A systematic review of surgical simulation in gender affirmation surgery. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2024 03; 90:11-18.
Stanton E, Markarian E, Codero J, Roohani I, Kondra K, Lee J, Carey JN, Travieso R. PMID: 38335870.
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Narrative review of facial gender surgery: approaches and techniques for the frontal sinus and upper third of the face. Ann Transl Med. 2021 Apr; 9(7):606.
Louis M, Travieso R, Oles N, Coon D. PMID: 33987304; PMCID: PMC8105821.
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Preferences of Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Persons in Gender-Confirming Surgical Care: A Cross-Sectional Study. Ann Plast Surg. 2021 01; 86(1):82-88.
Margulies IG, Chuang C, Travieso R, Zhu V, Persing JA, Steinbacher DM, Zellner EG. PMID: 32187073.
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Long-Term Neurocognitive Outcomes in Sagittal Synostosis: The Impact of Reoperation. J Craniofac Surg. 2021 Jan-Feb 01; 32(1):58-61.
Chuang C, Chaunzwa TL, Wu R, Singh A, Patel A, Yang JF, Hashim PW, Travieso R, Terner JS, Mayes LC, Duncan CC, Jane JA, Lin KY, Bridgett DJ, Persing JA. PMID: 33394632.
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Racial Disparities in Cleft Palate Repair. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2019 06; 143(6):1738-1745.
Wu RT, Peck CJ, Shultz BN, Travieso R, Steinbacher DM. PMID: 31136493.
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Normalization of Speech Processing After Whole-Vault Cranioplasty in Sagittal Synostosis. J Craniofac Surg. 2018 Jul; 29(5):1132-1136.
Chuang C, Rolison M, Yang JF, Brooks ED, Hashim PW, Travieso R, Terner J, Steinbacher DM, Landi N, Stavropoulos KKM, Mayes LC, Persing JA, McPartland JC. PMID: 29621073.
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Fibrin Tissue Sealant as an Adjunct to Cleft Palate Repair. J Craniofac Surg. 2017 Jul; 28(5):1164-1166.
Wu R, Wilson A, Travieso R, Steinbacher DM. PMID: 28570400.
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Does Cleft Palate Width Correlate With Veau Classification and Outcome? J Craniofac Surg. 2017 Jul; 28(5):1369-1374.
Wu R, Cheraghlou S, Parsaei Y, Travieso R, Steinbacher DM. PMID: 28582287.
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The Severity of Deformity in Metopic Craniosynostosis Is Correlated with the Degree of Neurologic Dysfunction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017 Feb; 139(2):442-447.
Yang JF, Brooks ED, Hashim PW, Reuman HS, Travieso R, Terner J, Mayes LC, Steinbacher DM, Persing JA, McPartland JC. PMID: 28121881.
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Direct brain recordings reveal impaired neural function in infants with single-suture craniosynostosis: a future modality for guiding management? J Craniofac Surg. 2015 Jan; 26(1):60-3.
Hashim PW, Brooks ED, Persing JA, Reuman H, Naples A, Travieso R, Terner J, Steinbacher D, Landi N, Mayes L, McPartland JC. PMID: 25534054.
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The impact of age at surgery on long-term neuropsychological outcomes in sagittal craniosynostosis. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Oct; 134(4):608e-617e.
Patel A, Yang JF, Hashim PW, Travieso R, Terner J, Mayes LC, Kanev P, Duncan C, Jane J, Jane J, Pollack I, Losee JE, Bridgett DJ, Persing JA. PMID: 25357055.
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The effects of whole-vault cranioplasty versus strip craniectomy on long-term neuropsychological outcomes in sagittal craniosynostosis. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Sep; 134(3):491-501.
Hashim PW, Patel A, Yang JF, Travieso R, Terner J, Losee JE, Pollack I, Jane J, Jane J, Kanev P, Mayes L, Duncan C, Bridgett DJ, Persing JA. PMID: 24804639.
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Brain electrophysiology reveals intact processing of speech sounds in deformational plagiocephaly. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Jun; 133(6):835e-841e.
Hashim PW, Travieso R, Persing JA, Coffman M, Mukerji C, Naples A, Tillman RM, Terner J, Landi N, Patel A, Steinbacher D, Mayes L, McPartland J. PMID: 24867743.
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Evaluation of cranial bone transport distraction with and without adipose grafting. J Craniofac Surg. 2014 May; 25(3):766-71.
Koch FP, Yuhasz MM, Travieso R, Wong K, Clune J, Zhuang ZW, Van Houten J, Steinbacher DM. PMID: 24820707.
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A range of malar and masseteric hypoplasia exists in Treacher Collins syndrome. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2013 Jan; 66(1):43-6.
Wong KR, Pfaff MJ, Chang CC, Travieso R, Steinbacher DM. PMID: 22917695.
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A range of condylar hypoplasia exists in Treacher Collins syndrome. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013 Feb; 71(2):393-7.
Travieso R, Chang CC, Terner JS, Beckett J, Wong K, Teng E, Steinbacher DM. PMID: 22766383.
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An analysis of mandibular volume in treacher collins syndrome. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 Apr; 129(4):751e-753e.
Terner JS, Travieso R, Chang C, Bartlett SP, Steinbacher DM. PMID: 22456407.
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On Bernard Sarnat's 100th birthday: pathology and management of craniosynostosis. J Craniofac Surg. 2012 Jan; 23(1):105-12.
Patel A, Terner J, Travieso R, Clune JE, Steinbacher D, Persing JA. PMID: 22337384.
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Combined metopic and sagittal craniosynostosis: is it worse than sagittal synostosis alone? Neurosurg Focus. 2011 Aug; 31(2):E2.
Terner JS, Travieso R, Lee SS, Forte AJ, Patel A, Persing JA. PMID: 21806341.
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