Co-Authors (23)
Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
- Conti, DavidUSC
- Emerson, JaneUSC
- Garner, OmaiUCLA
- Ghanem-Uzqueda, AngieUSC
- Gilliland, FrankUSC
- Hu, HowardUSC
- Kasahara, NoriyukiUCSF
- Kawaguchi, EricUSC
- Klausner, JeffreyUSC
- Kovacs, AndreaUSC
- Lam, ChunUSC
- Lowry, WilliamUCLA
| - Marsden, MatthewUCI
- Mazet, JonnaUCSF
- Mazet, JonnaUC Davis
- Mikkola, HannaUCLA
- Pyle, AprilUCLA
- Reue, KarenUCLA
- Sood, NeerajUSC
- Strum, EarlUSC
- Thomas, PaulUSC
- Unger, JenniferUSC
- Zack, JeromeUCLA
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
People who share similar concepts with this person.
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