Annalisa Enrile is one of the few Filipina PhDs in social work, having chosen the field as a way to bring to light important social issues in the Filipino-American community, the fastest-growing Asian immigrant population. She frequently speaks out against sex trafficking, anti-militarization and exploitative migrant labor. A voice for equity and global justice, the clinical associate professor has been recognized as one of the 100 Most Influential Filipinas in the World (FWN Global 100) for her efforts to stop violence against women. She has worked with students, communities and academic partners to create social change through innovation and collaboration.
Enrile, who leads the Philippines immersion program at the school, developed the experiential learning opportunity as a more tangible means to study and chronicle human rights violations. Her goal is to help students understand how social work theory is put into practice on a global scale using hands-on skills that transfer to their work in the United States. Capstone projects involve the collaboration between students and Filipino grassroots organizations working to address pertinent social issues within the country through sustainable partnerships. Enrile uses these techniques of engagement in her teaching, developing and facilitating unique pedagogies for online and on-campus students.
Enrile is active in community organizations, including serving on several anti-trafficking task forces, and is on the board of the Mariposa Center for Change, an organization that serves women and children of color. She consults with organizations such as the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST), YWCA Greater Los Angeles, and Search to Involve Pilipino Americans (SIPA).
Enrile teaches in the school's Virtual Academic Center and City Center, and at the USC University Park Campus. Enrile currently serves as the chair of the Community Organization, Planning and Administration (COPA) Concentration, the co-chair of the foundation-year Human Behavior sequence, and the lead instructor of several courses.