HL, Donnelly JH, Tournay AE, Book TM, Filipek P. PMID: 16499766.
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Clinical experience with zonisamide monotherapy and adjunctive therapy in children with epilepsy at a tertiary care referral center. J Child Neurol. 2005 Mar; 20(3):212-9.
Kim HL, Aldridge J, Rho JM. PMID: 15832611.
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Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and magnetic source imaging (MSI). Neurologist. 2004 May; 10(3):138-53.
Wheless JW, Castillo E, Maggio V, Kim HL, Breier JI, Simos PG, Papanicolaou AC. PMID: 15140274.
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Successful neurosurgical treatment of childhood complex partial status epilepticus with focal resection. Epilepsia. 2003 Mar; 44(3):468-71.
Ng YT, Kim HL, Wheless JW. PMID: 12614407.
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Multimodality neuroimaging evaluation improves the detection of subtle cortical dysplasia in seizure patients. Neurol Res. 2003 Jan; 25(1):53-7.
Zhang W, Simos PG, Ishibashi H, Wheless JW, Castillo EM, Kim HL, Baumgartner JE, Sarkari S, Papanicolaou AC. PMID: 12564126.
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Detection and significance of focal, interictal, slow-wave activity visualized by magnetoencephalography for localization of a primary epileptogenic region. J Neurosurg. 2002 Apr; 96(4):724-30.
Ishibashi H, Simos PG, Castillo EM, Maggio WW, Wheless JW, Kim HL, Venkataraman V, Sanders DK, Breier JI, Zhang W, Davis RN, Papanicolaou AC. PMID: 11990813.
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Adolescent seizures and epilepsy syndromes. Epilepsia. 2002; 43 Suppl 3:33-52.
Wheless JW, Kim HL. PMID: 12060005.
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