Co-Authors (30)
Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
- Amatruda, JamesUSC
- Anselmo, DeanUSC
- Berry, JesseUSC
- Biegel, JaclynUSC
- Buckley, JonathanUSC
- Chi, Yueh-YunUSC
- Cotter, JenniferUSC
- Gayer, ChristopherUSC
- Ji, JianlingUSC
- Kim, EugeneUSC
- Kovach, AlexandraUSC
- Luu, MinnellyUSC
- Miller, JosephUSC
- Mitchell, WendyUSC
- Orgel, EtanUSC
| - Pawel, BruceUSC
- Raca, GordanaUSC
- Roberts, WilliamUCSD
- Robison, NathanUSC
- Saitta, SulagnaUCLA
- Schiff, DeborahUCSD
- Schmidt, RyanUSC
- Shah, RachanaUSC
- Stein, JamesUSC
- Wang, LarryUSC
- Warren, MikakoUSC
- Xu, LiyaUSC
- Yellapantula, VenkataUSC
- Yu, AliceUCSD
- Zhou, ShengmeiUSC
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
People who share similar concepts with this person.
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