Howard Peter Greenwald, PhD

Title(s)Professor of Public Policy
SchoolUSC Sol Price School of Public Policy
AddressRGL 228
University Park Campus
Los Angeles CA 90089-0626
Phone+1 213 740 0397
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    Howard Greenwald, Ph.D., has research interests in public policy, health services, evaluation research, public opinion, and organizational management. He has served as director of USC’s Health Services Administration Program, chairman of the Western Network for Education in Health Administration, and commissioner on the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education. . He has made major contributions to research on health care delivery and socioeconomic disparities in health status and treatment outcomes. Recent books include The United States Health Care System: Organization, Management, and Policy (Jossey-Bass, 2010), Organizations: Management Without Control (Sage, 2008), and Health For All: Making Community Collaboration Work (Health Administration Press, 2003). His book, Who Survives Cancer? (University of California Press, 1992), reports the results of a ten-year survival study. Earlier work includes articles in Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (J-PART), Public Administration Review, Journal of the American Public Health Association, Milbankk Memorial Fund Quarterly, and a variety of medical journals. He has an extensive consulting practice in program evaluation, policing, and medical/legal issues.

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    NIH A19AH000344Jul 1, 1990 - Jun 30, 1991
    Role: Principal Investigator
    NIH A19AH000309Jul 1, 1989 - Jun 30, 1990
    Role: Principal Investigator
    NIH A19AH000275Jul 1, 1988 - Jun 30, 1989
    Role: Principal Investigator
    NIH A19AH000242Jul 1, 1987 - Jun 30, 1988
    Role: Principal Investigator
    NIH E10AH000030Sep 30, 1993
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator

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    Altmetrics Details PMC Citations indicate the number of times the publication was cited by articles in PubMed Central, and the Altmetric score represents citations in news articles and social media. (Note that publications are often cited in additional ways that are not shown here.) Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publication's journal and might not represent the specific topic of the publication. Translation tags are based on the publication type and the MeSH terms NLM assigns to the publication. Some publications (especially newer ones and publications not in PubMed) might not yet be assigned Field or Translation tags.) Click a Field or Translation tag to filter the publications.
    1. Farmers' Market Incentives for Low-Income Families: Who Uses, How Much, and Why. Am J Prev Med. 2022 06; 62(6):864-871. Greenwald HP, Tao E, Tilley G. PMID: 35597565.
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    2. Management challenges in British Columbia's healthcare system. J Health Organ Manag. 2017 Jun 19; 31(4):418-429. Greenwald HP. PMID: 28877623.
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    3. Food Insecurity and Food Resource Utilization in an Urban Immigrant Community. J Immigr Minor Health. 2017 02; 19(1):179-186. Greenwald HP, Zajfen V. PMID: 26691739.
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    4. Quality of life and disparities among long-term cervical cancer survivors. J Cancer Surviv. 2014 Sep; 8(3):419-26. Greenwald HP, McCorkle R, Baumgartner K, Gotay C, Neale AV. PMID: 24706363.
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    5. Policy-contribution assessment and field-building analysis of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Active Living Research Program. Am J Prev Med. 2009 Feb; 36(2 Suppl):S34-43. Ottoson JM, Green LW, Beery WL, Senter SK, Cahill CL, Pearson DC, Greenwald HP, Hamre R, Leviton L. PMID: 19147055.
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    6. Health status and adaptation among long-term cervical cancer survivors. Gynecol Oncol. 2008 Dec; 111(3):449-54. Greenwald HP, McCorkle R, Fennie K. PMID: 18835023.
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    7. Sexuality and sexual function in long-term survivors of cervical cancer. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2008 Jul-Aug; 17(6):955-63. Greenwald HP, McCorkle R. PMID: 18681816; PMCID: PMC2942787.
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    8. Involving local health departments in community health partnerships: evaluation results from the partnership for the public's health initiative. J Urban Health. 2008 Mar; 85(2):162-77. Cheadle A, Hsu C, Schwartz PM, Pearson D, Greenwald HP, Beery WL, Flores G, Casey MC. PMID: 18259870; PMCID: PMC2430113.
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    9. Remedies and life changes among invasive cervical cancer survivors. Urol Nurs. 2007 Feb; 27(1):47-53. Greenwald HP, McCorkle R. PMID: 17390927.
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    10. Cancer, the mind, and the problem of self-blame. Integr Cancer Ther. 2006 Jun; 5(2):122-30. Block KI, Dafter R, Greenwald HP. PMID: 16770861.
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    11. Youth development, community engagement, and reducing risk behavior. J Prim Prev. 2006 Jan; 27(1):3-25. Greenwald HP, Pearson D, Beery WL, Cheadle A. PMID: 16421653.
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    12. Factors related to depressive symptoms among long-term survivors of cervical cancer. Health Care Women Int. 2006 Jan; 27(1):45-58. McCorkle R, Tang ST, Greenwald H, Holcombe G, Lavery M. PMID: 16338739.
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    13. The California wellness foundation's Health Improvement Initiative: evaluation findings and lessons learned. Am J Health Promot. 2005 Mar-Apr; 19(4):286-96. Cheadle A, Senter S, Procello A, Pearson D, Nelson GD, Greenwald HP, Beery WL. PMID: 15768923.
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    14. The importance of public sector health care in an underserved population. J Health Hum Serv Adm. 2004; 27(2):142-57. Greenwald HP, O'Keefe S, Dicamillo M. PMID: 15962913.
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    15. Evaluating the California Wellness Foundation's Health Improvement Initiative: a logic model approach. Health Promot Pract. 2003 Apr; 4(2):146-56. Cheadle A, Beery WL, Greenwald HP, Nelson GD, Pearson D, Senter S. PMID: 14610984.
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    16. Putting a new face on managed care. Consumers need convincing about quality issues. Mark Health Serv. 2002; 22(1):14-9. Greenwald HP, Chen RJ, Johnston-Zamora M. PMID: 11881539.
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    17. Changing the health care system: a professional education program for Hispanic leaders in California. J Health Adm Educ. 2001; 19(2):221-37. Greenwald HP, DeVries RA, Dickstein DA. PMID: 11586659.
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    18. Minority recruitment and retention in dietetics: issues and interventions. J Am Diet Assoc. 2000 Aug; 100(8):961-6. Greenwald HP, Davis RA. PMID: 10955059.
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    19. Social factors, treatment, and survival in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer. Am J Public Health. 1998 Nov; 88(11):1681-4. Greenwald HP, Polissar NL, Borgatta EF, McCorkle R, Goodman G. PMID: 9807536; PMCID: PMC1508564.
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    20. Health care providers and violence: opportunities for action. HMO Pract. 1996 Dec; 10(4):166-70. Nudelman P, Beery WL, Greenwald HP, Hildebrandt KM, Mann DH. PMID: 10163831.
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    21. Managed care and public health: building a partnership. Public Health Nurs. 1996 Oct; 13(5):305-10. Beery WL, Greenwald HP, Nudelman PM. PMID: 8918170.
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    22. A modified health risk appraisal as a component of a senior health promotion program. HMO Pract. 1996 Jun; 10(2):91-4. Beery WL, Greenwald HP. PMID: 10158546.
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    23. Race, socioeconomic status and survival in three female cancers. Ethn Health. 1996 Mar; 1(1):65-75. Greenwald HP, Polissar NL, Dayal HH. PMID: 9395549.
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    24. Explaining reduced cancer survival among the disadvantaged. Milbank Q. 1996; 74(2):215-38. Greenwald HP, Borgatta EF, McCorkle R, Polissar N. PMID: 8632735.
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    25. Stop violence now. Hosp Health Netw. 1995 Jul 20; 69(14):62. Nudelman P, Beery WL, Hildebrandt KM, Greenwald HP. PMID: 7606272.
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    26. Detecting survival effects of socioeconomic status: problems in the use of aggregate measures. J Clin Epidemiol. 1994 Aug; 47(8):903-9. Greenwald HP, Polissar NL, Borgatta EF, McCorkle R. PMID: 7730894.
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    27. Managing diversity: the best for everyone. Front Health Serv Manage. 1994; 11(2):41-5. Greenwald HP. PMID: 10139137.
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    28. HMO membership, treatment, and mortality risk among prostatic cancer patients. Am J Public Health. 1992 Aug; 82(8):1099-104. Greenwald HP, Henke CJ. PMID: 1636829; PMCID: PMC1695757.
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    29. Interethnic differences in pain perception. Pain. 1991 Feb; 44(2):157-163. Greenwald HP. PMID: 2052381.
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    30. Work disability among cancer patients. Soc Sci Med. 1989; 29(11):1253-9. Greenwald HP, Dirks SJ, Borgatta EF, McCorkle R, Nevitt MC, Yelin EH. PMID: 2532788.
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    31. The prevalence of pain in four cancers. Cancer. 1987 Nov 15; 60(10):2563-9. Greenwald HP, Bonica JJ, Bergner M. PMID: 2444328.
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    32. The specificity of quality-of-life measures among the seriously ill. Med Care. 1987 Jul; 25(7):642-51. Greenwald HP. PMID: 3695667.
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    33. HMO membership, copayment, and initiation of care for cancer: a study of working adults. Am J Public Health. 1987 Apr; 77(4):461-6. Greenwald HP. PMID: 3826465; PMCID: PMC1646935.
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    34. Interspecialty variation in office-based care. Med Care. 1984 Jan; 22(1):14-29. Greenwald HP, Peterson ML, Garrison LP, Hart LG, Moscovice IS, Hall TL, Perrin EB. PMID: 6694458.
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    35. The structure and content of family practice: current status and future trends. J Fam Pract. 1982 Oct; 15(4):681-722. Rosenblatt RA, Cherkin DC, Schneeweiss R, Hart LG, Greenwald H, Kirkwood CR, Perkoff GT. PMID: 6811690.
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    36. Physician attitudes toward communication with cancer patients. Soc Sci Med. 1982; 16(5):591-4. Greenwald HP, Nevitt MC. PMID: 7100992.
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    37. Delay and noncompliance in cancer detection: a behavioral perspective for health planners. Milbank Mem Fund Q Health Soc. 1978; 56(2):212-30. Greenwald HP, Becker SW, Nevitt MC. PMID: 248636.
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